
3 clues to guess my Dec ‘15 movie: A Mock Squid Soup Teaser #cinephiles #film #review


Sorry I didn’t post this on Friday.
Tis the season to be super busy and all that…

Clue #1– It’s a 2012 Disney live-action, sci-fi release with a PG-13 rating. The title also has a handful of aliases.

Clue #2– Written and Directed by the same guy, known for his work with Disney animated features.

Clue #3– Most viewers either loved it or hated it, but it definitely tanked when compared to its production budget.

Do you think you know what my movie is? I am I still making this way too hard?

Now that I’m thoroughly late, I can’t wait to see everyone else’s clues. I hope I guess some right. I’m so looking forward to the actual reviews that will be posted this week.

Mock Squid Soup – Film Society


MOCK! and The Armchair Squid are proud to introduce Mock Squid Soup: A Film Society. Each month, on the second Friday, we shall host a bloghop devoted to movie reviews. We invite others to participate and post their reviews…Don’t be shy; come join the fun! 😀

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

Fiction Author Virtual Book Tours

Journey Through Morowak by @petersonbooks Interview by #thetoiboxofwords via @RABTBookTours #fantasy

Greetings readers, bloggers, geeks, and authors and welcome to The ToiBox of Words. I’m your host Toi Thomas, author of Eternal Curse, and today I have a treat to share. A while back, I had the pleasure to interview a wonderful author named, Kari Peterson. A good time was truly had by all, and here’s how it went down.


Toi Thomas: Hi there Kari! It’s so awesome to have you here at the ToiBox Blog. I’m excited to learn more about you and your work.

Kari: Hi Toi. I’m happy to be here and am anxious to share.

Toi Thomas: So tell me, who is Kari Peterson?

Kari: I am not your average gal.  I didn’t grow up playing with Barbies or dressing in my mother’s clothes, jewelry or makeup.  I drove my matchbox cars over obstacle courses, climbed trees, built forts, dreamt of owning my own horse, and pretended to be an elven princess.  I continued to live my life on my terms, while staying true to my old fashioned values and respect.  After completing high school, I took on a full-time job and put myself through college.  In just under three years, I earned a degree in computers.  I try to use that knowledge as often as I can.

The first book I ever self-published was “Cromwell Deep.”  It did surprisingly well considering it received no professional editing or cover work.  It has since been pulled for a much-needed makeover but will reemerge soon.  Journey Through Morowak begins a story too big and wonderful for one installment.  I am very excited to see just what it will become!  I am 100% invested in this place and those who live within!

Toi Thomas: Well from one tomboy to another, I must say I’m impressed. I too got a degree in computers, but mine took five years.

Toi Thomas: Well before we dive into your special message today, let’s get to know you, the person inside the author.

Toi Thomas: What makes you geek out?

Kari: I am a HUGE horse lover!  I owned a green broke mustang a few years back, but I no longer have her.  My fingers are crossed that I will soon have the property I want, and when I do I plan to open an equine rescue ranch.

Toi Thomas: That’s sounds really nice. I too enjoy horses and wish I could have learned to really ride. I mean, I’ve gotten on them before and gotten around hobby farms and ranches, but that’s not really riding.

Toi Thomas: What was your favorite book or story, pre-teen years?

Kari: My favorite story has always been the LOTR series.  It is epic.

Toi Thomas: Yeah, that’s one of those that’s hard to dispute. It really sticks with you.

Toi Thomas: Now that we know a little more about you, the person, let’s learn about your special message.

Toi Thomas: So whacha got for me today?

Kari: Journey Through Morowak is an adventure story based in medieval times.  In my world, magic and dragons exist.  You are able to form a genuine affinity for the characters, and their problems are real and relatable.

Toi Thomas: I like that you point out that your characters are relatable even though this is fantasy. For some reason, people seem to think that if magic is involved the story is purely escapism and not relatable- an opinion I do not share.

Toi Thomas: So who’s starring in this 2 dimensional script read of Journey Through Morowak?

Kari: Leading the cast is Arabella Wallington, a determined young woman who lives a life of honor but must choose to defy the one person she holds with highest respect.

Joining Arabella in the spotlight is Briol Derwintriver, a gifted mage with a backstory that will earn your affection immediately.  His heartbreaking sacrifice leads to an exciting turn of events.

One other demands a mention and that would be Zorinthallis.  This amazing character has more knowledge than any paper with written words, and his insight grates on the border of unlimited.  He is arguably my favorite in the series.

Toi Thomas: This Zorinthallis sounds like the kind of character I’d fall in love with, as far as reading goes. 😉

Toi Thomas: Now for something a little kooky; are you ready?

Kari: Absotively posilutely.

Toi Thomas: Let’s play zombie urban survivor. What 3 things do you need to survive a black-out in Central Park the day zombies attack?

Kari: I’m a big fan of The Walking Dead, though I don’t know how long I would survive.  I would take a flint & steel, an axe, and a HUGE roll of duct tape.  🙂

Toi Thomas: Hey, that sounds pretty good to me. You’ve got fuel, protection and hunting gear, and magic (the duct tape) covered.

Toi Thomas: Thank you so much Kari for spending time with me today.

Kari: Anytime Toi. It was fun.

Okay readers, bloggers, geeks, and authors, that’s all for today. Be sure to follow this blog to see who will be visiting next time. For more from Kari Peterson, check out these great links:

Website: Kari

Facebook: Kari Peterson Author

Twitter: @petersonbooks

Purchase links for Journey Through Morowak:

Barnes and Noble | Smashwords

This has been a


Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords


Review: Stardust

Stardust by Neil Gaiman

I give this book a 4.


I don’t feel it necessary to describe this book for three reasons. 1. You can see the description at the top of the book’s page, 2. It’s been turned into a movie and you should have at least heard of it by now, and 3. I don’t know how I would put this into my own words and not write a short essay.

I want to start off by making a confession. I’m going through a phase of reading books that I’ve already seen the film versions of to do comparisons and so far this is the first one where I think I liked the movie better. Now, if you all are ready to hunt me down and kill me, please hold off and hear me out.

The fact of the matter is I do like this story very much. It’s a really good story with excellent writing, originality and creativity, and detailed and realistic world-building. That’s why I’m giving it a 4. There’s no denying that this book is a wonderful story.

The problem that I’m currently faced with it a rare one indeed. Usually, the film versions of movies always seem to be lacking that complete sense of magic that the book usually overflows with. However when I read this book and then thought about the movie I’d already seen, the magic of the movie overpowered the book.

I realize that I’m probably a great minority in this matter, but there were parts of the movie’s story that I simply liked better, but I’m not going to talk about those. I will talk about what I really enjoyed from this book.

I like the little story of how Tristan’s parents met. That wasn’t in the movie.

I like that the Unicorn had a much more involved role and actually had a bit of a personality.

I like that Tristan wasn’t some outcast from his village and was quite well-adjusted.

There are other things I could mention, but then I’d have to put a spoiler alert on this review and I don’t want to.

This is but one of many Gaiman stories you can immerse yourself in and enjoy whether you agree with my assessment here or not. This is an adult read, though I can see teens enjoying it. I wouldn’t recommend it for children. If you like adventure and fantasy, you’ll like this book.

This review has been posted to GoodReads. If you’d like to obtain a copy of this book, try this link.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords