
Review: Embrace

Embrace (The Gryphon Series, book 2) by Stacey Rourke

I give this book a 5.


This second installment of the Gryphon Series was so good; I’m still kicking myself for taking so long to finish it and even longer to review it. I had to go back and refresh myself on the story because so much time had passed, but life happens and things don’t always work out the way you want, something the heroine of this story knows all too well.

Celeste is busy going to school, working a job, training and fighting demons, and being a loving family member. So why would romance even be on her mind? Maybe because she purred at a guy, yea. The underworld has a new leader and a new battle is starting. In the midst of this, apparently, romance is in the air and not just with her…Oh and she has a whole new set of powers that are driving her crazy as well as new “friends” to help or hurt her cause.

I like that this book started right where the other ended and didn’t waste a lot of time trying to catch the reader up on what happened in the first book. I get the feeling, however, that even if I hadn’t read the first book, I would still have been entertained by this one.  I like the Garret family more and more. Even with all their powers, they are still just an average family doing the best they can, but the battle with evil is beginning to take its toll in this tight-knit group. The punches, the laughs, and the tears keep on rolling in this series. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

See my review of book 1 in this series: The Conduit.

This review has been posted to GoodReads.

If you’d like to obtain a copy of this book, try this link.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

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Character Files EC: B Files EC: Battleground

Character Files from the ToiBox 25: Michael- Bio


nomaleBiography:  Subject EC:B 5-Michael

Michael is just another human struggling to understand this world of mixed species and supernatural powers, but it all means a little more to him. Michael is the grandson of Leo and grows up to take on his responsibility of looking after the estate and finances of the late Abraham’s beneficiary.

Michael is born and raised in Whittletown and spends much of life tip-toeing the line of two worlds much like Tori does. The main difference between Michael and Tori’s experience growing up, is that Tori is actually apart of dual world while Michael can only see and experience bits and pieces of the world Tori lives in.

It doesn’t take long to learn that Michael adores Tori from a very early age, but she’s young and has so much more on her mind. There is a brief time in their collective youth when Michael, Tori, and Sheldon are able to be great friends and a comfort to one another as they all learn their places in this dual existence.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

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Mira's Closet

Mira’s Closet: 9/2/13 : Cultural

MClosetMira’s no fashionista, but she definitely has her own sense of style…
And now here’s an update on just that.

First an observation: Fashion is much more cultural then I realized. People all over the world are being influenced by others through the World Wide Web, but some traditions just never seem to fade away and I like it (most of the time). Not all stereotypes are bad, some are simply representative of a culture. Not all women in the “south” of the plains region of the U.S. have big hair, but a lot of them do. Not all black women (African American, if you care to be P.C.) wear big hoop earrings, but a lot do. I personally adore my hoop earrings (of a modest size). Everyday fashion becomes more and more an artistic expression of one ‘s personality, culture, and out look on life. I love it.

Now here are some style tips from


my own personal fashion guru, trainer, and my physical inspiration for Mira.

From the Daily Dish 8-26-13 comfort, denim, accessorizing
images provided by Tori Jones

For more on style and fashion check out:

Celebrity Trends at WhoWhatWear:

Fashion Medley: (content advisory)

A Beautiful Mess:

My Style Pinboard:

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

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