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It’s Moving Day!

Today is my last day posting at my other blog, the Eternal Curse Series blog. It was home for so long, but I’m growing and expanding and it’s time to step away. Please enjoy this video of images from lovely memories over at the ECS Blog.

I’m settled in very well here at my new home The ToiBox of Words and am excited for what the future may bring. The Eternal Curse Series Blog will hang around as an archive site for my older material, but I will not be posting there anymore.

In honor of this farewell I’ll be offering a simple giveaway. Go visit the ECS blog, one last time, and leave me a message, a question, or farewell in the comments and you’ll be entered to win a free copy of Eternal Curse: Giovanni’s Angel in your chosen format.

Also, be on the lookout for some special treats I’ll be sharing while I take a much needed vacation and break from my regularly scheduled posts.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

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By Toi Thomas

Author and illustrator of children's books, as well as clean adult fiction and nonfiction. Toi is a geek-girl blogger, vlogger, reviewer, and advocate for a healthy reading lifestyle. She finds comfort in faith, family, and creative expression. Toi believes in the dream of world harmony and hopes all your dreams come true.

5 replies on “It’s Moving Day!”

It has been an enormous pleasure joining you in the Eternal Curse blog and I hoe your transition goes smoothly. i;m glad it will hang around, like an ancestor, to be consulted in archive, and I hope your new blog leads you onward and upward to great things.

I’ll certainly log in to the new one. Good luck

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