
Meet Toi Thomas and welcome to her ToiBox of Words.

This blog has gone through many iterations over the years. If you get a chance, be sure to browse Toi’s categories to see what all she has to offer. In the meantime, this will be a place for Toi to share the creative content she’s posting on other platforms, as well as social media.

Toi has been a long-time member of the Insecure Writers Support Group blog hop and will dedicate the first Wednesday of every month to that. You may even see her promoting a book or two.

Click below to see Toi’s featured content.

Author Interviews | Virtual Book Tours | Guest Posts 

Promotions | Adventures in Blogging

If you’d like Toi to create for you or with you, check out her Patreon page. This is also a great place to see Toi’s writing process as it pertains to her other active works such as a Game Lit anthology and her picture book projects. You can Join her community for FREE and receive monthly updates via email (which replaces a traditional newsletter).

Check out Toi’s bookish t-shirt designs in the
SellMyTees Carnie Shop store.

Check out Toi’s bookish designs on various merch items in the
Toi Thomas RedBubble store.

If you like this site, be sure to visit the “Contact” page and tell Toi all about it. Also, feel free to leave a comment on any of the posts. She likes comments; they make her smile. #thetoiboxofwords

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