Author Insights Awards

Sisterhood of the World of Bloggers Nomination!

I have been humbled, yet again, with a nomination for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers. Thank you ever so much, Andrea, from Review Books and More. Please stop by her page and show her some love to see what she has to share on this matter and also to learn more about this lovely award.

To Andrea of Review Books and More…

If you receive a nomination for this award, would you please do the following.

-All recipients need to thank the giver.
-Post 7 things about yourself.
-Pass the award on to 7 other bloggers of your choice and let them know that they have been nominated.
-Include the logo of the award in a post or on your blog.

7 Things About Me:

1. I think I was nominated for a blog award when I first started out, but had no idea what it was and was too afraid to pursue it. I’ve come a long way.

2. I am a huge Batman fan, sometimes it can be a problem.

3. I am totally and completely mentally stable, but if I couldn’t read books or write books, I’d have to be committed.

4. Sometimes I take myself too seriously. Now that I’ve acknowledged that, I can move forward from denial and begin the healing process. 😉

5. I’m terrified that my book officially releases on February 18, 2014. I hope someone likes it.

6. I’m a wallflower. Many people see me standing there, but they don’t really notice me and I’m okay with that.

7. I’m a geek and proud of it.

Here are my nominations.

Lisa Voisin

Daily Dose of Gratitude

Quanie Talks Writing

The Between

Bridget Straub

The Reporter and the Girl

A Curious Gal

This is an unofficial Author Insights post.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords


Adventures In Blogging: Social Media Marketing- Rafflecopter part 2


I’ll be writing about my adventures, from my point of view, while offering my opinion on whatever the current matter happens to be. I hope you will enjoy it, if for no other reason, because you’ll get to see just how crazy my mind and reactions can be sometimes.

Social Media Marketing- Rafflecopter part 2

Thank you all for stopping by to see what craziness I have to share today. This is part two of my Rafflecopter discussion, but unlike my last post which was nice and sweet, this one is stern. I’m going to rant a little.

Before I begin my rant, know this now, I use Rafflecopter and appreciate its great value and am glad that I don’t have to blog in a world without it.

So, here I go.

I can’t stand trying to participate in Rafflecopters that have so many entry options that I loose count after 20. I totally understand why these exist, but I still don’t like them. Collaborative efforts are what keep much of the blog world spinning and when awarding prizes, bloggers should have an opportunity to build their social reach in order to do so, but why does it have to be so extensive?

A blog hop featuring 20 bloggers offering a prize bundle made of donations of all those participating never seems to have less than 50 entries, and averages around 80 or more.  With 80 entries, each participant gets to include a link for their blog, twitter, facebook, and one other social media outlet. Again, I agree with the reasoning and understand the why, but it just feels like too much.

I have participated in these kinds of rafflecopters and probably will again, but I will give it a second and maybe even a third thought before agreeing to it. For non-regular blog readers, I feel that a Rafflecopter like that is a deterrent. This is one of those times when knowing your audience really helps. Sometimes it works out great to send someone to a contest or event like this and sometime is backfires.

Whenever I create my own Rafflecopters, I do make an effort to not have the entry process seem overwhelming…Then again, sometimes I think I’m over thinking things. We live in a competitive world. People love voting, and entering to win, and trying to beat out the next person. Maybe the average person doesn’t mind these long contests and it’s just me…

In any case, I’ll still make an effort to keep things as simple as possible; it’s just who I am.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords


#50StatesOfPray on 12/24/13 hosted by @markjkoopmans

“On Dec. 24, 2013, take a moment, (and in about 100 words), share a prayer, a thought, a memory, a hope, a regret about the past, and/or a wish for the future.”

Open up your heart and share. 

Mark’s desire is for all 50 of the States in the U.S. to be represented in this blog hop, but he’s not stopping there. He wants this to stretch across the globe. Wouldn’t it be great if we could gather 50 independent nations with this event and spread love and peace around the world?

I’m totally in and hope you’ll join in to.

Click the image to join or visit other stops in this hop on Tuesday, December 24, 2013.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords