Author Insights

Author Insights 01

authorinsightSo it’s a new year and I am determined to make this year better than the last. Aside from a day job, I used to like and now can’t stand, I didn’t have much to complain about in 2012. I have a wonderful husband who lets me be me and an amazing family that drives me crazy in all the right ways. They love me so much and I love them.

I’ve had decent health, up until recently, but I’m even getting over that spell now. I haven’t been writing as much as I’d like, but I have been writing pretty steadily. I’m slowly building up a blog following and maybe one day that will spill over into a fan following for my books.

So here’s the point of this article—It’s a chance for me to declare what I will accomplish this year. I will release Eternal Curse: Battleground this year and I will release It’s Like the Full Moon this year. I will finish development of my adventure tale and continue to work on my skills and catalog of short stories. I will continue to enjoy readying, when I can, and not make a chore of it. I even plan to find some kind of way or cause to support with my writing so that I’m not just taking, but am also giving back.

Most importantly, I am going to keep calm and focused and not let myself get overwhelmed. When I got sick, it was a wakeup call for me. I was doing so much, that my body just didn’t have the time or the strength to fight my illness. I had to end up on complete quarantined bed rest for two weeks, just to clearly understand that I can’t do it all.

I’ve had to pick and choose and let some things go, but I’m hoping there will be a change in my future that lets me do all the things I want to do, when the time is right…And just for good measure and tradition, I’m going to lose some weight too.

Author Insights

Free Ebook


I think I’ve mentioned it before, but now I’ve don’t it. I took the content of my 40 days and nights blog and turned it into an ebook companion guide. I’ve added some extra content, articles, and images to the ebook as a way to get people interested in reading the actual book. The blog posts are free so I figured the ebook should be free too, even though it offers so much more than the blog does. Not wanting to leave out those people, and I mean that in the nicest way, who don’t read ebooks, I’ve made it available in paperback, but it’s not free. In fact the amount that I charge for it, only just covers the printing; I am making no money off this publication. Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem making money; I hope to make quite a bit of it someday with my writing, but for now, I don’t see the purpose in charging for something that people could already get for free…but who knows, that may change. –(This ebook was free through Smashwords, until the end of 2013. A new edition of this book is now available.)

I hope people will take advantage of this new ebook and really get to know all about Eternal Curse and what’s to come in the series. Please check out My Books link if you are interested in getting a copy and look out for giveaways on my side bar or my Eternal Curse Series tab. You’d think I would have been posting these all along, but I’m still getting used to the whole blogging word.

One last note to my followers…I have not abandoned my collection of short stories, but I’m really getting into this romance I’m currently writing. I don’t know if this is the kind of thing people who normally read romance will want to read because it’s not explicit or even very physical, but there is some passion to this lovely little story that’s captured my mind. So, I’m still working on my shorts, but focusing on this romance, and I’ve just written an outline for an adventure story I may acquire my nephew’s help in further developing and perhaps, illustrating.

This is an unofficial Author Insights post.

Author Insights

Have you been following #ECGA?

I have been giving little nuggets, insights, and chapter previews of my current book release. I’m trying to build up interest. I honestly don’t know if it has made any impact, but I’m proud that I’ve been persistent with it and actually have something to show for it.

If anyone should ever get the notion to look up the initials of my first book and add a hash tag to it, they will find quite a bit to keep them busy, and I’m still adding to the list. I’ve posted one-liners, questions, articles, and excerpts. Surely, there is something there to peak someone’s interest.

#ECGA is easy sometimes, but sometimes it’s hard. I don’t have as much time to put into as I wish I did. Sometimes I feel like I’m not sharing enough or that I’m sharing the wrong stuff. I feel like I’m just picking and choosing random lines from the book to post, even though I know, I am actually trying to pick relevant stuff to post.

In any case, I know I’m making the effort. Maybe one day all this will amount to something more, but for now, #ECGA is keeping me alert and in the game.

This is an unofficial Author Insights post. The new official Eternal Curse Series hashtag is #cursescanbebroken.