Character Files EC: GA Files EC: Giovanni's Angel

Character Files from the ToiBox 4: Mira- Stats

ECGA-MImage3Basic Stats: Subject EC:GA 4-Mira

Full Name: Dr. Mira Brown

Age: 30

Sex: Female

Height: 5 feet and 9 inches

Weight: 145 (slim but curvy)

Origin: Born in Africa and relocated to the U.S., but raised in the U.K., currently resides in Chicago, U.S.A.

Language(s): English

Character Traits: highly intelligent, determined, compassionate, honest, strong willed

Special Attributes: communicates well with others and knows how to get people to open up about their problems, very likable, expert at human biology and healing

Purpose In EC:GA: Serves as a catalyst for change and a possible love interest for Giovanni

Character Files EC: GA Files EC: Giovanni's Angel

Character Files from the ToiBox 3: Giovanni- Stats

ECGA-GGiovanni-bkBasic Stats: Subject EC: GA 3-Giovanni aka Gio

Full Name: Giovanni

Age: 200?

Sex: Male

Height: 6 feet six inches

Weight: 235 pounds

Origin: He was born of a human women of unknown origin somewhere in the New England area of the U.S. Information of the father is unknown.

Language(s): English

Character Traits: Soft spoken, short tempered, loyal, naïve, and strong willed.

Special Attributes: green thumb, empathy, protective, very intelligent, healer

Purpose In EC:GA: He is the hero that’s trying to find his way. All other character exist to either aid him or conflict with him.

Character Files EC: GA Files EC: Giovanni's Angel

Character Files from the ToiBox 2: Bletsian ( an alter ego)- Stats


Bletsian-bkBasic Stats: Subject EC:GA 2- Bletsian

Full Name: Bletsian

Age: 200+

Sex: Male

Height: 7 feet from head to foot (other extremities not included in measurement)

Weight: 250 pounds

Origin: Possibly manifested from within Giovanni during puberty (suspected celestial being).

Language(s): English, antiquated Hebrew, Latin, and can learn any other Language he so chooses

Character Traits: cold hearted, but not evil; bold and honest speaker, very possessive and protective

Special Attributes: super human strength, night vision, wings (for flight), a warrior, super healing for self and others, almost invincible

Purpose In EC:GA: Unclear. He seems to be the ultimate hero Giovanni is incapable of being on his own.