Author Insights Full Moon

Meet Glorie Townson: a pen name or alter ego? #author #reader

Hello there dear friends, fans, geeks, and more. Today I’m making a pretty big announcement, at least it’s big in the realm of The ToiBox of Words. As many of you have figured out, most of my writing leans towards the speculative. I write quite a bit in the genres of paranormal, fantasy, and sci-fi while sprinkling in bit of romance and even faith. In keeping true to my passions and interests I’ve decided to implement the use of a pen name.

Now, obviously this pen name is not meant to be a secret, otherwise, why announce it to the world. The purpose of this pen or alter ego is three-fold. 1. It will allow me to easily distinguish my works and categorize them for fans of particular genres, freeing me to explore and try new things. 2. The use of a pen may help with getting my foot into doors I’ve never entered before because of the genres I’ve written in the past. 3. I’ve always liked the name Glorie and don’t currently have a story in mind for it, so why not get some good use out it.

So in case you missed it, Glorie Townson will be the new pen name for any works I publish in the future that do not fall in the categories of paranormal, fantasy, or sci-fi. In time I’ll create images and a complete separate online presence for Glorie, but for now, she’s simply getting a tab of her own.

The first book I intend to publish under the Glorie Townson pen will be the contemporary romance I’ve been talking about for ages and haven’t released yet, It’s Like the Full Moon. Let me stress the word “yet”, cause believe me when say, it’s coming.

This is an unofficial Author Insights post.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords


Day 10- Alias: What’s in a Name? #write31days 2014



Term of the day: alias: false name meant to conceal one’s identity.


This definition sounds a bit sinister, but at its core, an alias is meant to be somewhat secretive. Special/secret agents use aliases to hide their true identity, not because they don’t want people to know who they are, but because they want to protect the life and or families they have when they’re not working. Unfortunately this goes both ways. Many people do use aliases to carry out misdeeds or to elude the authorities. Sometimes, however, alias are simply practical. When you “wear many hats” you are often given titles to account for each job you do; alias can serve a similar purpose. (Titles will be discussed another day.)

For authors, the sacred pen name, replaces the alias. Authors use pens name for many reasons, both sinister and not. However, the most practical reason to use a pen name is to distinguish differences in the works of one author. Maybe author Sara P. Frosten has written children’s books her whole life, but when she decides to dabble in YA fiction she uses the name S. Prim, Frost so as not to confuse or lose any of her fans. That seems pretty practical to me.

Name of the day: Esset.

Breakdown and meaning:

Esset is a name I made up, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a meaning for it. Since I speak English, my focus when coming up with the name was on English influences and origins. However, it seems as though “esset” is some form of conjugation for the German word “essen”, of which I have no understanding or meaning.

Luckily when I came up with this name I hadn’t done all my research and was blissfully ignorant of the German connection. Esset is an almost non-existent character in my Eternal Curse Series, but her impact is strong and vital to the story. I wanted the name of this character to reflect her great worth. In my search to define “something of value or worth” the word “asset” gleamed across my computer. As with many names derived from everyday words, I substituted an ‘e’ for the ‘a’ and had the name I so desired.

Well, that’s it for Day 10. See you tomorrow.


Go back to the beginning to see all the posts in this series.

Outside of my own personal search throughout the years, basic meanings and definitions of the terms used here can be found at the following websites:, Google search, and

Learn more here.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords