The Sarah Cycle
Day 28- Sarah is sad again. Melissa was taken to the hospital today. Sarah was told the girl would likely not return. Sarah decided to watch puppy videos online to console herself.
Day 1, First Impression- Today, Sarah got to meet Abby. Abby seems eager to connect with Sarah, but Sarah seems apprehensive to interact with this new girl.
Day 3- Abby has been leaving puzzles and riddles for Sarah to solve on the table in the center of the room. The girl seems to be tickled at how quickly Sarah solves each one. Sarah has made no attempt to interact with Abby other than to solve her riddles and puzzles.
Day 5, First Attributes- Abby seems to be losing interest in getting to know Sarah just as Sarah seems to be showing an interest in Abby. Abby has started solving many of the puzzles and riddles on her own without asking Sarah for input.
Day 7, First Indirect Contact- Abby fell today when she grew bored with puzzles and decided to time herself running the length of the room. Sarah reached out to console Abby, but then quickly pulled away. Sarah called out for help and offered Abby a teddy bear to hold until someone came to help.
Day 8- Sarah asked if Abby would be back tomorrow and smiled when she learned that Abby would return after a day of rest.
Day 9- Today, Sarah greeted Abby when she arrived and the two played together all day. When it was time for Abby to leave, she reached out to hug Sarah, but Sarah told her maybe they could hug another day. Abby tilted her head and then shrugged before waving goodbye.
Day 12, First Symptoms- The girls enjoyed another day of play, but Abby soon grew tired of bouncing around. When Sarah asked if she could read to Abby, she quickly requested three of her favorite books for Sarah to read.

Day 15- Each day the girls play less and less but seem to enjoy each other’s company more and more. Abby adores the way Sarah reads to her, expressing that she wished adults would read to her with such funny voices.
Day 18, Secondary Symptoms- Abby arrived late to play time today and Sarah yelled at her that she was very worried. Abby said that she wasn’t feeling well but didn’t want to miss their play time. Instead of their usual game of tag, Sarah suggested they start with a game of hot and cold, it did not require either of them to run in order to play it.
Day 19, First Contact- Today when Abby was getting ready to leave, Sarah asked for a hug. Abby hesitated at first and asked if Sarah was sure she wanted a hug. Sarah said, “Yes. I want to hug you because you are the best best-friend I’ve ever had.”
Day 22, Final Symptoms- Abby arrive late to play time again, but Sarah didn’t yell at her. She prepared a special reading nook for Abby to lay in and told her, upon arrival, that she would sing and dance for her before reading some of her favorite stories.
Day 25- Abby didn’t arrive to play time today and Sarah was very upset. She asked for Abby all day. Sarah refused to eat or play with any of her toys.
Day 26, Critical Condition- Abby came to play time today, but she could barely hold her head up or keep her eyes open. Sarah told her it was fine and that she would take care of her. Sarah set Abby up in the special reading nook she’d made for her a few days before.

Day 27- After a day of singing, dancing, and reading to Abby, Sarah gave her a big hug and told her she couldn’t wait to see her again the next day.
Day 28- Sarah is sad again. Abby was taken to the hospital today. Sarah was told the girl would likely not return. Sarah decided to watch sloth videos online to console herself.
FCA- 677-words- The Sarah Cycle 2019 Copyright © Toinette J. Thomas
Please visit other entries in this hop (February 1-20) and enjoy some funny, scary, touching, and thought-provoking stories. You’ll be so glad you did. Look for names with DL next to it.
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