Full Moon Sample Sundays

Sample Sunday 34


Here is approximately 100 – 150 words from a randomly selected original piece for your enjoyment. These samples can include excerpts from my all my WIPs and my Eternal Curse Series, but only as works in progress (not the final products). These samples of published and unpublished works are protected under the U.S. Copyright agreement.

It’s Like the Full Moon chapter 3.2 (wip)

“Why not,” said Paul. “Take me for instance, I stopped drinking like a fish once I became old enough to do it legally and now I only drink socially, but I got pretty pissed in my time.”

“In your time,” snickered Rebecca slightly placing her hand over her mouth just touching her bottom lip with her index finger. “You couldn’t possibly be old enough to be talking about ‘in your time.’”

Paul tilted his head slightly adoring Rebecca’s delicate gestures with her hands before responding to her comment. “Just how old do you think I am?” he asked seriously.

“Young,” replied Rebecca simply.

“I’m twenty-two for the time being, but I have a birthday in two weeks if that suites you better,” Paul stated firmly.

“Twenty-two, oh my. Are you still in school?” asked Rebecca.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords


#IWSG February 2014: Blog Hop


Created and hosted by the Ninja himself, Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writers Support Group posts the 1st Wednesday of every month. Click the image to learn more or sign up.


I’m trying something new, well, new to me anyway. I’ve participated in so many blog hops, but have never done one of my own. I think deep down I’m just avoiding the fact that I need to do more to promote my book and I just don’t feel like it. Sometimes it’s hard trying to sell something I love so much that I almost want to give it away just so I know people have it…

But enough about that, back to my endeavor to host a blog hop. I’m very nervous about this and hope I’m able to get a few participants (oh, there go my insecurities). After receiving some interesting insights about the romantic tension in my book (the one I haven’t been promoting enough), I started thinking about the nature of wooing. How does someone get someone else to fall for them or vice versa? Aside from flexing muscles and batting eyelashes, there have to be actual acts and jesters that just really turn people on. Some are probably universal, but some must be more specific; I want to know them all.

So, I give you, How do you Woo? Blogfest! (It’s a title people. Stop overthinking the grammar.)


Love is in the air and it’s time to share, Wednesday, February 12th.

Tell a story, give examples, share an experience…how do you romance the one you care about or vice versa? In 500 words or less, teach us, entice us, and get us thinking all while keeping it, at least, PG-13. 😉

All are welcomed to participate. Please feel free to promote any contests, giveaways, or works you wish, but please post content ratings if your selections are a little more than simply adult. Feel free to use the image I’ve included here or come up with one of your own, but please use the Linky posted below to participate and use the hashtag, #howdoyouwoo, in promotions.

Aside from what I’ll be sharing in my post, I’ll also be offering a giveaway: a box of Ferrero Rocher®. There will be no liking, following, tweeting, etc… involved; all you have to do is leave me a comment about wooing. The winner will be drawn at random and announced on Friday, February 14th (HappyValentine’s Day).

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Please click here to join in and be a part of this romantic blog hop.


All in all, I guess you could say that I’ve completely ignored my insecurities this month and have replaced them with practical deeds. Who knows, I may find a way between now and then to involve this hop in my weak book promoting efforts. Next month, hopefully I’ll be more on the ball and actually have something worthwhile to share; perhaps words of encouragement, a tale of progress, or even something more heartfelt…We’ll just have to see.

Be sure to stop by, visit, and thank our host as well as this month’s co-hosts: Sheena-kay Graham, Julie Musil, Jamie Ayres, and Mike Swift!


Click here to visit other IWSG blogs and sites to receive and share inspiration and support (this month, I’m #234).

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

Full Moon Sample Sundays

Sample Sunday 31


Here is approximately 100 – 150 words from a randomly selected original piece for your enjoyment. These samples can include excerpts from my all my WIPs and my Eternal Curse Series, but only as works in progress (not the final products). These samples of published and unpublished works are protected under the U.S. Copyright agreement.

It’s Like the Full Moon chapter 3.1 (wip)

It didn’t take long for Lisa to latch on to a beverage provider. He was a nice enough looking fellow, obviously younger than her, but old enough to pay for the drinks. Not wanting to spoil Lisa’s fun, but in no mood to drink heavily, Rebecca simply nursed a wine cooler and glass of water as she nibbled on cherries and lemon wedges. Rebecca sat across from Lisa and her latest conquest and watched as they swapped clumsy kisses until Lisa finally stood up and shouted, “Let’s dance!” She grabbed her shy male pet with one hand and Rebecca with the other and led them out to the center of the dance floor. Though hesitant to start, Rebecca quickly loosened up and began to dance. She swayed her hips and curved her arms moved in ways she hadn’t since college. Rebecca closed her eyes and became enthralled with the rhythm of the music and finally dropped her guard and truly had fun.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords