About Toi Question of the Month

#Question of the Month: a bloghop to think about. No. 3- Would you turn family in to the cops?

A little while ago, Michael D’Agostino, of A Life Examined, brought up the idea of a new blog hop called Question of the Month. He thinks blog readers would like to know a little more about us, the bloggers. So we’re all gathering to show you guys who we are by taking part in the Question of the Month blog hop. On the first Monday of each month, we answer the question that gets posted here.

This month’s question is: “If your parent or child committed a major crime, would you turn them in?”

The first thing I considered when I saw this question was, “What’s the major crime?”

The reason I asked myself this question is because of the current political/racial tension in the U.S. I’m not going to go into a spiel about right and wrong or ask if you care about “black live.” The reason this question popped up is because sometimes things that aren’t crimes now, once were. For example:

-In some states marijuana is now legal.
-Gay marriage is legal.
-And for those of you who pretend not to remember, there was a time when interracial marriage was a crime, and so on…but of course I realize that these aren’t major crimes.

Now, I’m not here to advocate for or against anything, but I wanted to explain why I take justice a lot more serious than I do “crime”. Yes some crimes are clearly wrong, but many others are founded in popular opinion or are a sign of the times.

So to answer the question, if a family member killed someone or stole from someone, yes I would turn them in. There are probably other “crimes” for which I would do the same, but I would evaluate the situation as is arose and not apply a blanket reaction.

Please check out the other participants in this hop and even join in if you’d like.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

AdventuresNBlogging Reblogs

Adventures In Blogging: What is a Blog Tour & More?

Let me go ahead and say now that I am not about to reinvent the wheel. Most of what I’m about to say may seem commonplace or simple to many of you reading this, but that doesn’t mean that some of you haven’t been a bit confused about these terms. So, this article is for those who don’t know or who have been a bit confused.

The term Blog Tour is used loosely among the blog community which may be why some people aren’t quite sure what one is. Today I’m going to breakdown a few terms based solely on my experience and opinion. If you don’t like my terms, make your own…

Previously posted at, read below to see how I define: Blog Tour, Virtual Book Tour, Blog Hop, and even Reblog.


Blog Tour– When a blogger visits other blogs to promote themselves or share information. These are often collaborative efforts and come with a theme. I participated in a tour once where each blog I visited shared a recipe and I got to pair something of mine with it. Blog Tours are usually set up in the form of a chain, where one blogger directs you to another, similar to the blog hop listed below- I’ll explain the difference when you get down there. Many of these are what we now consider tagging events. A blogger or group comes up with an idea to blog about and then tags others to join in.

Virtual Book Tour– a book tour that happens virtually/online. First, let’s clarify what a book tour is. Happening IRL (in real life) or in the physical world, a book tour consists of an author traveling around to bookstores, libraries, coffee shops, and more to do interviews, read samples, and more all to promote a book, usually a new release, but it doesn’t have to be. As part of the tour, ARC (advance reader copy) books are given out to book reviewers and or critics to help spread the word and build buzz. Now, take all this online and you have a virtual book tour. Hop around from site to site, blog to blog, social media to social media. Digital ARCs will also get sent out to help the book gain reviews and or buzz. The events that occur on the tour, whether IRL or virtually, are only limited to the author’s resources and imagination.

Blog Hop– a blog posting prompt, a sign-up chain, and a schedule of participation. For example, the IWSG (insecure writers support group) hosts a monthly blog hop where each blogger shares their insecurities and or triumphs on the first Wednesday of the month. The 150+ participants visit, or hop around, other participants on the sign-up list to leave comments, ask questions, and offer encouragement. Blog hops are usually themed and can be conducted regularly or be used for limited promotions. Instead of one blogger directing the reader to another blog, the full sign-up list is available for readers to pick and choose which blogs they want to visit, hoping around in whatever order they choose, to visit all stops on the hop or just a few.

Reblog– sharing a blog article you found somewhere else to your own blog and giving appropriate credit. This is not a pass to plagiarize someone else’s content. It is, however, a great way to share someone else’s content to give them a boost. I do this most often if I have a guest appearance on someone else’s blog and want the subscribers to my blog to know about it. Reblogs usually consist of the title, a quote from the content, and a link back to the original article (images are often used as well).

Hope you found this helpful and will be around for the next post.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

Books Fun Hops Holiday

#IntAuthorsDay is coming! Review: Defined by Others & a #giveaway. Hosted by @b00kr3vi3ws.


The idea behind International Authors Day began with book blogger Debdatta. Last year she realized that there was no day set aside to praise all the authors (traditional or self-published) who have provided us with years of entertainment. Debdatta has declared July 18th as International Authors Day and for that, we all love her. From July 14th thru July 18th book bloggers and authors will be sharing posts about their favorite books and or authors- oh and there will be lots of giveaways! Check out mine at the end of this post. Be sure to check back with this hop on July 18th – International Authors Day, see if you’ve won a prize.

Today I’ll be mentioning a few authors I enjoy and then I will feature the author of a wonderful book I’ve just reviewed.

Mini Alex 2Alex J. Cavanaugh has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and works in web design, graphics, and technical editing. A fan of all things science fiction, his interests range from books and movies to music and games. Online he is the Ninja Captain and founder of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group and co-host of the A-Z Challenge. His awarding winning Cassa Series is now an affordable boxed set and his Dragon of the Stars continues to increase in popularity. What are the Kargrandes?

Stacey Rourke is the awarding author of the Gryphon Series and The Legends Saga, for which I had the pleasure of revealing the latest cover for here. She writes with a quick wit and isn’t afraid to go beyond the norm. My review for book 1 in The Legends Saga, Crane, coming soon.

Ian Mathie is an awarding winning memoirist with a life story worth writing about. He has an incredible outlook on life and is definitely an author worth getting to know. He’s also written some fiction. I’ve just finished Chinese Take-Out and will post my review soon.

And last, but definitely not least, is M.C.V. Egan.  This author writes in genres that I’m just not all that interested in, at least that’s what I thought. She changed all that with her Historical-Metaphysical novel The Bridge of Deaths. She’s at it again with her latest release, a Contemporary (Women’s Fiction), entitled Defined by Others. See my review below.

 Defined by Others (Defining Ways Series Book 1) by M.C.V. Egan

I give this book a 5


This author has a way of intriguing me that always manages to entice me into reading outside my preferred genres.

Defined by Others, on the surface, is the tale of a mid-life crisis gone terribly wrong, but it’s actually much more than that. It tells the bounce back journey of Anne, a woman who likes to define moments in a single word, only now she’s a little speechless and unknowingly open to pursue other actions. She is after all trying to bounce back from learning that her husband is leaving her for a man, her father has just been hospitalized, and an old frenemy has just died- but not without leaving Anne a parting gift.

‘Manipulation’ is the single word that would define this book. It’s very dark, but glossed over with pretty wealthy people and little white lies, that turn black in the blink of an eye. That’s how the end comes at you. You see it coming the whole time, but when the “stuff” hits the fan, it catches you off guard- even with the metaphysical aspects in the story.

People often complain about the dangers of social media much in the same as they do the use of firearms. I’m not going argue either case here, but as many would agree, it’s not the “weapon” it’s the user. Anne and her friend Connie take their old frenemy’s gift and turn Facebook into a weapon of mass emotional destruction. When they say misery loves company, they must be thinking of Anne and Connie- but is Anne really looking to destroy lives or is she simply hurting, lost, and confused?

I didn’t fall in love with any of these characters, but I did become enthralled in this story. The whole time I read it, I kept thinking, “There are crazy people out in the world just like this, for real. I’m so glad I don’t have this kind of drama in my life.” This book made me appreciate the small number of close friends I have and made me appreciate how wonderful my husband and family really are. One word to define my feeling for this book would be ‘grateful’, plus is was quite entertaining.

I’d recommend this book to anyone who likes to read Women’s Fiction or Contemporary fiction with a hard edge. This is purely an adult read, though it does not contain erotic material. It deals with mature concepts that young children will not understand and that hopefully teenagers aren’t currently dealing with (but consider the times we live in).

This review has been posted to GoodReads. If you’d like to obtain a copy of this book, try this link.

And then there’s me, Toi Thomas. I write to entertain and read to be entertained. I’m very proud of my Eternal Curse Series, and am currently working on a contemporary romance, It’s Like the Full Moon, which I plan to release in late 2015 or early 2016. If you want to know more about me and my writing, just take a look around this site…And now for the giveaway.

Please visit the button below to hop around and celebrate with all those participating.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords