Author Insights

Have you been following #ECGA?

I have been giving little nuggets, insights, and chapter previews of my current book release. I’m trying to build up interest. I honestly don’t know if it has made any impact, but I’m proud that I’ve been persistent with it and actually have something to show for it.

If anyone should ever get the notion to look up the initials of my first book and add a hash tag to it, they will find quite a bit to keep them busy, and I’m still adding to the list. I’ve posted one-liners, questions, articles, and excerpts. Surely, there is something there to peak someone’s interest.

#ECGA is easy sometimes, but sometimes it’s hard. I don’t have as much time to put into as I wish I did. Sometimes I feel like I’m not sharing enough or that I’m sharing the wrong stuff. I feel like I’m just picking and choosing random lines from the book to post, even though I know, I am actually trying to pick relevant stuff to post.

In any case, I know I’m making the effort. Maybe one day all this will amount to something more, but for now, #ECGA is keeping me alert and in the game.

This is an unofficial Author Insights post. The new official Eternal Curse Series hashtag is #cursescanbebroken. 

Author Insights

Give and Take

In a world of give and take, I feel like an old penny pincher taking away, just to give back in a different form. If I’ve completely lost you at this time, don’t feel too bad, I’m having trouble understanding myself right now.

The thing is, I have this wonderful companion blog that I wrote as a writing challenge to myself for my first book. It provides all sorts of wonderful information about the book and is an in depth and interesting read all on its, but I want to sell books. I think I’m just too passive about it. So I’ve decided to give the companion guide away for free as an ebook in hopes that people will read it and want to read the actual whole novel. In doing so, I’ll be removing a small amount of the content from the blog to add to the ebook as exclusive material, though some exclusive material will be new and never before seen. The blog covers 40 days of entries so I won’t short change blog readers of that if they should happen upon the online companion guide, but I will make known what’s missing and where to get it.

For all I know this may backfire on me, but I doubt it. At this point, the companion blog has reached the top of its viewing peak and people love free stuff. If no one takes my free book it’s not like I’ve lost anything. As I see it, it’s a win or no effect at all situation, and that’s not too shabby for me.

This is an unofficial Author Insights post.

EC: Giovanni's Angel Fun Hops Other

The Next Big Thing Blog Hop- Week 15

Greeting everyone. Today I am listing my contribution to the Next Big Thing
Blog Hop. It’s like a chain letter that’s not creepy or annoying. It is actually
fun. It’s a great way for writers to promote themselves and inform people about their works. Each writer answers ten questions about one of their current, upcoming, or works in progress, and them tags a few other writers to keep the ball rolling the next week. I will be answering questions about my current release.

Before I get started with my answers, I would like to send a huge shout out to Quanie Mitchell over at Quanie Talks Writing for tagging
me last week. Quanie’s w.i.p. The New Mrs. Collins is in its final editing
Be sure to stop by her blog and take a look around…And now
for my 10 answers.

What is the working title of your book? The title of my
published book is Eternal Curse: Giovanni’s Angel.
Where did the idea come from for the book? The idea for this book came from areoccurring dream about a gray man who turns into an angel, but that’s not thestory I wrote.
What genre does your book fall under? It is considered to be
fantasy, spiritual fiction, and to some speculative fiction.
Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition? That’s a tough question because my main character is so odd. I think I’d have to choose an unknown for the role of Giovanni (the hero). I think I’d pick Naomie Harris to play Mira (love interest) and as for Abraham (the father figure), I might need two actors if I’m going to show him as young and old, but I have no suggestions at the moment. IMDB->
What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book? A gray man meets a woman online who helps him discover his true purpose in the world, only to find out that he is not of this world.
Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency? I have self-published my book. To learn about this, visit my Info. tab or go to this link
How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript? It took me
about a year to write the first draft of my manuscript and another year to work
out all the kinks.
What other books would you compare this story to within your genre? Many people have compared the story to an unusual take on the classic Beauty and Beast tale. I agree with that assessment, but also consider my story to a bit prophetic in the sense that it has a character being singled-out as “the one.” Such is the case with stories like the Matrix (the movie) or The Wizard of Oz. In these stories, on character becomes “the one” that will solve all the problems.                                            IMDB->
Who or What inspired you to write this book? I was inspired to write the book because my mind wouldn’t stop thinking about it until I did.
What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest? This book is part of a 3-4 part series. The second draft of the sequel is complete and an outline with three chapters of the third book is complete. The Eternal Curse Series will
travel back and forth through time following the life of Giovanni and will open
up a world of angels, demons, and half-breeds. Even the fate of the world may be involved at some point.