Greetings readers, bloggers, geeks, and authors and welcome to The ToiBox of Words. I’m your host Toi Thomas, author of Eternal Curse, and today I have a treat to share. A while back, I had the pleasure to interview a wonderful author named, Jessica Therrien. A good time was truly had by all, and here’s how it went down… Oh, and there’s a giveaway at the end. 😀
Toi Thomas:Hi thereJessica! It’s so awesome to have you here at the ToiBox Blog. I’m excited to learn more about you and your work.
Jessica: Hello Toi. It’s nice to be here and I can’t wait to share.
Toi Thomas:So tell me, who isJessica Therrien?
Jessica: Hi! I’m the author of the YA paranormal series, CHILDREN OF THE GODS. I’m a mommy to a super cute 2-year-old and chubby wubby baby boy. My days are spent taking care of my munchkins and writing, most likely in my pajamas.
Toi Thomas: Well, I can say that I’m already impressed. I can’t imagine being able to find the time to write with two little ones, whether in my pjs or not. I have a feeling this is going to be fun.
Toi Thomas: Well before we dive into your special message today, let’s get to know you, the person inside the author.
Toi Thomas:Who is so you and why?
Jessica: Many people ask me if the girl on my book covers is me. No, she’s not, although we do look alike. She’s meant to resemble my main character, Elyse, who is actually based on me. So there’s a reason the cover girl and I are doppelgangers.
Elyse IS me in the fictional book world.
Toi Thomas: I think as writers, all of our characters are us, to some degree, but it’s kinda cool that you actually look like the character you created.
Toi Thomas:What makes you geek out?
Jessica: Right now, I’m REALLY into superheroes…mostly because my two-year-old makes me put on Hulk gloves and chase him around the house. In the book world, I’m going nuts over SOME FINE DAY. Love that book!
Toi Thomas: I’m a total comic book geek, but I’ve been pumping up my novel muscles- reading lots of fantasy and paranormal. I may have to check out Some Fine day.
Toi Thomas:What was your favorite book or story, pre-teen years?
Jessica: Harry Potter…but that’s everyone’s answer, right?
Toi Thomas: I actually have gotten all kinds of answers to this question, with LOTR being the number one, so far. Harry Potter is, of course, second.
Toi Thomas:In terms of interviews, whose brain are you just itching to scratch?
Jessica: Jesus. I’m sure he could answer a lot of my questions. Plus he’s Jesus, so…
Toi Thomas: That’s a tough answer to beat. I’ve gotten it before and it’s always a good one. For those who are believers and those who aren’t, a sit down with him would be enlightening, no matter the outcome.
Toi Thomas: Now that we know a little more about you, the person, let’s learn about you, the author, and dive into your special message.
Book 3 now available
Toi Thomas:So whacha got for me today?
Jessica: Children of the Gods. Elyse knows what it means to keep a secret. She’s been keeping secrets her whole life. Two, actually. First, she ages five times slower than average people, so that while she looks eighteen years old, she’s well over eighty. Second, her blood has a mysterious power to heal. For Elyse, these things don’t make her special. They make life dangerous. Only one other person in the world knows about her age and ability.
Or so she thinks.
Toi Thomas: I already like the sound of this. Not sure what it is about modern generation and our ties to tales of blood, whether good, bad, redemptive, or otherwise, but there’s something mystically appealing about a character with an anomaly in their blood.
Toi Thomas:So who’s starring in this 2 dimensional script read ofChildren of the Gods?
Jessica: Elyse is stronger than she realizes. Like most people, when the ones she loves are threatened, she’ll do pretty much anything to save them. She has little confidence in herself, but necessity is the mother of invention. Elyse’s people NEED her to be the leader they’ve been hoping for. With her friends and family by her side, she finds it in herself to take charge and make real change.
Toi Thomas: I’m sure with the release of the third book in this series, Elyse must surely be a force to reckon with. The title, however, makes you wonder if it’s her redemption or that of her people, to which this installment will explore. The whole series sounds fascinating.
Toi Thomas:What’s so special about this story that’s going to reel in the readers?
Jessica: Most Greek Mythology related books are retellings or their characters are actual gods in today’s world. My story is based on the premise that the Greek gods were never actually gods at all, they were a supernatural race that had unique abilities and lived long lives. They were only mistaken for gods in ancient Greece. This supernatural race, called Descendants, have been living in secret amongst us, forced into hiding by an oppressive council. Elyse, the last healer among her kind, changes all of that.
Toi Thomas: I agree, this take on mythology confused me at first, which is of course why I wanted to interview you and why I’m currently reading the series. It is typical to see retellings of the same characters or have new stories about demigods, half-human children of the gods, but I like this spin. It’s refreshing and exciting… though it kinda makes me think of that movie Hancock. Did I mention I’m also a movie geek?
Toi Thomas:Past, present, future, is there a rhyme or reason to your writing?
Jessica: I WANT to write in order, but usually my brain doesn’t let me. I get stuck and have to move to a new scene somewhere else in the book. Usually I’m typing in the midst of toddler chaos with a baby climbing up my leg. I just finished my series, so I’m kind of enjoying the feeling of being done, but I am working on a more adult book at the moment.
Toi Thomas: Yes, every writer has to find time to write when and how they can. There are so many methods to try out, but in the end, you just have to write. I like the idea of you working on something more adult. I think it’s good to evolve as a writer and try new things.
Toi Thomas:What author(s) has most influenced your writing? Why or how?
Jessica: Usually I am influenced by whatever book I am currently reading. While I was writing my series I was highly influenced by Moira Young, author of the Dust Lands trilogy.
Toi Thomas:I’m finding that I’m more influence by what I’m currently reading than all that I’ve read in the past. Don’t get me wrong, it all plays a part, but as a writer, it’s important to be reading and vital to learn from what we read.
Toi Thomas: Now this is where the questions get a little kooky; are you ready?
Jessica: Heck Yeah!
Toi Thomas:If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Jessica: Harry Potter or Lord or the Rings…any in the series. So hard to choose!
Toi Thomas: Yes, there are some series that just stick with you. I’m a Star Wars girl myself, but these superhero movies are pulling at my heartstrings. This is a tough question.
Toi Thomas:When the soundtrack of your life is playing in your head, what songs express your glee and what songs bring out your rage?
Jessica: I’m going to say Up Town Funk because hearing my 2-year-old sing it makes me cry with laughter.
I don’t generally get too rage-y. Maybe death metal, lol.
Toi Thomas: I’m so thrilled that you actually answered this question. So many authors are afraid of this question. There is no right or wrong answer. Love it.
Toi Thomas: Let’s play zombie urban survivor. What 3 things do you need to survive a black-out in Central Park the day zombies attack?
Jessica: My husband. Done. That’s all I need. *bahaha*…he just told me to say that.
Toi Thomas: Good answer; wish I could say the same. My husband has argued that a house boat is what we need to survive the zombie apocalypse, but he still doesn’t know how to clean a fish. Oh well.
Toi Thomas:What’s the most fun experience you’ve ever had, to date?
Jessica: My wedding. Best. Night. Ever.
Toi Thomas:Awww! How sweet. I bet you two are a really cute couple.
Toi Thomas: Last question of the day; here we go.
Toi Thomas:Not that you can see into the future, but in your opinion, what does the future hold?
Jessica: Well if the YA crowd had their way, it would be a dystopian vampire pit with a lot of badass 16-year-olds. In reality…hopefully I’ll be adding 2 more kids to the mix and my family of 6 will be taking lots of fun vacations.
Toi Thomas: Whoa, a family of six. Well, that’s definitely adventurous. I wish you all the best with your writing and your lovely family.
Toi Thomas:Thank you so much Jessica for spending time with me today.
Jessica: You are so welcome and thanks for having me.
Okay readers, bloggers, geeks, and authors, that’s all for today. Be sure to follow this blog to see who will be visiting next time. For more fromJessica Therrien, check out these great links:
Lead Council member, Christoph, is dead by Elyse’s hand, and Descendants have begun to emerge, exposing their secret to the world. Some see this as the prophecy come to fruition, but the prophecy caries a heavy consequence. It was never meant to be as peaceful as most had hoped.
Humans and Descendants struggle to live together in a world that isn’t ready for such a change. America is divided. Those who glorify the supernatural race believe Descendants truly are the gods they claim relation to. Others see them as a threat.
When Elyse gives birth to the next generation oracle, she sees one final vision—war. The destruction of the country’s major cities, and the end of America as we know it.
After her daughter is born, Elyse finds herself without the ability she needs to predict the future. Desperate to save the world from such conflict, she puts her faith in the hope that Descendants are the key to survival. After all, they have the power to supply a broken society with the means to survive.
Greetings readers, bloggers, geeks, and authors and welcome to The ToiBox of Words. I’m your host Toi Thomas, author of Eternal Curse, and today I have a treat to share. A while back, I had the pleasure to interview a wonderful author named, Kari Peterson. A good time was truly had by all, and here’s how it went down.
Toi Thomas:Hi thereKari! It’s so awesome to have you here at the ToiBox Blog. I’m excited to learn more about you and your work.
Kari: Hi Toi. I’m happy to be here and am anxious to share.
Toi Thomas:So tell me, who isKari Peterson?
Kari: I am not your average gal. I didn’t grow up playing with Barbies or dressing in my mother’s clothes, jewelry or makeup. I drove my matchbox cars over obstacle courses, climbed trees, built forts, dreamt of owning my own horse, and pretended to be an elven princess. I continued to live my life on my terms, while staying true to my old fashioned values and respect. After completing high school, I took on a full-time job and put myself through college. In just under three years, I earned a degree in computers. I try to use that knowledge as often as I can.
The first book I ever self-published was “Cromwell Deep.” It did surprisingly well considering it received no professional editing or cover work. It has since been pulled for a much-needed makeover but will reemerge soon. Journey Through Morowak begins a story too big and wonderful for one installment. I am very excited to see just what it will become! I am 100% invested in this place and those who live within!
Toi Thomas: Well from one tomboy to another, I must say I’m impressed. I too got a degree in computers, but mine took five years.
Toi Thomas: Well before we dive into your special message today, let’s get to know you, the person inside the author.
Toi Thomas:What makes you geek out?
Kari: I am a HUGE horse lover! I owned a green broke mustang a few years back, but I no longer have her. My fingers are crossed that I will soon have the property I want, and when I do I plan to open an equine rescue ranch.
Toi Thomas: That’s sounds really nice. I too enjoy horses and wish I could have learned to really ride. I mean, I’ve gotten on them before and gotten around hobby farms and ranches, but that’s not really riding.
Toi Thomas:What was your favorite book or story, pre-teen years?
Kari: My favorite story has always been the LOTR series. It is epic.
Toi Thomas: Yeah, that’s one of those that’s hard to dispute. It really sticks with you.
Toi Thomas: Now that we know a little more about you, the person, let’s learn about your special message.
Toi Thomas:So whacha got for me today?
Kari: Journey Through Morowak is an adventure story based in medieval times. In my world, magic and dragons exist. You are able to form a genuine affinity for the characters, and their problems are real and relatable.
Toi Thomas: I like that you point out that your characters are relatable even though this is fantasy. For some reason, people seem to think that if magic is involved the story is purely escapism and not relatable- an opinion I do not share.
Toi Thomas:So who’s starring in this 2 dimensional script read ofJourney Through Morowak?
Kari: Leading the cast is Arabella Wallington, a determined young woman who lives a life of honor but must choose to defy the one person she holds with highest respect.
Joining Arabella in the spotlight is Briol Derwintriver, a gifted mage with a backstory that will earn your affection immediately. His heartbreaking sacrifice leads to an exciting turn of events.
One other demands a mention and that would be Zorinthallis. This amazing character has more knowledge than any paper with written words, and his insight grates on the border of unlimited. He is arguably my favorite in the series.
Toi Thomas: This Zorinthallis sounds like the kind of character I’d fall in love with, as far as reading goes. 😉
Toi Thomas: Now for something a little kooky; are you ready?
Kari: Absotively posilutely.
Toi Thomas: Let’s play zombie urban survivor. What 3 things do you need to survive a black-out in Central Park the day zombies attack?
Kari: I’m a big fan of The Walking Dead, though I don’t know how long I would survive. I would take a flint & steel, an axe, and a HUGE roll of duct tape. 🙂
Toi Thomas: Hey, that sounds pretty good to me. You’ve got fuel, protection and hunting gear, and magic (the duct tape) covered.
Toi Thomas:Thank you so much Kari for spending time with me today.
Kari: Anytime Toi. It was fun.
Okay readers, bloggers, geeks, and authors, that’s all for today. Be sure to follow this blog to see who will be visiting next time. For more fromKari Peterson, check out these great links:
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