EC: Giovanni's Angel Tea & Conversation

Tea and Conversation 07: Isolation


Today I’m sharing a picture of two lonely lost pieces I put together from my personal collecting.

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Today in my meditation on the Eternal Curse, I’m writing about: Why isolation?

With so many topics to write about, I often wonder to myself why I’ve chosen to focus so much on isolation. I think deep down I know what it feels like to be isolated both figuratively and literally. I can clearly state that I’ve never been a “victim” of bullying, but that’s only because I’ve always been strong enough and angry enough to fight bullies, but that never seems to stop them from trying. I guess the point that I’m trying to make, is that even though I never physically suffered at the hand of a bully, just knowing that people are out there making an effort to victimize me, or anyone else, can make you feel lonely and isolated.

Because isolation is very much a part of my everyday life, I write about it in ways that make is seem relative. Isolation can be a good or bad thing depending on how one goes into it. I find that I feel more myself sometimes when I’m alone and I know for sure that I get more writing done in solitude than when others are around. Isolation can be self-imposed in both positive and negative ways. If someone choices isolation as a means of escape for safety, there is a serious problem that needs to be addressed, however, seeking solitude for a moment of peace and self-reflection is actually quite healthy.

I can’t think of any reason why forced isolation would be a good thing, but that isn’t to say that someone couldn’t gain some sort of knowledge or perspective that may help them down the road after such an experience.

Sometimes when I think about isolation and its role in my life, I begin to think about the many labels others have pressed upon me to make me feel isolated socially. If I’m not shy or soft-spoken, how then can I be: an introvert or social mute? If you’re not the life of the party does that automatically demote you to wallflower or weirdo?- I don’t think so. So I write about isolation in all its good and bad forms hoping one day it will all make sense to me.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

EC: Giovanni's Angel Tea & Conversation

Tea and Conversation 06: the Internet


Today I’m sharing a picture of a simple speckled tea cup from Pinterest. This is part of my personal collection.

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Today in my meditation on the Eternal Curse, I’m writing about: Why the Internet?

I’ve never met someone online and then ended up in a romantic relationship with them. I have a few people online, whom I consider to be friends, but I have not made arrangements to meet these people in person (some of them live oceans away). I am not an advocate for internet socializing or dating, but from a networking point of view, it’s where the world is and where the world is headed.

I have had more in depth conversations with complete strangers, at times, than I have with people I’ve known for twenty years because of the Internet. I’m not an overly trusting person, but I like to connect on a certain level and the Internet makes that so much simpler. In my book, Giovanni and Mira find each other while using social media, each in search of something. I believe if you look for something long enough, you’ll find what you need.

Mira doesn’t run to the internet for comfort because she’s some sort of social outcast with no other options. She utilizes the internet for its anonymity. Giovanni, on the other hand, is a social outcast, but not because he wants to be or because he refuses to get along with others or conform to social norms. Giovanni also uses the internet for its anonymity because he knows that the world isn’t ready for someone like him.

In the visual world in which we live, a supermodel and middle school custodian may have loads of things in common: from the movies they like, the books they read, the drinks they prefer, and even the clothes they admire. Unfortunately, these two vastly different categorized public personas don’t look right next to one another, so they’ll never meet and get to know each other…But online a woman and a man can both share a pin on Pinterest for a baseball cap, rate and review the same Netflix movie a five, and “Like” a strangers post about having a bad day, because somewhere down the line, they connected.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

EC: Giovanni's Angel Tea & Conversation

Tea and Conversation 05: Flashbacks


Today I’m sharing a picture of iced lemon tea from Pinterest.

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Today in my meditation on the Eternal Curse, I’m writing about: Why flashbacks?

Much of the background of the characters and the story is told through flashback, many where one character verbally recounts the events. This story covers a large span of time and only focuses on three main characters. If the story had been told chronologically, most of the book would have only included one character, Giovanni.

One reason why I like using flashbacks in this story is because it gives a more personal account of the events taking place. The flashbacks are experienced from an individual point of view.  Since the whole story is narrated by an unseen party, it’s clear that the story is not being told from experience, but rather from history. The narrator is telling a story that he or she has learned about over the years, has read about, and or was told.

Another reason why I like the use of flashbacks in this story is because it offers a break from the monotony of the current struggle. Of course the struggle eventually changes in some way either for good or bad, but until the climax is reached, it’s a lot of same melancholy expression repeated.

I honestly tried not to overuse the flashback technique, but it’s there quite a bit. By using this technique, the reader is able to jump back and forth through time, gathering up all the high points in the story or a character’s life, without having to sit through pages of everything in between.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords