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Stone’s Ghost by Melissa Bowersock

-Book Title: Stone’s Ghost

-Author Name: Melissa Bowersock

-Publisher: New Moon Publishing

-Reading Level: Adult

-Genre: Fiction, paranormal, ghost

-Content Rating: Mature Adult

-Available Formats: Paperback, e-book

-Number of Pages: 224

-Purchase Links: Amazon Paperback | Kindle

Book blurb provided by author

Matthew Stone doesn’t believe in ghosts … until he meets one. He owns a successful business in Lake Havasu, Arizona, home to the famed London Bridge that was brought over stone by stone and rebuilt over the Colorado River. He has a gorgeous girlfriend, a doting mother, and more money than he needs, but no time for stories about the ghosts who were transplanted from England with the famed bridge. When a chance encounter with a female ghost leads to unexpected friendship, Matt and the ghost are forced to rely on each other as they confront the pasts that haunt them.


This is that rare ghost story that avoids all the pratfalls and clichés of the usual spectral and paranormal tale. Melissa Bowersock has intertwined two stories seamlessly – one a modern tale of a man taking responsibility for himself amid the shades of his own past, and the other the story of a young woman from a bygone era looking for release and redemption. You will keep turning the pages on this finely-crafted tale! —Rich Meyer, author

To see the rest of this article, an excerpt, and to learn more about Melissa Bowersock, visit the ECS blog.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

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Character Files EC: B Files EC: Battleground

Character Files from the ToiBox 22: Sheldon- Bio


nomaleBiography:  Subject EC:B 2-Sheldon

Sheldon is the product of ignorance and deceit. His birth was planned by both his father and his mother, but since they never actually met, it makes sense that their plans for the child clashed tremendously leaving everyone involved dissatisfied.

When Sheldon was born his mother thought he was dead or disfigured and so took her own life. He was left to be raised by strangers, but strangers who decided he deserved a better fate than what was planned for him.

Sheldon became a warrior for the righteous at a very young age and, ironically (explained in the book), never knew what it was to have a childhood until he met his new family. When Sheldon first met his adoptive family it was all business; he was to protect Mira on a mission. Years later Sheldon would find himself welcomed into a strange home that existed in both the world of reality and the illusion of a human only existence.

In Sheldon’s new home, for the first time, he would have a father, a mother, a sister, and become acquainted with humans who didn’t fear him.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

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Author Insights

Author Insights 07: Ways to Follow


Email is the best way for me to follow a blog, because it reminds me that I’m even following a certain blog and when I’m not in the mood, I simply delete the message or come back to it later.

WordPress is a community of bloggers and blog followers, and the follow feature is built in, but you can still customize it. If it’s a blog I know I really don’t want to miss, I’ll set up a daily or weekly digest for my email. Other than that, I make a point to visit the WordPress Reader a few times a week. WordPress is ideal because it lets you see who’s following you and others can see if you are following them.

Networked Blog is great if you’re already using it to follow other blogs. I also like it because I can see the people who are following me and they can see that I’m following them.

For Blogger, Google Friend connect does this also, but I find that it’s sometimes not the best way to follow to actually receive content. Again I can see who’s following me and they and see me.

Ah, Feedly. I heart Feedly. It has become my go to blog reader. Most blogs I follow, I actually follow twice, unless I do an email subscription. I try to follow as much as possible using Worpress, Networked Blogs, and Google Friend Connect, just so my little face is there smiling at my favorite bloggers, but I find that if I’m actually reading and commenting on that bloggers content, it’s because of Feedly. Feedly keeps me from having to go to all the above mentioned places to visit all the blogs I follow because they are all in one place.

Now, there’s Bloglovin. So, for once I’m really late on something I already knew about but didn’t realize. Let me explain. I follow a few fashion blogs. I got into the habit because of my sister Tori who loves fashion and is constantly teaching me a thing or two about it. I follow all my fashion blogs through Bloglovin and for some reason figured that’s all Bloglovin was for. How silly of me.

Sooooo, I guess I’ll be playing around with Bloglovin and Feedly to see which suits me best, but knowing me, I’ll probably end up using them both.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords #cursescanbebroken

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