EC: Battleground EC: Giovanni's Angel Reblogs

Reblog- Angel Lore: part 1 by Toi Thomas #OurAuthorGang

I’m hanging out over At Small Gang of Authors again today sharing some of my fascination with angels and how they inspire me. Check it out.

from Pinterest via Toyas Tales: ” I’ll Be Watching You ” by Beata Belanszky-Demko. Acrylic on Canvas.

Here are a few things to know about me. I’m a huge Batman fan, I adore classic Betty Boop, and I love angels and angel lore. When I first started writing my book Eternal Curse: Giovanni’s Angel, I knew I’d need more than my geek-girl fascination with angels to help me flesh out the characters of this story…” Read more at Angel Lore: part 1 by Toi Thomas #OurAuthorGang


#Review: Penryn & the End of Days Trilogy #paranormal #YA


Title:  Angelfall

Series: Penryn & the End of Days #1

Author: Susan Ee

Genre: Paranormal, YA

Pages: 288

Reading Level: Teen

Content: PG-13 (adult situations and content, violence, some gore, doom, mature themes)

So the fact that I’m really into the whole angels and demons thing really helped me get passed my issues with YA fiction and really appreciate this story, which in many ways reads like a Dystopia. Penryan is, typically, nothing special to look at and small, but when she encounters a wounded angel, everything changes. Those who took the angel down have taken her younger sister. Her crazy mother, who may not be as crazy as we all think, remains hidden in the shadows, unable to offer aid. The simple human girl, Penryan, and the beautiful wounded angel, Raffe, must team up in order to survive.

I hope my tone doesn’t exude sarcasm. Despite my personal misdealings with YA fiction, this is a really good story. It even caught me off guard a few times, throwing in an element of terror I hadn’t expected and truly appreciated.  The whole idea of angel fall takes on a new meaning at the end of the story when a twist is thrown at you. Raffe kinda gets what he’s been after this whole time, but it’s a greater curse than he could have imagined … but then there’s still Penryan, the human girl who can wield his sword.

I have to read the next book.

This is definitely geared towards teen readers, but anyone who appreciates dark themes and or a non-religious take on angels and demons will enjoy this story.

I give this book a 4.


This review has been posted to GoodReads.

If you’d like to obtain a Kindle copy of this book, try this link: Amazon

Get a print copy with free international shipping at this link: Book Depository.


Title:  World After

Series: Penryn & the End of Days #2

Author: Susan Ee

Genre: Paranormal, YA

Pages: 320

Reading Level: Teen

Content: PG-13 (adult situations and content, violence, gore, doom, mature and dark themes)

Unlike most, I liked this one more than the first.

Yes, the pace of this book is slower, but that’s part of why I like it. We actually get to take some time to understand certain characters and connect more with Penryn. The only thing I wish there would have been more of this book was Raffe, but I accept the substitution of mother and sister. In the first book we really didn’t get to know Pen’s family and in this book we do. I like that.

In book one, I feel like we got to see inside the world of the angels, but in book two we get the see the human ‘world after’ the arrival of the angels much better. Plus, there are layers to the story of why the angels are really here and figuring that out is important.

Even though Pen keeps reminding us that she’s just a teenager, we all know her youth and innocents are gone. By the end of this book, I think she finally realizes it too. And for all those who want action in their books, let me just point out that in book one Pen picked up the angel sword and in book two she actually uses it. Yaaasss!

Family gets the spotlight in this book and romance is put on the back burner, but not too far away.

End of Days, here I come.

I give this book a 5.

This review has been posted to GoodReads.

If you’d like to obtain a Kindle copy of this book, try this link: Amazon

Get a print copy with free international shipping at this link: Book Depository.


Title:  End of Days

Series: Penryn & the End of Days #3

Author: Susan Ee

Genre: Paranormal, YA

Pages: 344

Reading Level: Teen

Content: PG-13 (adult situations and content, violence, gore, doom, sensuality, mature and dark themes)

I sigh with relief at the finale of this series. It’s everything I wanted.

Pen and Raffe are united, and the kick-butt team they’ve been from the start. They are still battling against the world, and in some ways each other, but they never stop fighting. She is humanity and he is angel-kind. At some point they will have to choose “us” or “them” and the suspense is almost unbearable, especially since their relationship finally gets a bit physical. There’s really no turning back from that, and yet, they still have choices to make.

Poor Paige seems to be destined to suffer, but perhaps her destiny is more than pain. As I read this book, I kept wondering if the price of her life and her destiny was worth the cost. It’s not an easy question to answer, but rather or not I’d be willing to pay it, her mom would surely make sure her baby has what she needs. I really like that crazy lady, but wouldn’t want to be on her bad side.

The scene where the people realize their own injustices and accept their true humanity- it really gets to me.

Meeting the Watchers was nice. I almost felt sorry for Beliel, almost, but his role was critical to the whole struggle.

I thought the final battle would last longer, but I’m kinda glad it didn’t. The doctor ended up saving lives after all.

Oh and Pooky Bear. He’s so confused by the end, but remains safe in Penryn’s hands. Perhaps, that’s where he belongs now. Not a white lace and church bells happy ending, but a happy ending humanity can live with.

Man, was this a good series!

I give this book a 5.

This review has been posted to GoodReads.

If you’d like to obtain a Kindle copy of this book, try this link: Amazon

Get a print copy with free international shipping at this link: Book Depository.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

About Toi

All About Me Monday No. 02 #thetoiboxofwords #geek

I’d like to start the day off by counting my blessings. Here’s number 25.


Currency (printed or coin money)

While working on a story, set in a time of little technical and social-economic advancements, I begin to realize what a blessing currency is. I’m not talking about a love of money and the pursuit of it; this isn’t about greed. I’m talking about economic exchanges. While the barter system will never go out of existence, it’s nice to not have to depend on it daily.

Currency gives us options and opportunities. If everything we acquired in our lives was based on trading, I don’t believe many of the riches people in the world would still be so rich (this could be a good thing or a bad thing). Currency eliminates the need to always have something that someone else wants in order to get what you want or need. If I had to carry chickens with me everywhere I went in order to pay for clothes, fuel, entertainment, etc. I don’t think I’d be going out very much, not that I do anyway. I’m blessed to live in a world with currency, even if it isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be.

Now it’s time for some inspiration with My Geekdom 25: Hellboy

Pins from Pinterest that inspire me and indulge my geekness.
Click image to visit my boards

Pinterest board
My Geekdom

You may or may not have noticed that I have a thing for angels, demons, and other similar creatures. For me, Hellboy is the ultimate misunderstood hero. As much trouble as the Hulk has to face, Hellboy may actually have it worse- I mean “Hell” is in his name.

So let’s break this down into the most basic quandary. He’s red (that’s not normal). He has horns and a tail all the time, not a shapeshifter (that’s really odd and scary). He has a hand that looks like a brick wall (that’s really intimidating). Oh and he’s the spawn of hell, an actual demon, but still a good guy (see why adoption and proper care is so important).

I like heroes that break the norm and challenge people to look at themselves and face their own demons, so to speak. Even with the current popularity of superheroes, in general, there are still many people who won’t even consider reading about or watching anything related to Hellboy. I think that’s part of the reason some people won’t pick up my Eternal Curse Series, but there’s more to it.

In any case, people who do give Hellboy a chance soon find that the wise-cracking, cat-loving, monster to be a true blue hero who just happens to be more than a little rough around the edges.

Now it’s time to get a little personal with my Top 5Animated Comic Book Movies (24).

sample This is a list of my top five something. Most of the time my lists are pretty static, but sometimes I do change my mind. While I do try to apply some logic to my choices, sometimes I pick things that make no sense and for no good reason other than “I like it.”


Animated Comic Book Movies

1. New Frontier, DC

2. Batman – Red Hood, DC

3. JLA Paradox, DC

4. Planet Hulk, Marvel

5. Next Avengers, Marvel

If DC could consistently do with their live action films what they’ve done with their animated features, and some of their TV shows, maybe they could have a movie monopoly like Marvel. As of right now all they currently have is one good Superman movie that they are trying to use as a bridge to bring in a new Batman and all new Justice League down the road. Until recently, you’d think Batman was the only hero in the DC universe because of the success of past movie franchises, but hopefully that will all change soon.
BTW- I <3 Batman!

So now, it’s time to end things on a more biographical note with my Listography of: My Guilty Pleasures (24).


These are the lists that tell my life story. They are in no particular order and some of them are very personal. Please be nice, and if you want to share, I’d be glad to take a look at what you have.

My Guilty Pleasures & Vices

– White Cheddar popcorn and chocolate together

– Violent Foreign Films (not sure why they have to be foreign, but violent US films don’t appeal as much)

– Saying I’m “pissed off”. (I rarely am, usually only annoyed, but I need to find a better way to express myself.)

– Shifter love stories (though finding non-erotica or non-YA ones is becoming harder, I might lose this GP)

– Dog and puppy videos any time of the day.

– Cursing when I’m angry (I’ve actually gotten better at this, and all my anger issues in general, but until I get complete control of my tongue, it’ll always be on my list).

– Robot/Android/Cyborg, etc… movies, books, shows, whether A-list or D-list. Can’t get enough of em.

While I’m no monster, I’m definitely not a saint, but this is all I can think of right now.

Listography are books and a website dedicated to helping you write or consider your autobiography through the process of making lists.

Go ahead, add your two cents. I’d love to know about you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords