
Review: Chasing the Avatar

Chasing the Avatar by Jovan Jones

Sadly, I give this book a 2.



Maya is an educated and highly successful black woman who is somewhat lost in her life. In search of meaning and higher purpose, Maya latches on to Cha Ma, a believed avatar for the Hindu goddess Kali. The story that follows is a recount of any and everything Maya is willing to do to reach enlightenment, but then there’s also the presence of Maya’s Christian praying parents.

Initially the idea of this story had me more than intrigued. I read a few pages in the bookstore just to get a feel of what the narrative would be like, and what I sampled, pulled me in. Unfortunately, trying to read the whole story wasn’t so exciting.

So, here’s the good. The descriptions in the book are amazing and full of life and emotion. Seeing the difference and, oddly enough, the seminaries of worship and praise rituals between the Hindu faith and the Christian faith were astounding. If someone were completely foreign the ideas of Hinduism and Christianity, they may have trouble deciding which they’d prefer, given that both are depicted in such a powerful way in the beginning of this book.

My favorite parts of the story quickly became the passages describing Maya’s day to day encounters while staying in India, but they didn’t remain my favorites for long.

Also, the contrast of Maya’s adventures in India and her parent’s struggle back home started out as this epic spiritual battle that was entertaining to see unfold, but alas it didn’t end that way.

The bad came on so slowly, I almost didn’t see it until I realized that reading the story was starting to make me angry. Everything in the beginning of this story was so powerful, and vibrant, and new, but after a while everything became repetitive. The back and forth spiritual struggle, while entertaining at first, became monotonous. Maya didn’t start off the story being an especially likable character, but she was an interesting character with a spiritual dilemma that many could possibly relate to, but after a while, she just became annoying.

I could go on debating the many aspects of this story that I truly appreciated in hopes not to turn others away, but in the end, I just didn’t enjoy this reading experience. For anyone who’s read any of my other reviews, it shouldn’t come as too much of a shock that I was also annoyed that this book had no conclusion. It leaves you hanging on for the next book, but it doesn’t exactly leave you with a cliffhanger. I also have to be completely honest and admit that I’d already started skipping around through the book when I discovered the ending was lacking.

I have a feeling that my tendency to read a lot of fantasy and sci-fi may have had something to do with why this reading experience was so unpleasant, but I’m not putting all the blame on that. I’ve been expanding my reading horizons lately and this book just didn’t keep my attention, even though it had so much potential.

I wouldn’t necessarily recommend this book unless you happened to be interested in religious mash-ups and spiritual warfare, but I do have a few people in mind that I’m going to share this with.

This review has been posted to GoodReads. If you’d like to obtain a copy of this book, try this link.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords


The Pinata-Maker’s Daughter Interview with author Eileen Clemens Granfors

Greetings readers, bloggers, geeks, and authors and welcome to The ToiBox of Words. I’m your host Toi Thomas, author of Eternal Curse, and today I’m sharing a special interview with author, Eileen Clemens Granfors, about her fiction book entitled, The Pinata-Maker’s Daughter. Enjoy!

Image provided by author.

Where did the idea for The Pinata-Maker’s Daughter come from?

I wanted to write more about a character from the first book I published, Some Rivers End on the Day of the Dead. I thought a lot about going on with the same protagonist (Marisol), but I decided on a prequel. Carmen was my favorite from the first book although I love Joe too. I found a way to work both characters into the new book. So this is Book 1 of the Marisol Trilogy.

How did the title of this book come about?

I chose this title because who can resist a piñata? At the same time, the reader would also know that the family income is not going to be very high so life will be challenging. Several months before writing the book began, I found a picture by Donna Dickson that portrayed the comfortable, loving relationship of a mom and daughter. Donna, who lives and works in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, graciously allowed me to use her art. It is the perfect scene for the book’s cover.

What genre is this book and why did you choose to make it so?

Okay, here’s where I goofed, I guess. The middle book was about a junior high kid, very innocent and often put off by the world’s hardships. In The Pinata-Maker’s Daughter, since Carmen is in college, she gets herself involved in escapades that are PG-13. Compared to other YA, it’s mild, but I have had readers object. I felt that Carmen showed her impulsive side in the worst ways, but a few readers were pretty ticked off. I now call the book women’s fiction although it could certainly be placed as LATE-age YA or New Adult.

What would you say is the overall message or the theme of this book?

When writing this book, I was endorsing the growth kids go through in college. Yes, they certainly do a lot of stupid stuff, but they grow and learn. If they are lucky, they leave home and live in a dorm. They find out that the world they come from is not the only world there is. They learn about hardships of health, of love, and of parental expectations from a variety of sources. This opposition was something I faced as a senior; parents who did not see any reason to go away to college. They were worried about money, and they also didn’t really want me to leave for Los Angeles since our whole family is in San Diego.

Tell me about the experience of writing this book; how long did it take.

Raised by an army major, I am a disciplined person. I write every day, two to three hours. It took about a year to write this book if we include the rewrites, the changes, and the decisions of making things work out logically. I purposely left the ending brief so that if I someday finish the trilogy, the reader will know Carmen, Joe, Marisol, and Franco well enough to be interested in the futures they face. I grew up in a town that edged up to the Mexican border (Imperial Beach, CA) so my classmates and friends were often Mexicans. We were multicultural before the word was used much. That’s how I see the world.

Tell me about the main storyline within this book.

Carmen is accepted to a prestigious college. She lives in a poor Hispanic neighborhood south of San Diego and her mother absolutely opposes her leaving home for college. She goes anyway with scholarship money. Almost at once she feels like an outsider. Her roommate, Shirley, is a special girl, but even money can’t solve her problems. Carmen falls right away for two very different men, one a frat rat who makes her laugh and one a Hispanic rights leader who woos her into joining the campus movement against fraternities and sororities. Carmen is constantly saying the wrong thing to one or the other of them and getting mad at the way she feels used by both men. She has a hard time making herself feel equal although two nuns on a semester’s study break help her a lot. But she turns away from the religion of her youth to look into the religion of love and more freedom to live her way.

Who is the protagonist of this story?

Carmen has grown up as the high school nerd with just a kind of goofy, boy-crazy friend across the street. Kids know she is the piñata-maker’s daughter, and some befriend her just for the candy she gives away. By the time she is 18, she is ready to take on the world. She loves books, art, and her mom. But her mother is such an embarrassment to her! From the way she wears her hair to the coveralls she works in, Lucia is someone Carmen would lock in a closet if she could. Lucia seems to stand in the way of all Carmen’s dreams, but she also has a tender heart. She even loves tomato worms! Carmen knows her mother means well; she simply must have a way to show she is growing up as her own woman and that doesn’t mean being the piñata-maker’s daughter for the rest of her life. A college degree, travel, a job somewhere rich and fancy, that’s what Carmen dreams of.

Who is the antagonist of this story?

Because of Carmen’s insecurities, she finds almost everyone her antagonist. She is possessive about men when she has no right to be, so she is constantly jealous of womanizer Franco and casual flirt, Joe. Both men cause her to question her self-righteousness and tendency to be judgmental. Franco does take advantage of their shared heritage and he’s not as kind as Joe is. He is absolutely dedicated to himself and his causes. College life itself is a conflict for her. She is used to be the best student, and now she’s one of thousands.

What is the major conflict in this story?

Carmen is faced with growing up. She is no longer under her mother’s thumb, and sometimes, she is so impulsive she stirs up more trouble than she can handle. She tries to be a good friend to her roommate, but her roommate also makes her uncomfortable. She is far too fixated on finding romance and lets her studies come second. She has fought hard to achieve this dream, but she is in danger of losing it to her wayward heart.

Where and when is this story taking place?

The story takes place in a fictional college north of Los Angeles. It is not UC-Santa Barbara! But Carmen travels home to San Ysidro, CA often. The time is the present.

Who is your favorite character in this book?

I’m a mom who has had the kid who thinks I’m way too strict, way too old-fashioned, and she really wishes I would get a grip. With that in mind, I absolutely dearly love Carmen’s mother. So I love Lucia and the way that she doesn’t back down to her impulsive daughter. I also love Joe Sneed for his youthful goofiness that contrasts with Carmen’s serious side.

Are there elements of your personality or life experiences in this book?

The most important part of my life experience in this book is my desire to attend a big, well-known, prestigious university. Not one person in my family supported that dream. Not even my college counselor thought a four-year university was worth it. I found a way. The city of San Ysidro, the beach scenes, and many of the people come from my growing up in the San Diego area are part of Carmen’s love of place.

What is one thing from this book you wish was real or could happen to you?

I wish that all students at the cusp of adulthood would take time to learn that life is beautiful and meaningful. Lucia (Carmen’s mom) raises tomato worms because she loves all living creatures. She wants for Carmen to live right, be strong, and to be free, like the mariposa butterfly. If people felt free to act as themselves sooner in life, there would be so much less bullying and fixation on looks. Carmen learns a lot about getting over herself in her first year of college.

What is something you wish wasn’t real and hope doesn’t happen to you?

There is death in this book. There is illness. It is a sad part of the book from which Carmen learns more lessons, but honestly, having taught for 33 years and having students or their loved ones die of disease or their parents or car accidents, I wish no young person ever had to face death without knowing the joys of living life as an independent adult.

Let’s say your book is being turned into a feature length film; quick- cast the main two characters and pick a theme song or score.

Carmen: America Ferrerra

Joe: Josh Hutcherson

Franco: Emile Hersh

Mama Lucia  Eva Longoria

Theme song: La Vida Loco

Do you have any special plans for this book in the near or far future?

I am so lucky! The new film, THE BOOK LIFE, with Diego Luna, Tatum Channing, and Zoe Saldana came out October 17th. So there will be interest in the Day of the Dead, which is the middle book, SOME RIVERS END ON THE DAY OF THE DEAD. And some readers may choose to read THE PINATA-MAKER’S DAUGHTER FIRST!

My plans for this book are to keep it in the view of the readers through Twitter, newspapers, local libraries, my book business cards, my blog, my interviews, and attending book clubs. I have a recipe for a piñata cake on Pinterest. I’d love to bring a cake to your book club discussion!

Okay readers, bloggers, geeks, and authors, that’s all for today. Be sure to follow this blog to see who will be visiting next time. To obtain your copy of The Pinata-Maker’s Daughter, please visit the link provided.


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Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords


The Book of The Way Interview with author Tony W. Weaver

Greetings readers, bloggers, geeks, and authors and welcome to The ToiBox of Words. I’m your host Toi Thomas, author of Eternal Curse, and today I’m sharing a special interview with author, Tony W. Weaver, about his fiction book entitled, The Book of The Way. Enjoy!

image provided by author

Where did the idea for The Book of The Way come from?

In the song Counting Blue Cars, a child asks to “Tell me all you know about God, cause I’m on my way to see HER.” I began to think how things would or should have gone if the deity was female. How would things have been different, the relationships between male and female, and more specifically how the angels would have acted, along with the role of the devil?

How did the title of this book come about?

The Book of The Way is an artifact created by THE GODDESS as a kind of instruction manual and key to enormous power that was to be preserved by the angels until the arrival of a Redeemer. The Redeemer is to use The Book of The Way to reunite the different species (mortals, angels, Nephilim, and kindred) with THE GODDESS at the opening of HER heavenly city. Thus the title. The cover of the novel depicts the statue Psyche and Cupid, a male with wings embracing a mortal female in a passionate kiss.

What genre is this book and why did you choose to make it so?

I’m not sure if you would call it Religious Fiction, or perhaps just Fiction. The Book of The Way kind of falls into its own niche.

What would you say is the overall message or the theme of this book?

Life and death, good and evil, and the true meaning of love, along with those of power, corruption, and redemption. First and foremost I want those who read it to enjoy the story and to think about how the world should be in relation to how the world is.

Tell me about the experience of writing this book; how long did it take.

About five years of background research and two and a half years writing. During the research phase I visited and experienced many different religious practices and styles, all of this was combined with science and reasoning to create what I consider would be the perfect form of religion. In other words, I tried to tie up many loose ends that religious texts and stories tended to overlook throughout history.

Tell me about the main storyline within this book.

THE GODDESS creates our universe after entering the void, Angels are created to assist in various tasks, and to act as HER companions. Some revolt and are sent to the world to steward HER special project (mortals). These Angels fail at their assignment, and a Redeemer must arise to reconcile all living beings with THE GODDESS, and reopen the Heavenly City.

Who is the protagonist of this story?

The main characters of the story are Stephen Tower, and his pairbond (wife) Faith Tower. Stephen and Faith are still novices in their belief, but outside forces will propel them into a higher purpose than they could have ever dreamed of.

Who is the antagonist of this story?

The antagonist of the story is Vicar, a Nephilim, who steals The Book of The Way, discovers the secret to immortality and sees himself as the foretold Redeemer. Is he the Redeemer? All the signs point to it. Or is he merely deluded by his long life.

What is the major conflict in this story?

The Book of The Way has fallen into the Nephilim Vicar’s hands. Stephen Tower and his pairbond Faith must recover The Book before it is placed beyond the reach of mortals. Without retrieving The Book, THE GODDESS’ great plan of redemption will fail, and the universe will eventually fail and fade to darkness.

Where and when is this story taking place?

The story is set in the here and now, but it visits many locations throughout time. The Heavenly City, the Garden of Eden, a hidden island known as Thera (5000 years ago), modern Thera, and Las Vegas are just a few of the locales in the storyline.

Who is your favorite character in this book?

The cast of characters is large, and it’s hard to pick just one as a favorite, but Vicar is one of the most interesting, while he is a dark character, he also has much that is good about him.

Are there elements of your personality or life experiences in this book?

I think that finding answers to many unclear questions revolving around belief has been a personal goal I’ve had for a long time. The answers were out there, but they needed to be fused into a comprehensive story.

What is one thing from this book you wish was real or could happen to you?

What happens in The Church of The Way, stays in the Church of The Way. The Church of The Way has its own system of unique ceremonies and rituals, but I couldn’t tell you any detail without spoiling the story.

What is something you wish wasn’t real and hope doesn’t happen to you?

What happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas. Near the conclusion of the book, much of the action takes place in Las Vegas. I can’t explain further as it would spoil the plot twists.

Let’s say your book is being turned into a feature length film; quick- cast the main two characters and pick a theme song or score.

As Vicar, I would like to see Tom Hiddleston (he played Loki in Thor). He has the exact look and demeanor for the character of Vicar.

I think that Angelina Jolie would work as Faith Tower, but I developed the character of the Angel Tatiana after watching her in the first Tomb Raider film.

For Stephen Tower, I’m not sure whom I would cast.

The song She Moves in Mysterious Ways by U2 would be a nice overall theme.

Do you have any special plans for this book in the near or far future?

The sequel, Heavenly Beings (working title: Leviathan) has recently been finished, and is now in final editing. The story concerns what takes place after the conclusion of The Book of The Way.

Other plans for The Book of The Way is a revised version with a shorter prologue. Some readers have remarked that while the original prologue was too long, it was essential to the payoff at the end of the story. A few asked about condensing it, after some work I did shorten it, but I really don’t know if I should change the original form.


Okay readers, bloggers, geeks, and authors, that’s all for today. Be sure to follow this blog to see who will be visiting next time. To obtain your copy of The Book of The Way, please visit the link provided.

This has been a

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords