WIP Updates

WIP Update 06


As promised, here’s what’s happening with Solomon’s Swords.

So when I originally got the idea to start this story, I was thinking that it would be a simple mini-epic fantasy adventure, but now- who knows? I just keep coming up with all these twists and plotlines and backstories.

First, I’m no pushover. I’ve had some pretty good back stories for my other characters and books, especially my Eternal Curse Series, but have always been able to weed out the best and most important parts to keep for the story, while using the rest as build up material on my blogs or in marketing. The problem I’m having now is that most of the back stories I’m coming up with are so good that I feel that they must be told along with the rest of the story.

Second, I know a waste of words when I see it and I write it. I know that sometimes books are extending solely for the purpose of producing or selling more units, but I’ve never felt a need to break up a story for that reason. At this point, I think this story might be becoming so much more that I originally anticipated. This could possibly be another series for me, but I still trying to launch my first series.

Lastly, I’ve literally written two chapters of this story that don’t even mention the characters from the original conceptual idea. I know how this new material will eventually line up with those original ideas, but I am at a loss trying to figure out why I can’t develop my original ideas more without developing these new ideas first. I’ve always been able to work on story ideas in a categorical manner, but I’ve never been bound by chronology. With this story, I can’t seem to move forward with developing the back story first and then moving on.

Ok, so enough babble about my creative difficulties, here’s what’s going on with the story.

Solomon, the sword maker, is now the descendent of an illegitimate king who just so happens to have been pure of heart, unlike other kings of his time…but that’s only the beginning.

I have now developed the world in which this story will take place. There are 5 true kingdoms, 1 false kingdom, and a desert. There are also some differences in how days, years, and seasons are experienced in this world, but there’s nothing reminiscent to the world of Game of Thrones here.  The world of my six kingdoms is called Plenar to which I have an overcomplicated meaning for. Please ignore my bad grammar. Right now, I’m writing the way to talk when I fell anxious and excited.

Also, I’ve developed the legend of a philandering Prince which will be the centerpiece of the conflict that later arises. There is now a mysterious meteor shower, a civil war, and of course a curse that only be broken with the proper use of Solomon’s Sword.

Don’t get too excited. 90% of this is still in outline form, but like I said I do have two first draft chapters and so much more to do.

Next, month I hope to be able give some more details and revisit: It’s Like the Full Moon, The Eternal Curse Series, and Unexplainable.

Feeling a little lost about what’s going on in this post? Just see the side panel and search My Topics, WIP Updates, to get all caught up. Also check my WIP tab to see what else I may be working on.

Do you have a WIP update to share?

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

Fiction Author

Tina Frisco Interview

toiboxinterviewThe Eternal Curse Series Blog Presents an interview with author: Tina Frisco.

So tell me, who is Tina Frisco?

image provided by author

I’m an author, singer-songwriter-performer, RN, shaman apprentice, and activist.  I was born in the USA in Pennsylvania, attended nursing school in New York, and live in California.  I began writing as a child and received my first guitar at age 14, which launched my passion for music and song-writing.  I’ve performed publicly in many local venues.  My publishing history includes book reviews, essays, articles in the field of medicine, and my début novel – Plateau: Beyond the Trees, Beyond 2012 – published in July 2012.  Included in my pursuits are writing, reading, music, and exploring nature.

Well you sound like quite the Renaissance woman. I can tell already, that this is going to be a fun interview.

The underlying message in Plateau: Beyond the Trees, Beyond 2012 is that we must keep our hearts open and act from love instead of react from fear, and we must practice gratitude and compassion within every moment and with every breath. In so doing, we’ll help elevate the human species to a higher consciousness, facilitating both personal and global peace. And above all, we must harm none and walk in beauty. During this time of great change, the question millions are asking across the globe is “Will love prevail over fear?” Plateau proffers a dash of insight and a bounty of hope. (See a 5 star review of this book by Nancy E. Robertson)

I really like the message of this book. It sounds very inspirational. I too like to envelop my books with a sense of hope. I really like the cover of this book. It has such a wonderful use of colors.

So who’s starring is this 2 dimensional script read of Plateau?

W’Hyani, the protagonist in Plateau, is ​a 15-year-old tribal female who discovers her strengths and destiny by overcoming adversity while honoring the wisdom of her elders. Her will, fortitude, and ingenuity are tested ​relentlessly​​. She must learn to trust blindly and overcome fear exhaustively, without fully knowing why she was born the Keeper of the Crystal Heart, the requisite key to the Great Mosaic of Life. She ultimately comes face-to-face with herself in a battle that would shrink the will of the most intrepid warrior, unaware that ​realizing her destiny will irrevocably impact all beings on earth and beyond. The Great Mosaic of Life holds a message of hope that would allow us to see and live beyond the year 2012. W’Hyani’s people inject humor and wisdom throughout this tale of adventure and mystery.

Wow, I was not expecting this character description after seeing the cover, but it really seems to fit. I like that your heroine is a tribal girl. I think it sounds very exotic, but have a feeling that it will be pleasantly down to earth.

Past, present, future, is there a rhyme or reason to your writing?

I’ve written many songs and performed in many local venues. When writing my books, I work at my computer and allow my thoughts to flow. I don’t create a story outline beforehand, but jot down ideas for future chapters that occur to me while I’m writing. I’m totally focused on writing and allow no distractions. The dictionary, thesaurus, and Gregg Reference Manual are my constant companions during this process. I’m currently working on a sequel to Plateau, as well as a series of children’s books.

I admire your talents and the determination in which you pursue them. You seem to be very focused and organized. I admire the fact that you use a reference manual, they are so helpful; everyone needs a little help with their writing sometimes.

What author(s) has most influenced your writing? Why or how?

Lynn Andrews has inspired me the most. Her willingness to write about her spiritual growth in a detailed and personal way profoundly encouraged my writing. (See a review of Andrews’s Coming Full Circle by Tina Frisco)

I must admit that I’m not very familiar with Lynn Andrew’s work, though I have heard of her book Medicine Woman before. She seems like a very dynamic personality. If she has the insight and experience to help you on your writing journey, I’m glad you were able to find her work and connect with it.

Whose brain are you just itching to scratch?

I’d love to interview Albert Einstein. Not only was he a brilliant scientist, but he was also an inspiring philosopher with a wonderful sense of humor!

I agree. A man who was told he was dumb as child and then grows up to show the world something it had never seen before, definitely sounds like he’d have something interesting say.

I would say I relate to Lonesome Star, the protagonist in Woman Chief, by Benjamin Capps. I find her to be particularly inspiring. The novel is based on the true story of a Crow woman who rose to the rank of Chief despite her gender. She was unrivaled as a hunter-warrior within her tribe, rejecting the traditional duties of women. Females – especially girls – in our modern society could learn a lot from her.

How very empowering she sounds and so does the book. This is one I’m adding to me TBR list right now.

What’s your ideal reading spot for your next highly anticipated read?

My ideal reading spot is my rocker chair with footstool, within a quiet environment and a cup of tea at my side. I’m about to read the paperback book, Adela, by Mary Nicol Jones. I’m eager to read Mary’s book for two reasons: 1) she’s a neighbor, and 2) it encompasses the theme of overcoming adversity with a tenacious and determined spirit.

That’s cool that you live close to another author and that you guys are friends. I’ve seen the cover of her book. It looks quite peaceful, but I guess that’s why they say don’t judge a book by its cover. An overcoming adversity story has to stir you up a little bit…Oh, and your reading spot sounds cozy.

The Last of the Mohicans was my favorite book in elementary school.  I love reading fiction about indigenous peoples that contains historical references.

I can see you have a great love for the life, history, and ways of indigenous peoples. I can understand why you like this book and can understand it leaving a lasting impression on you…

To see more of this interview, visit the Eternal Curse Series Blog. For more information about this author, Tina Frisco, please visit the links below.

Today, Tina has been so gracious as to offer Plateau for FREE on Please stop by and download your free copy.

Website & Blog: Tina Frisco: Writing With Hope and Gratitude

GoodReads: Tina Frisco

Facebook: Plateau – A Novel of Adventure and Hope Beyond 2012

LinkedIn: Tina Frisco

Purchase links for Plateau: Smashwords, Amazon, Barnes & Noble & Nook

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

Author Insights

Things are coming together.

I’m ready and just waiting for the perfect moment to jump back into my weekly blogging habit. There has been so much going on am I’m ready share. Soon I’ll be launching a new blog schedule and format, expected to begin on Sunday June 30, 2013. Hopefully by then I’ll have obtained some long awaited information that I just can’t wait to share with you.

This is an unofficial Author Insights post.