WIP Updates

WIP Update 03

WIPUI’m still working on the outline for my adventure story. I think I’m pretty much done; I’m just not sure how much I want to share. I still haven’t settled on a title, but I have plenty of time for that.

Solomon’s Sword

The Redeeming Blade

The Land of Curses and Covenants

At this point, I’m done making alterations to Eternal Curse: Battleground. I’m going to read through it once more before sending it off for editing. With that being said, I have plenty to keep me busy with Eternal Curse: Covetous Angels. This story just keeps growing and developing in so many ways, but all in all everything is still lining up with the way I originally imagined the story ending. I guess I’ll just have to see how that holds up as I make my way through this third installment of the series…I’ll be slipping in tidbits about the second story building up to its release, which has no date at the moment.

As for It’s Like the Full Moon, all I can say it that it’s coming along.

Do you have a WIP update to share?

Character Files EC: GA Files EC: Giovanni's Angel

Character Files from the ToiBox 2: Bletsian ( an alter ego)- Stats


Bletsian-bkBasic Stats: Subject EC:GA 2- Bletsian

Full Name: Bletsian

Age: 200+

Sex: Male

Height: 7 feet from head to foot (other extremities not included in measurement)

Weight: 250 pounds

Origin: Possibly manifested from within Giovanni during puberty (suspected celestial being).

Language(s): English, antiquated Hebrew, Latin, and can learn any other Language he so chooses

Character Traits: cold hearted, but not evil; bold and honest speaker, very possessive and protective

Special Attributes: super human strength, night vision, wings (for flight), a warrior, super healing for self and others, almost invincible

Purpose In EC:GA: Unclear. He seems to be the ultimate hero Giovanni is incapable of being on his own.

WIP Updates

WIP Update 02

WIPUThinking too much can hurt your head. I don’t care what people say; it applies to everyone not just the dimwitted. I’ve been working so hard just to produce a few words and this weekly post is driving me crazy already, but…I’ve made some progress this week, even if it’s very small.

I’m still working out the details of the love triangle in It’s Like the Full Moon, but at least I was able to put down a thousand more words in the process.

I’ve added and removed some content from my Eternal Curse sequel, but I’m not altering the story. I’m just trying to clean up some of the redundancy and apply a few more details where needed.

As for the outline of my adventure story, that’s still coming along. At least I’ve started to toy with a few titles. Here’s what I have so far:

Solomon’s Sword

The Redeeming Blade

The Land of Curses and Covenants

Do you have a WIP update to share?