Character Files EC: GA Files EC: Giovanni's Angel

Character Files from the ToiBox 4: Mira- Stats

ECGA-MImage3Basic Stats: Subject EC:GA 4-Mira

Full Name: Dr. Mira Brown

Age: 30

Sex: Female

Height: 5 feet and 9 inches

Weight: 145 (slim but curvy)

Origin: Born in Africa and relocated to the U.S., but raised in the U.K., currently resides in Chicago, U.S.A.

Language(s): English

Character Traits: highly intelligent, determined, compassionate, honest, strong willed

Special Attributes: communicates well with others and knows how to get people to open up about their problems, very likable, expert at human biology and healing

Purpose In EC:GA: Serves as a catalyst for change and a possible love interest for Giovanni

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Full Moon WIP Updates

WIP Update 04

WIPUHave you ever been working out a plot twist just to find yourself developing an entirely different scheme than the one you set out to? My current wip, It’s Like the Full Moon, has really begun to take on a mind of it own. I thought I knew where I wanted these characters to go and how I wanted the story to end, but I just wrote in a completely new character that I’d never thought of.

Right now Rebecca is cuaght between the choas of her family, the drama of her best friend, and the affection of two different men…now Alex (maybe) has  stepped on the scene. While writing a party scene for Rebecca and one of her current love interests, I somehow managed to introduce a long lost boyfriend from her youth. If that wasn’t enough, he comes along with his own set of uniquie baggage to add more flame to this romantic fire.

I swear, I really don’t know what’s going to happen next.

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Author Insights

Author Insights 04

authorinsightWell is been a while since I’ve just made a statement, but I feel that now is the time.

I love to write, I enjoying posting to my blogs, and I like social networking, but these things are quite difficult to do when you’re sick all the time. Even though I fight to get over my ailments, sometimes they get the better of me. I will make every effort I can to be as consistent as possible with this blog, but don’t be too surprised if I go M.I.A. again.

I promise, I will always come back and start just where I left off.

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