Full Moon WIP Updates


Well I’ve written two more chapters of my new romance, but now I’m stuck. Excuse the expression if it offends, but praise Jesus I don’t have writer’s block. I’ve been steadily writing and working on this and other stories, but I’ve come to a part in my romance where I’m just not sure which way to take it. In my attempt to take a not so new or original idea and mix it up a bit, I’ve mixed it up so much I can’t seem to settle it down.

Rebecca’s character has evolved in the story, but all the rest of the characters have remained much the same. I guess the problem I’m having is trying to figure out what else I can do to mix things up without turning this into a comedy. I think I’m ready to bring out the other characters to put a spin on things, but I’m afraid I’ll end up making the others more interesting than my main character Rebecca.

So here’s what I’m dealing with. Lisa is Rebecca’s best friend. Teddy is Becca’s brother. Paul is Teddy’s new best friend. Mr. Thornton is Paul’s father. Ms. Rapture is Teddy and Becca’s mother, Lucy is their aunt, and Virgil is Becca’s fiancé. There are a few more minor characters, but I think I’ve got my hands full with these.

Lisa is a mess to begin with so I don’t think it will be hard to stir up her character; all she needs is a fling or the experience of true love and that could be enough to turn the story around entirely. Rebecca could come to her friend’s aid in either getting over her fling or helping her understand how to be in love, while inadvertently answering some of her own tough questions about her relationship.

Teddy and Paul are both young virile men who have no trouble getting the attention of women, but they are opposites in their approaches. Teddy never takes women seriously while Paul is always looking for the one. I know there’s something here, I just have to figure out what.

The parents are hysterical already. Ms. Rapture, Lucy, and Mr. Thornton have been comically supportive up to this point, but I’m thinking of adding some kind of twist involving them. In any case, I have too many options that could work, but I have to choose just one. Or do I?

Next week at the Eternal Curse Series blog, I will be hosting author Bridget Straub. It’s sure to be a good time. Stop by and check it out.

Full Moon WIP Updates

Meet Rebecca

Her name means knotted cord, captivating, or servant of God, but truth be told, I just looked this up. Rebecca is the main character of the romance I’m currently working on and I picked her name just so I could shorten it to Becca from time to time. I don’t know why, but I’ve always liked the nickname Becca.

Before you get too excited, this isn’t a “tell all” about this new character. This is just a brief introduction to who Rebecca is and a little bit of her story. Rebecca comes from a, somewhat, wealthy family, that is on her father’s side, but that doesn’t mean she’s had an easy life. Compared to most, her life has been a cakewalk, but everyone has their issues and struggles, and Rebecca is no different.

I’m about eight chapters into my first rough draft, which my chapters are barely there, at five to six pages. I’m focused right now on just completing the story, trying to see how it will end. I have two ideas in mind, but I still haven’t made a decision yet. There is much more development that will need to be done, before I can start the editing and review process.

While writing this little story and discussing it with a, very small select group of people, I’ve found that my story has some similarities to others, but this isn’t a shock to me. My Eternal Curse book has been compared to Beauty and the Beast by several different people. I can’t ignore the fact that this story has always been one of my favorites and that my mother is a little obsessed with it. I guess that’s why she likes my book so much.

So far, this new story, currently named, It’s Like the Full Moon, has been compared to books and movies along the lines of A Room With a View, Moonstruck, and other romantic comedies, though I don’t know that my story is very funny. The mention of Moonstruck is what prompted the current title, but I haven’t decided if I’ll keep it; only time will tell.