Full Moon Sample Sundays

Sample Sunday 82: FULL MOON


Here is approximately 100 – 150 words from a randomly selected original piece for your enjoyment. These samples can include excerpts from my all my WIPs and my Eternal Curse Series, but only as works in progress (not the final products). These samples of published and unpublished works are protected under the U.S. Copyright agreement.

It’s Like the Full Moon- chapter 7.1 (wip)

“Oh please stay,” she said wiping tears from her face. “I know Teddy and Rebecca would love to have you here. They’re both so fund of you.” Virgil looked up momentarily, he wondered what Lisa meant by that last comment. He’d never seen or heard of this guy before. Why was he there; this should be a time for family, he thought. Little by little over the next couple of hours more family and close friends showed up to give their support. The crowd had to be moved to a waiting room down the hall. Somehow, Lisa became the designated message taker; her phone was flooded with calls from people wanting to know updates. Eventually, even Mr. Thornton showed up. He had his nurse get him a taxi. He came in and sat next to Lisa as she took her calls. He held her purse and her coffee and even her hand when she needed it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

Full Moon Sample Sundays

Sample Sunday 79: FULL MOON


Here is approximately 100 – 150 words from a randomly selected original piece for your enjoyment. These samples can include excerpts from my all my WIPs and my Eternal Curse Series, but only as works in progress (not the final products). These samples of published and unpublished works are protected under the U.S. Copyright agreement.

It’s Like the Full Moon- chapter 7.0 (wip)

“Oh come on Mr. T, you know we’re buds. You don’t have to play it off just because Paul’s coming home,” said Teddy standing up and spinning around. “There’s enough of me to be shared by all.”

“I hate to wonder what calamity is going on between the two of you now,” said Paul as he walked up behind Teddy. Teddy turned, picked Paul up, and spun him around in circles.

“Dude, how was Cancun?” shouted Teddy giving no concern to the hundreds of people he’d just startled at four o’clock in the morning.

“It was fine, Teddy really. We’ll talk about it later,” he said walking over to his dad to help him up out of his seat. “Dad you didn’t have to come all the way out here just to pick me up?”

“I know I didn’t, but I figured as long I can, I should,” he said giving his son a big bear hug.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords


Review: Call of the Herald

Call of the Herald by Brian Rathbone

I give this book a 4.


I have no idea how I originally got a copy of this book. I literally found a copy of it on my laptop and then downloaded it onto my Kindle. Later I looked it up on Amazon and downloaded a copy to compare, but there were no differences other than the covers.

The idea of being the chosen one is not a new concept and the reality of it is not without its ups and downs. So this is the story of Catrin and how she goes from being a farm girl to a (whole vessel of sorts) herald of war while possessing some neat and sometimes confusing “super powers”.

I must say that I like this story. It’s not without its flaws, but it’s good enough to pull me in and make me want to read more in the series. The story seemed like it was short, but it took a while to read. I guess what I’m trying to say here is that the pacing didn’t match the length of the book. Most of it all happened so fast, but nothing was left out, as far as I can tell.

It does end with a cliffhanger, which I do not like. I much prefer stories to reach some kind of resolution and then move on or change direction, but this is one of those stories that build up to… nothing and then you have to read the next book to see what happens.

I think if these characters had simply come to some sort of destination and left an opening to the next book, I would have given it a 5, but as is, I’m too annoyed to do so.

Still, it’s a good story and worth reading if you like tales of “the one” and prophecies being fulfilled. It’s almost a space opera, it’s almost a high-fantasy epic, it’s almost a paranormal coming-of-age tale, but ultimately it’s an adventure.

This review has been posted to GoodReads. If you’d like to obtain a copy of this book, try this link.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords