WIP Updates

WIP Update 01

WIPUHere’s my official first WIP update. I figured a weekly article like this will help to keep me accountable for my writing.

First, I am receiving a very positive response from my betas about the sequel to Eternal Curse. Even though I’m still waiting for a response from one more, everyone has said that they like it better than the other. So since I’m still waiting to send it off to my editor I’m starting to think of marketing strategies for it.

Also, I’m trying to get together with my artist to work on a new set of select images. What’s cool about the ebook versions of these books is that the images are optional. They are a part of the story via links so the reader has the option as to whether they want to see them or not.

Second, my little romance, “It’s Like the Full Moon” is coming along. I think this has been the hardest thing for me to write lately. Romance and contemporary fiction don’t come as natural to me as fantasy, but I really do love this story and feel I just have to tell it.

Since the last time I mentioned it, I finally decided to make the notions of a possible love triangle become a reality. Rebecca is torn, at the moment, between bliss and guilt as two wonderful men now openly woo and compete to be the last man standing. Rebecca has done all she can to avoid this situation, not wanting to be the kind of woman to date multiple men, but these guys just won’t leave her alone and are eager to compete for her affection.

Lastly, I have even gone back and looked at my notes for the adventure story I started so long ago. It’s not even a WIP yet; just lots of notes, but the notes are getting good. Right now I’m trying to decide just how far into the world of fantasy and adventure I’m willing to take this. So far I have a special sword, twin sons, lots of death, and the onslaught of war. There are no elves, dragons, or wizards in the story now, but there is a magical flare to it…a sense of the unknown or unexplained. I still have much more to think about. Maybe next time, I’ll have details from a completed outline to share.

Do you have a WIP update to share?

EC: Giovanni's Angel Sample Sundays

6 Sentence Sunday 01: ECGA

So, I’m a little late to the game, but now I have a plan and am ready to roll. I’ve been doing this meme for months on my other blog, but have worried about being consistent with the content here at the ToiBox. So each week I will share 6 sentences from my current book and both my active WIPs. While I have several projects I’m working on at the moment, my sequel to Eternal Curse and my new romance are the most developed and contain enough content to actually be apart of this. There will be many more exciting changes here at the ToiBox, so stick around and enjoy :).

This is a weekly meme hosted and originated by 6 Sentence Sunday.
Eternal Curse: Giovanni’s Angel -6 sentences from the preface.

Unlike other people, the words heat and passion never really meant much to him. He never knew that their many meanings could affect him so profoundly. There was once a time when he thought heat was simply the temperature of something being high. He’d known of ordinary people becoming mentally and physically consumed with the pursuit of something. He equated that with passion, although he wasn’t personally familiar with the word.

He longed, if that were even possible, to feel passion for anything other than just the relief from his torment.

To participate, pick six (6) sentences from anything you like (it can be from a Work in Progress (WiP), something you recently sold, something you hope to sell or even something already under contract and available for purchase – and don’t worry, Six Sentence Sunday is for published AND unpublished writers). Then post them on your blog on Sunday. That’s all there is to it!
Posts are for bloggers only, but comments are open to all. Please post a link back to Six Sunday, the “anchor” site, to let people know where you heard about the idea. You are not required to list the week’s posters on your post…And don’t be afraid to share the love by adding the hashtag #sixsunday to your tweets about Six Sentence Sunday. You can follow the official Six Sentence Sunday twitter at:
*The informative content listed above was taken directly from the 6 Sentence Sunday website with a few paraphrases for ease of viewing and reading. Please review their FAQs for more details.

WIP Updates

Happy I Love to Write Day!

The Path

I always thought that when good people died, they turned into angels and went to Heaven, while bad people became demons and went to Hell. I was wrong. When people die, they don’t become angels or demons, they just become the remnants of what they used to be. They are just the spirits of the humans they once were, but where they go, is an entirely different matter.

Righteous people’s spirits are lifted up to heaven, so far off and high beyond the relativity that humans think of as the sky, that other spirits can’t even see how far they’ve gone…and they definitely can’t see the pearly gates, if they even exist. There is much debate about what makes a person righteous by those of us who weren’t granted the title, but it pretty much boils down to anyone who was a pretty decent person and actually whole heartily believed in something greater than themselves.

Can’t believe I spent all my mortal life making fun of people who “believed” and that I publicly proclaimed on multiple occasions that if Heaven exists, it would probably be open to any good person. I honestly thought that as long as I wasn’t a rapist or serial killer, I’d be ok. I was, at least for the moment, better off than the rapists and killers. They were all dragged, by their bleeding eye sockets that had been gouged out by their soon to be hellish neighbors, straight down into a boiling pit of fire, which I took to be entrance into Hell.

I wish there was a way to keep track of time here. I just want to know how long I’ve been on this path. Everyone who didn’t making it straight into Heaven or Hell, was given a path to follow to decide where they’d spend eternity. Based on the way you lived your life, whether you were good or bad and to what extent, your path was either wide or narrow in varying degrees, smooth or rock, lit or dim, and so on.

My path was relatively wide, dimly lit, and bumpy. I was actually one of the more fortunate ones. Very few people were given wide, smooth, well lit paths with very few obstacles along the way; as far as I could tell. It’s seems like I’ve been traveling this road for ages, but there really is no way to tell. I haven’t encountered any obstacles at the moment other than navigating the bumpy path. A few days ago or weeks, who knows, I stumbled across this journal square in the center of my path. I knew the journal was meant for me and that I should take it and write in it.

It took me a few days or weeks, I don’t really know, before I was ready to start writing. As I continued to walk along the path, I discovered pencils and erasers, and sticky notes, and paper clips. I was very leery of the odd and eerie gifts. I thought for sure I was headed down a path leading me straight to Hell and that these gifts were just tokens of false hope meant to build me up for a huge let down. The more I thought about this horrible possibility the less and less gifts I received and the harsher my path grew.

One day, I think it was early, but really had no way of telling, I grew tired. For however long I had been traveling this path, I’d never needed to stop for rest, eat, drink, or use the bathroom. When I sat down to rest, I finally pulled out my journal and began to write in it…

Well that’s all I have for the moment. This is officially a new WIP. Since today is I Love to Write Day, I decided to just sit down and write whatever came into my head until it stopped coming. This is the result. I will probably leave it like this for a couple of days before going back to what happens next in the story.

I’ve been a busy bee as usual networking, reading, writing, and as always learning. I am eight chapters into my romance now. My adventure has been taking a long nap; maybe I’ll try to wake it up this weekend. Still beta testing the sequel to my currently book before committing it to a professional edit.  

This week over at the Eternal Curse Series, I was visited by author Paula Stiles. She has some really great stories to share and tomorrow I’ll post the lovely interview we conducted. That’s all for now. Have a wonderful rest of the week.