Character Files EC: GA Files EC: Giovanni's Angel

Character Files from the ToiBox 17: Bletsian ( an alter ego)- Bio


Bletsian-bkBiography:  Subject EC:GA 2-Bletsian

Bletsian is born into a state of dormancy. He remains in the shadows as an idea for centuries until he is desperately needed. He shares the same ancestry as Giovanni, but he’s forced into mental abandonment. He becomes Giovanni’s dark secret until his true purpose is revealed. Then he becomes Giovanni’s salvation. Bletsian’s true tale doesn’t begin until Giovanni’s life comes to climax.

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Character Files EC: GA Files EC: Giovanni's Angel

Character Files from the ToiBox 2: Bletsian ( an alter ego)- Stats


Bletsian-bkBasic Stats: Subject EC:GA 2- Bletsian

Full Name: Bletsian

Age: 200+

Sex: Male

Height: 7 feet from head to foot (other extremities not included in measurement)

Weight: 250 pounds

Origin: Possibly manifested from within Giovanni during puberty (suspected celestial being).

Language(s): English, antiquated Hebrew, Latin, and can learn any other Language he so chooses

Character Traits: cold hearted, but not evil; bold and honest speaker, very possessive and protective

Special Attributes: super human strength, night vision, wings (for flight), a warrior, super healing for self and others, almost invincible

Purpose In EC:GA: Unclear. He seems to be the ultimate hero Giovanni is incapable of being on his own.