
Count Your Blessings 01: Water



Water is: life, hydration, nourishment, energy, hygiene, soothing, comfort, therapeutic, sensual, precious, reflexive, absorbent, transparent, power.

I’m blessed to have water to drink in a world where 70% (not sure of this figure) of the water is undrinkable.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

Author Insights

Author Insights 01

authorinsightSo it’s a new year and I am determined to make this year better than the last. Aside from a day job, I used to like and now can’t stand, I didn’t have much to complain about in 2012. I have a wonderful husband who lets me be me and an amazing family that drives me crazy in all the right ways. They love me so much and I love them.

I’ve had decent health, up until recently, but I’m even getting over that spell now. I haven’t been writing as much as I’d like, but I have been writing pretty steadily. I’m slowly building up a blog following and maybe one day that will spill over into a fan following for my books.

So here’s the point of this article—It’s a chance for me to declare what I will accomplish this year. I will release Eternal Curse: Battleground this year and I will release It’s Like the Full Moon this year. I will finish development of my adventure tale and continue to work on my skills and catalog of short stories. I will continue to enjoy readying, when I can, and not make a chore of it. I even plan to find some kind of way or cause to support with my writing so that I’m not just taking, but am also giving back.

Most importantly, I am going to keep calm and focused and not let myself get overwhelmed. When I got sick, it was a wakeup call for me. I was doing so much, that my body just didn’t have the time or the strength to fight my illness. I had to end up on complete quarantined bed rest for two weeks, just to clearly understand that I can’t do it all.

I’ve had to pick and choose and let some things go, but I’m hoping there will be a change in my future that lets me do all the things I want to do, when the time is right…And just for good measure and tradition, I’m going to lose some weight too.


How to write a review: Part 3.

Step 5. Always be honest. A good review doesn’t mean that you have to love the book, but always try to be fair. Readers can tell if you’ve written a review to falsely build up a books rating and they can tell if you are intentionally beating a book down out of spite. Also keep in mind the average person isn’t going to be as thorough in their reviews as other writers and bloggers. This is a good thing. A distinctive credibility is what you want to display when writing a review. It should help set you apart as a writer and a professional. A good review comes with clear explanations of why the book was loved, liked, ignored, or hated; without clear explanations, reviews worthless.

After writing all this, I’ve decided to challenge myself to write more reviews. I also invite you to write more reviews, maybe even one for my new book Eternal Curse: Giovanni’s Angel.

Aside from that, I think I’ve just about figured out what to do with my Review Challenge and am pretty sure it will help some Indie Authors get more reviews. I think it will be a nice gesture just in time for the holiday season, whether you have something to celebrate or not. I know it won’t be a huge thing, but each day I’m more determined to try it. After receiving my first ever customer review, and not knowing when another will come, I just feel like I need to give back to the indie literary community somehow.