
Count Your Blessings 14: Medicine



I think it would be nice if everyone, including myself, lived healthy enough lives so that no one would ever need the use of medicine, but that’s not reality. I’m not the type of person who likes to take medication without a really good reason. It seems to me that too often, people over medicate themselves because it’s easier than taking care of themselves. However, when I think back to times in history when common illnesses could wipe out whole villages simply because there was no medicine available, it makes me question my opinion of medication.

I’m blessed to live in an age when almost everything at least has treatment options. No one is going to die alone in a corner waiting for the effects of some illness to overtake their body. In this day and age, we have a fighting chance. Now the trick is giving everyone on the planet that chance, but that’s a topic for another day.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

EC: Giovanni's Angel Full Moon Tea & Conversation

Tea and Conversation 12: Age


Today I’m sharing a picture of an antique Victorian teapot and stand I posted on my tea pin board.

Please do not copy this image. Click image to share on Pinterest.

Today in my meditation I’m thinking about Eternal Curse and Full Moon, and I’m writing about: Why age?

It seems to have become a theme in my writing to feature important older characters. It was a few years ago that I truly grasped the concept of ageism and realized that I too had been practicing it. I’ve made efforts since them to not judge people by their age and set limitations upon them. The fact that older characters keep showing up in my stories and having a major impact is a byproduct of this. I never set out to use my writing as a platform, but when I look back at what I’ve written, many messages begin to pop out at me.

I like the idea that as we get older, we actually get better, but I do acknowledge that aging is a challenge. I don’t make it a point to have my older characters seem larger than life, but I do show that you can live a life worth living after a certain age, through my characters. In essence, I write these characters because I hope to someday be just like them. I don’t want to be an old lady siting in a rocking chair (even though rocking chairs rock) barely able to hold onto my knitting needles watching the world spin around me. I want to truly live every moment, right up to the end.

For those who are familiar with my Eternal Curse Series, Abraham is just the first of my senior characters to make an impact on this overall story. I hope to be able to share my, It’s Like the Full Moon, story with the world soon and give people a chance to fall in love with the many senior characters that make an impact in that story.

Also, today I’m visiting with author Shah Wharton. Go check out our special interview.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords



Happy Father’s Day! 2014

What is a father? Well, he’s not a sperm donor, one half of a genetic code, or even some man who once told a woman he loved her.

No, a father is a man you want to call daddy, but sometimes he could be a grandpa, a big brother, a cousin, an uncle, or even a friend.

A father is a man who shows up when you need him most or who makes sacrifices without expecting anything in return.

A father a man who feels pride when he’s sees a difference in a child’s life that he had something to do with. He feels pride when a child achieves something like: catching a ball, reading for the first time, standing up to a bully, making all C’s when he or she was once failing, and learning and knowing the difference between doing what feels good and doing what’s right.

A father is a real man who isn’t afraid to love a child and show he cares. He could be grandpa, daddy, brother, cousin, uncle, or friend.

When someone says the word father, he’s the one you think of first without having any regrets.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords