About Toi Other

Happy 2nd Blog Anniversary! – An Interview, Part 3

anniversayGreetings readers, bloggers, geeks, and authors. It’s my anniversary and I thought I’d interview myself and share it with you. I’ve come a long way as a writer, blogger, reviewer, and interviewer and I’d thought it would be nice to share some of the things I’ve learned and tell you a little about myself, in case you don’t already know. Today’s the day; it’s official!


So what do I have to share today?

c2a7b-nocoverWhile I’m constantly trying to promote my shorts (40 Days and Nights of Eternal Curse, The Legend of the Boy, and Unexplained), my first novel Eternal Curse, and my blog, I realize that I can’t stop there. I’m currently working to release my second novel, a contemporary romance completely independent of my Eternal Curse Series, entitled It’s Like the Full Moon. I’m also working on the sequel to Eternal Curse and another fantasy novel independent of that series. I’m really hoping to have something else released by the end of 2014 or at least at the beginning of 2015.

So here’s who’s starring is my 2 dimensional script read of
It’s Like the Full Moon:

nofemaleThere are four main characters and a whole bunch of other characters that are worth mentioning, but I will stick to the main four.

The protagonist of this book is Rebecca. Rebecca has just turned thirty and is living a comfortably boring life, and will probably marry her longtime boyfriend Virgil, if he ever asks her. Luckily for her, Rebecca has friends and family who aren’t so content with the current state of her life.

Teddy is Rebecca’s handsome and fun-loving younger brother. He’s recently passed the Bar and will be graduating with a degree in business and law. Teddy has many interests outside of law and the great outdoors is just one of them.

Lisa is Rebecca’s almost perfect opposite and also her best friend in the whole world. She’s a successful business woman who travels the world, but never forgets about the people she leaves behind.nomale

And then there’s Paul. He’s new to this trio of friend/siblings, but he’ll fit right in. A recent graduate with a degree in journalism and working as a freelance writer, Paul has his whole life ahead of him, but these three people are about to shake up his future.

What’s so special about this story that’s going to reel in the readers?


This story is simple and sweet, but also complicated…Wait, does that even make sense?

I’ve tried to pretend that I don’t care much for drama, but what I realize now is that I like certain kinds of drama. This story, It’s Like the Full Moon, will be my debut into the world of what I call “sweet drama”.  This story isn’t going to pull in those readers who crave infidelity, substance abuse, black market deals, and divas behaving badly, but it does have something for a different crowd.

This is a relationship book that tells a story instead of trying to teach a lesson. There’s a character whose been let down by a negligent father. There’s a character who’s lost his/her mother at very young age. There are characters who constantly make bad romantic decisions because looks are so hard to ignore, and there’s a love triangle, but it’s not what you’d image.

I admit and proclaim from the mountain tops that this story has been inspired by the films “Moon Struck”, “How to Make an American Quilt” and “A room with a View”, but this is something else altogether different at the end of the day.

Past, present, future, is there a rhyme or reason to my writing?

I overthink things all the time. In some cases that really helps my writing process, but if I didn’t work on organization and time management, I’d never get anything done.

I’m an outliner. When I get an idea I write it down. I don’t believe in writer’s block. When I get stumped on one idea, I open up my vault of ideas and work on something else. I always eventually come back to the other thing I was stumped on.

Back to outlining; nothing that I write is spontaneous. The ideas may come to me like lightning, but the stories are developed from beginning to end through the development of outlines, timeline, and charts. I’m flexible on changes as the story develops, but I always know ahead of time, what I want the outcome to be. In the few rare instances where I don’t know the ending, I at least know every detail leading up to that point when a decision finally has to be made.

The development and writing process is a thrill, it’s everything that comes after that that becomes a chore, but I won’t bore you with all that right now.

What author(s) has most influenced my writing? Why or how?

I am influence by everything around me: blogs, movies, music, art, life. Every book I’ve ever read has left some kind of impact on my way, methods, and motives for writing. J.M. Barrie inspired me to want to create worlds and adventures when he made me fall in love with Peter Pan and Neverland, but he’s not my only inspiration. Unfortunately there are just too many to mention them all. I do however find that reading from modern, up-and-coming authors, as well as, those who are already established, is a good way to keep your skills sharp. That’s not to say that there isn’t still loads to learn from authors who’ve made their marks and have now passed on.

While everything I read is a potential learning experience, I find that when I let go and read for pleasure, I am more motivated to create and determined to be professional and accurate. Right now I’m enjoying the works of Stacey Rourke, Alex J, Cavanagh, Neil Gaiman, and George Mann.


Okay readers, bloggers, geeks, and authors, that’s all for today…unless you have a question you’d like to ask me. 😉

Thank you for sticking with me these past two years. Don’t forget to come back tomorrow for part four of this interview and hopefully enjoy some more of my insights.

This has been a


Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

About Toi Other

Happy 2nd Blog Anniversary! – An Interview, Part 2

anniversayGreetings readers, bloggers, geeks, and authors. It’s my anniversary and I thought I’d interview myself and share it with you. I’ve come a long way as a writer, blogger, reviewer, and interviewer and I’d thought it would be nice to share some of the things I’ve learned and tell you a little about myself, in case you don’t already know.


What inspired me to travel to the land of The ToiBox of Words?

I had played around with blogging for two years before I thought of starting The ToiBox of Words. Up to that point all my blogging efforts were focused on writing and promoting my first novel, Eternal Curse. At some point it hit me that I had so much more to offer than simply obsessing over my first book. I wanted to be able to connect with people, especially others in the book industry, and I wanted an opportunity to show people that I’m a real person, not just a writer trying to sell them a story they may or may not want to read.

So what would I say is this blog’s content rating?

I consider myself to be much more diverse and flexible than I actually allow my blog to be, and in all actuality, I’d like to think that The ToiBox of Words is pretty diverse. However, I won’t pretend that I don’t set limitations. I cater to an adult audience, but I know that my nephews, nieces, and their friends may stumble upon my blog at random intervals. For that reason I do not allow my content to reach beyond a teen appropriate level. For the most part, my blog content is PG, but because I am catering to adults, some of the themes can be mature.

Overall, how would I say I roll with all the punches of blogging?


Blogging by itself can be a passion, an obsession, a job, or a way to escape. For me it’s all these things. It’s also just another form of social media so I have a love-hate relationship with it. Blogging consumes my time and my mind. Without it I feel lost, useless, and out of touch. With it I feel overwhelmed, inadequate, and sometimes invisible as a lone speck in the vast blogosphere. But…The ToiBox of Words has become my home on the web and I feel safe here.

Any comments on blog comments?

I get the feeling that most bloggers want comments, but fear what they’re going to get. I’m no different. It makes my day when I get a comment and it’s something positive, but I’m always wary that it’ll be something negative.  So far I’ve been pleased to either not get comments or receive very nice ones. I don’t stress over a lack of interaction because I know people are busy, and I know sometimes I want to leave comments and don’t because I’m just so busy. In any case, I do welcome comments, nice or negative.

They say everyone’s a critic, how about me?

I thoroughly enjoy talking about a movie I’ve just seen, a book I’ve just read, or an album I’ve just heard, but I’m still figuring out this whole reviewing thing. I don’t read as much as I’d like, but I’ve started to set aside time just for that. My next step will be to set aside time to review what I’ve read. I’m so bad with reviews. I do them, but it’s usually months after I’ve read the book. I’m not an overly critical reviewer simply because there are more than enough of those out there already. I am however honest. I even realize that while I may not like certain things, I try to keep an open mind to the possibilities that others will.

When I do a review, I do so because I either want to support an author’s work or because I want to share my experience. I do my best to keep pressure and animosity away from my review experience by not reviewing books I have no interest in. I hope to try doing movie and music reviews down the road.


Okay readers, bloggers, geeks, and authors, that’s all for today…unless you have a question you’d like to ask me. 😉

Thank you for sticking with me these past two years. Don’t forget to come back tomorrow for part three of this interview and hopefully enjoy some more of my insights.

This has been a


Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

About Toi Other

Happy 2nd Blog Anniversary! – An Interview, Part 1

anniversayGreetings readers, bloggers, geeks, and authors. It’s my anniversary and I thought I’d interview myself and share it with you. I’ve come a long way as a writer, blogger, reviewer, and interviewer and I’d thought it would be nice to share some of the things I’ve learned and tell you a little about myself, in case you don’t already know.


So just who is Toi Thomas?
2014-04-01 14.12.12
I’m a devoted wife who works as a teacher’s assistant. My family is very important to me even though I don’t always spend a lot of time with them.

I believe in world harmony even if most people can’t seem to grasp the concept. While I do enjoy great conversations, crowds are not my thing.

I entertain myself by reading, watching movies, listening to vinyl records, cooking, collecting actions figures, and blogging.

I adore most animals, enjoying dancing, can’t live without tea, chocolate, or ice cream, and have been known to over indulge in geek culture from time to time, but more on that later.

Who is so me and why?


In my younger days, I was often told that I look liked several black entertainers, from Nia Long to Janet Jackson, but I know for a fact that I look like my mother.

When it comes to personality, how well you know me makes a difference. I’m an introvert so am not always understood by the crowd. I don’t mind that at one point I was referred to as black Daria; I like Daria.  –

In terms of writing, after using the site, I write like, I found that my writing style might resemble that of either Dan Brown or James Fenimore Cooper, but I think there’s a flaw here. 😉

What was my favorite book or story, pre-teen years?


This is an easy one. While I adore most of the classic children’s tales such as the stories of OZ, Wonderland, Narnia, and more, it was the tales of Neverland that really struck a chord with me. I can remember checking out the same two or three books from the library every time we’d go. As I got older I looked for tales of Neverland on the small and big screens. Even to this day, I sometimes feel like a little lost boy on the inside.

What makes me geek out?

For anyone who doesn’t know the answer to this question, you must indeed be new to this blog. Have no fear, I will share, but first some ramblings.

Did you know that I do a monthly post called My Geekdom? There are so many things that fuel my geekness that I have to talk about them at least once a month. I also have five+ pinboards on Pinterest dedicated to geek themes and culture, and I follow many blogs based on their geek factor.

But enough of that…what really does it for me after: Betty Boop, Muppets, Peanuts, Marvel, and more? It all boils down to Batman…because he’s BATMAN!

In terms of interviews, whose brain am I just itching to scratch?

I love that fact that I’ve built a home on the web that’s inviting to authors, and soon to be other members of the book industry, because I really do enjoy getting to know other people who share my passion for writing and reading. I do hope to someday have a chance to interview some my favorite authors, but I don’t know that’s it’s an urge tugging at my brain at the moment.

I’m kicking myself for not giving my interview bucket list more considerable thought before this moment. I could name so many musicians, directors, authors, actors, and more in the field of entertainment, and even a few political figures, that I’d love to be able to sit down with and just ask questions until they walked away from me, but there’s no one brain I’m currently itching to scratch. I would however love to find the answers to questions such as “Why do people to the things they do?” and other philosophical ideas such as this.


Okay readers, bloggers, geeks, and authors, that’s all for today…unless you have a question you’d like to ask me. 😉

Thank you for sticking with me these past two years. Don’t forget to come back tomorrow for part two of this interview and hopefully enjoy some more of my insights.

This has been a


Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords