Guest Posts

Passion in Writing by Darlene Jones

Heaving bosoms? Throbbing members? Sorry, but that’s not where I’m going with this. I’m talking about the passion that drives us to do the things we do. In my mind passion is a must for authors. We have to have passion for the writing itself and passion for the things we write about.

I also believe that our writing reflects our passions and they are revealed when we see them on paper. This came as a bit of a shock to me when I looked back at what I had written. My intent was to write an entertaining novel of magic and romance. I didn’t know it would grow to four books before the “happily ever after” ending. Nor did I know, when I began, that my books would touch on a number of serious world issues.

Rereading my novels is an exercise in discovery. I see that teaching and teens play significant roles in each. I was an educator and most of my career was spent working with grades seven to nine, so I guess that’s not so surprising. I criticize anyone who denigrates teaching. Teachers get the whole world started. And I refuse to accept the answer, “I’m just a teacher” to the question, “what do you do?” I believe all children should have a solid education base and I wish I could wave a magic wand to make it so. Yes, I’m passionate about education.

I also rant about war, the media, rich versus poor…. How could I not after having lived in Mali, traveled extensively in Africa, not to mention all the time I spend in Mexico? If I were to make a list of injustices, it would be a long one. The problems are much too grand for any one individual to solve, but we can impact the whole if we make our own little corner of the world a better place.

A recent survey asked people to rank the things they looked for in their fiction reading. I was surprised to see that “learning something” was number one. On reflection, I realize that the books I love best are ones that teach me something. In Domingos Angel I learned about conditions in Spain during Franco’s rule. In The Nine Lives of Charlotte Taylor I learned more about Canadian history. In The Winter Pony (an amazing story told from the horses’ point of view) I learned about the trek to the South Pole. The list could go on and on, but what is most interesting is that the books I learned something from are the ones that remain most vivid in my mind.

I, too, try to get readers thinking while they are being entertained. Perhaps that’s yet another passion. I do hope my stories will be vivid in readers’ minds long after they have finished reading them.

For more from Darlene Jones, check out these links: and Amazon Author Central.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

WIP Updates

WIP Update 08


I’m not going to keep blaming my lack of significant progress on being busy, even though I am. Life happens and you just have to work with it. It’s not like I’m sitting around doing nothing; I’m just not doing as much as I’d like to. With that being said, I do have a bit to report on.

First, I’ve received notes and edits back for my short story project. After advice and consideration, I’ve decided to keep the short stories separate from my novella (novelette). What exactly is the word or page count for a novella or novelette?

“Unexplained” seems to a work that will be well received by general audiences and will give my fans and readers a chance to see something different from me outside of Eternal Curse and It’s Like the Full Moon. This collection contains shorts of various lengths that delve into the genres of romance, psychological thriller, paranormal, and general fiction.

The novella(?), “The Legend of the Boy” will be a little more tricky. I will have to find a way to market it to a sci-fi audience. It’s difficult to describe this piece without doing a full on promo for it, but that’s coming down the road. For now, just know that, a boy not from this world will have to save the world and destroy it in order to move the human race forward. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s good. I promise.

Second, I have done absolutely NOTHING with Solomon Sword and still haven’t finished that last chapter of Full Moon so I can do my final read through. 🙁 I was so close when I wrote my last update, but…but, (breathe- in a nice calm voice) Life happens and we just have to work with it.

Third, I’m still working on my little collaborative project with the authors I’ve interviewed. Things are moving a bit slow, which I expect, working with so many different people in different parts of the world and in different stages of their lives.

I any case, I HOPE I am able to have some of these projects finished before the holiday season.

Feeling a little lost about what’s going on in this post? Just see the side panel and search My Topics, WIP Updates, to get all caught up. Also check my WIP tab to see what else I may be working on.

Do you have a WIP update to share?

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

My Geekdom

My Geekdom 04: Marvel Comic Books


Pins from Pinterest that inspire me and indulge my geekness.

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The Marvel Universe is more of my style of fantasy (even though I LOVE D.C.), but it’s also scary enough that sometimes, it’s too much for me. Marvel blends fantasy and reality. These superheroes interact with real people and visit real places as well as take on fictional people and places. I do, somewhere in the back of my little geek mind, sometimes worry about will happen when Apocalypse comes to claim the earth, but I know that the mutants, the radioactively altered, the genius minds, and other world gods are just waiting to come to our rescue.

Heroes with flaws seemed silly in the heyday of comic books, but now perfect super heroes just can’t be taken seriously. Marvel was the first company to really embrace this idea and increased their popularity with it. Other companies, including D.C., have also embraced the flawed hero idea, and the world of comic books and storytelling is all the better for it.

In Eternal Curse all my characters good, bad, male, female, super, or not have flaws. In some cases the flaws are actually a blessing, but I don’t have time to get into that now. In any case, flaws add a human factor to story-telling that makes the impossible seem believable.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords