Non-fiction Author

Long Time No Talk with Ian Mathie

Greetings humans, half-breeds, and everything in between. Today I’m sharing a very special update from one of my dearest author friends, a trend I hope to develop more. It’s been a while since I’ve interviewed/hosted this special author or reviewed something of his, but that’s just me being disorganized and frazzled as usual. Ian is talented writer of non-fiction and memoirs that are just as captivating as fiction, if not more.

So here’s an update on what he’s been doing.

Toi: So Ian, tell me; how’s things?

Ian: It’s been a bitterly cold winter, although we haven’t had as much snow here in UK as you folks in the eastern US have. Here it’s just been cold and grey and wet, and it puts a damper on everything, including creative thought. That’s a bummer for a writer, even when you know what you want to write.

Still this is a new year and there are things to look forward to. One granddaughter will be two in May, and about the same time a new grandson is due to make his entry into the world. Even my old dog, who’s 11½, is getting excited about that. I have several more books planned too, so there’s lots to look forward to.

Toi: I can definitely relate to bitterly cold right about now, but I’m so happy to hear about your grandchildren. Family really does make it all worth it. Since my 2014 ended on a pretty sour note, I’m thinking 2015 has to better. Here’s another year of blogging, trying new things, and going with the flow. Oh and I’ll celebrate 10 of marriage this April.

Since you last visited The ToiBox of Words, I know I’ve seen you release at least one new work of fiction. Tell me all about the status of your books.

Ian: December saw the paperback release of my first novel, Chinese Take-out. It’s been selling in the US as an e-book for a few months, but in UK many readers still prefer paper books, so now they too can read it. Set in China and Washington at the time of the Democracy Wall in Tiananmen Square, it’s a convoluted international thriller after the style of Tom Clancy. There’s corruption in high places, a saxophone playing Chinese scientist, a crack team of CIA men, a daring rescue plan, a dramatic jazz festival in Bristol, and a gnarled old agent who tells stories about bears to small boys.

I’ve been to several events to talk about this book, and also some to talk about my African Memoir series. I always like meeting readers, or simply people who are interested and may become readers, and taking along artefacts I brought back from Africa which relate to the stories. Handling these can bring things to life in a new way for some readers.

I have several book projects in hand. One is an updated paperback and e-book edition of my very first book, The Man of Passage, which is due out this summer. I have another novel written – The Rorhart Inheritance – which is currently being edited, and another African memoir – Short Pants and No Shoes – which is about my earliest years in Africa during the waning years of the colonial era.

I’ve also written down some of the stories I told my daughter at bedtime when she was little. She used to giggle herself to sleep over the adventures of a remarkable hippopotamus and his brother. Now she has a daughter of her own, and has asked for them in print. That’s a couple of years down the line, but in hand.

Toi: You never cease to amaze me. Your life and talent for story telling is so refreshing. I wish I had a paper copy of Chinese Take-out, but I should finish the digital copy I have and be content with that.

As for me, I’m kind of starting from scratch; self-publishing my Eternal Curse Series after ending my contract with my publisher. I conducted a cold launch of the newest EC: Giovanni’s Angel edition earlier this year. I guess I’m a full on indie now.

Well Ian, how do you see the rest of the year playing out for you?

Ian: I’m pleased to hear you’ve regained control of Giovanni’s Angel. It’s a book that has many intriguing facets and deserves to be widely read. Perhaps now, as an indie publication, it will become better known, although that will need a lot of hard work n your part. Good luck with it.

This year, besides doing lots of writing and playing with our grandchildren, my wife and I want to get out more and look at gardens. Our own large garden needs a lot of attention too. We have friends all over the place we don’t see enough of, so we’d like to go visiting and do some catching up. And then there are things like the theatre and concerts that it’s been too easy not to find time for. With the home of Shakespeare only twelve miles away, and several excellent venues in Oxford, which is just thirty miles down the road, we have plenty of choice, so it’s time we took advantage.

Whilst I’m supposed to have been retired for several years, I still do a little work both from my original career as a water engineer, offering advice on African development projects, and from my later career as an industrial psychologist. Recently I agreed to give a series of lectures this summer for trainees growing into the field of management development, so those need to be written. I’m half minded to extend that into writing a text book.

Somehow I have to fit all this in with regular visits to clinics aimed at keeping me going. Fifteen years ago I was lucky enough to receive a kidney transplant when my own packed up. It’s been marvelous treatment, but requires some attention to look after it and make sure it works well. But that’s a small price to pay for still being here and able to enjoy life and none of my books would ever have been written if I hadn’t had that transplant.

I’m also involved in several community activities in the village where we live. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m a willing horse, or because I’m the last one standing and fit enough to do the work, but the load seems heavier each year.

So what about your plans, Toi? I can see from reading your blog that you are busy and productive, but does this include work on another book? Perhaps a continuation of Giovanni’s story, which I found particularly intriguing? I can easily see that story growing wings (no pun intended) and becoming a trilogy. Oh, and congratulations on your ten years married!

Toi: Are you ever busy! At least you’re happy, and thanks. Ten years was easier than I expected; guess it’s true love.

Since you asked, I am actually planning to release the sequel to Giovanni’s Angel, Eternal Curse: Battleground, in May of this year, but (no pun intended) it’s been quite the uphill battle. We’ll just have to see how that all works out. Also, I’m working on my first contemporary, a romance actually. Hopefully that work will see print sometime this fall.

Ian: You call me busy? What about yourself? You have a demanding job and a husband; a household to run, and yet you produce a frequent vibrant blog with lots to interest a wide spectrum of readers on many different topics. The work that must take to compile makes me feel idle by comparison, and yet you find time to write another complicated book and rearrange your publishing. I wish I had your energy! Good luck with the new book, too.


Well, wasn’t that a nice little update. Now don’t you want to take some time to visit Ian’s website and check out some of his books, reviews and interviews? You’ll be glad you did.

If you like this update of my dear friend Ian Mathie and are wondering about some of my other past guests, don’t worry; their updates are in the works. So, humans, half-breeds, and everything in between, that’s all I have for today.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

Fiction Author

Long Time No Talk with Sheila Deeth

LongTimeGreetings humans, half-breeds, and everything in between. Today I’m sharing a very special update from one of my dearest author friends, a trend I hope to develop more. It’s been a while since I’ve interviewed/hosted this special author or reviewed something of hers, but that’s just me being disorganized and frazzled as usual. Sheila is lively Christian author who I always enjoy having here at The ToiBox of Words.

So here’s an update on what she’s been doing.

Toi: So Sheila, how’s the family? Anything new happening?

Sheila: We’ve been enjoying an early spring while I’ve heard you’re struggling with an extended winter. Ironically, having moved thousands of miles away from our parents when we left England to come to the US, we now have two sons living in the same town as us. We invited them to lunch recently. I confessed we’d have to eat at our house rather than meeting downtown, since it’s the day we always phone “home” to talk with our parents. Middle son promptly replied that he enjoys eating lunch at our house – he made my day!

Toi: I cherish moments like that. If my parents lived closer, they’d surely be part of our monthly family dinners.

How’s your blog going? Anything interesting or standout posts go up recently?

Sheila: I think I try too hard and run too many blogs, but what’s new is a series of “Love in the Bible” posts that I’ve been creating for February on I’m still posting book reviews, author interviews, and guest posts from authors on my main blog at and I’m working my way through Acts with questions for our Coffee Break Bible Study group on

Toi: Keeping busy; I like it, though I can relate to taking on too much.

And did I hear that you have a new book coming out?

Sheila: The second in my, as yet unnamed, series of novels should come out soon from Second Wind Publishing. The title is Infinite Sum, and it tells the story of Sylvia from Divide by Zero – after letting past mistakes and sorrows wear her down with their infinite burden, she learns it’s the steps we take today that define us after all.

f8edd-bethlehem2527sbabycvrToi: I like the sound of this follow-up to Divided by Zero. I wish you all best with your release.

Any other ideas or goals you plan to manifest this year or in the near future?

Sheila: My future plans include turning those questions from Acts into more children’s stories for my Five-Minute Bible Story Series. They’re published with Cape Arago Press, and my publisher has even suggested he might bring out the Old Testament stories in print form soon – with illustrations! I’m working on the third novel in that series for Second Wind too. It’s called Subtraction, to be followed by Imaginary Numbers.


Well, wasn’t that a nice little update. Now don’t you want to take some time to visit her blogs and check out some of her books? You’ll be glad you did. Plus, you can head over to the Sheila Deeth blog right now to see an update from me.

If you like this update of my dear friend Sheila and are wondering about some of my other past guests, don’t worry; their updates are in the works. So, humans, half-breeds, and everything in between, that’s all I have for today.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords


Friday Fiction: ToiBox Edition No. 001 #fridayreads (family, library, stone, push)


Time for something new. Anyone who’d like to join in is welcome, but if you’d simply like to read it, that’s cool with me. Hopefully readers and other writers will enjoy this and even leave me a comment or two.

So here’s Friday Fiction #001 Prompt #2449113142

Topic/Theme: family | Location/Setting: library

Character(s): na | Object(s): stone | Action: push | Random Additive: na

The Story Stone

On a warm day in the distant future a boy cries out.

“Ahh! I’m tired of this crap!”

“Sim, stop whining. We haven’t even been at it that long.”

“May, we’ve been pushing the shelves around for hours. I mean seriously, nobody cares. Why can’t we just stack’m along the walls and start loading them up?”

“You’re joking right? Don’t let Dad hear you talking like that or we’ll both get a lecture.”

“Did someone say lecture? Is it bad that I know that means you guys are talking about me?”

“No Dad, it just means you’re honest with yourself; too bad Sim didn’t get that trait. Have the books arrived yet?”

“Just now; that’s why I’m here to relieve Sim.”

“Oh thank that crazy god in heaven you’re always talking about.”

“Don’t get too excited son. I’m only relieving you so you can help unload the crates of books. May, you think you can handle this on your own for a while?”

“Sure Dad; the dolly is in good condition and everything’s laid out perfectly in your floor plan. I’m good.”

“Come on Simon, don’t look so glum.”

“Aw Dad, you know I hate it when you talk all old and outdated.”

“Well son, that’s why I keep doing it. It builds character and you’ll thank me later.”

“Yeah, that’s what Mom used to say…Wait, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-“

“It’s okay son. You’re allowed to remember your mother. We all are.”


“Yes May.”

“Do you think she really wanted all this? I mean, what if we got it all wrong and are somehow disgracing her memory instead of fulfilling her dream?”

“Oh honey, I know it’s hard not having any certainty, but I know your mother wanted this library. It was her dream for years, to have a place where people could come to read free stories and escape reality.”

“But Dad, no one else wants this place. No one’s going to come here.”

“Sim, you’d be surprised how many people are just waiting for a chance to hold a real paper book in their hands again. They are secretly excited, watching us behind closed doors, just waiting to read stories of make-believe long forgotten. Besides, we have the stone. It has to go somewhere.”

“Oh my, the stone. Seriously Dad, how are we supposed to get that in here? You, me, and Sim together can’t move that thing. You sure it shouldn’t go to a museum?”

“Don’t worry about the stone. Let’s finish the library and let the stone worry about itself.”

On a cold day in the very distant future a woman exhales.

“I can’t believe we actually made it here. We’re standing only a few meters away from the Story Stone.”

“I told you I’d pull through. After ten years of putting up with me, you deserve the best anniversary vacation possible. Plus you’re always going on about those stories and old books.”

“Thank you Charles, it’s wonderful. Aren’t you excited? I mean look at this place.”

“Yes, Susy, it is quite remarkable. Where do you think they found all these books? And what’s up with this stone? Why is there a line just to see this stone?”

“Oh Charles, you never listen when I talk, do you?”

“Honestly Susy I try, but you’re always talking about books. No body reads books anymore, not even the digital kind.”

“Well, thanks for enlightening me. In case you care to know at some point, the stone is a bit of legend.”

“What kind of legend?”

“The magic kind. Apparently this library was started by a woman who wrote some kind of grant about the value of books, but she died before the library was ever built. The story goes that the woman was studying some old ruins and was killed by the stone. The ground shook, the stone rolled, and she was caught in this path, but she didn’t die instantly. It’s said that while she lay under the stone, waiting for someone to find her while slowly suffocating, she noticed the words on the stone.”

“The stone has words on it?”

“Yes, now you’re interested aren’t you? It turns out that the stone had a story carved into it in a language that’s long been extinct. However, since the woman was some kind of scholar, she could make out most of the words. She wrote down as many as she could before died.”

“Well, then what?”

“Well, then her body was found and sent home to her family. It was her husband who found the notes written on paper in her pocket. No one really knew what to make of that paper since no one actually writes on it anyone, so it was collected and included in her personal effects when she was shipped off. Aside from writing as much of the story as she could on the paper, she also wrote a note to her husband. She told him to find the stone and bring to a place where people could escape reality.”

“And so he brought it here and built this library. That’s kind of sweet actually. The only thing I wonder about though, is how they got it in here. It’s so big; they must have built this place around it.”

“Well Charles, my darling, that’s the real kicker. No one knows how it got inside. There’s no record of a crew or any special equipment being used to move the stone inside, but there are plenty of records showing that the building was completed before the stone was placed here.”

“That’s just silly and a little creepy. See Susy, that’s why people don’t read anymore. It creates silliness like this…Oh well, looks like were next in line to see your precious Story Stone.”

“Yes we are and I’m so grateful.”

969 words

Friday April 3, 2015 – Prompt #055372151
Topic/Theme: hate | Location/Setting: station
Character(s): humanoid alien | Object(s): na | Action: guide | Random Additive: na

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords