
#Bookreview: Torn from Troy #epic #myth

This is a special post I do once a month to highlight a book I reviewed some time ago, but never actually featured on my blog. Because this is an author blog and not a book blog, I don’t always feature all the books I read. Like all good and dedicated fans of the written word, I do my part and leave reviews on,, and sometimes other places, but don’t always bring attention to what I’m reading, unless you follow me on YouTube… hint, hint, wink wink 😉 In any case, please enjoy this review of a book I read at some point in my life.



Title:  Torn from Troy

Series: Odyssey of a Slave #1

Author: Patrick Bowman

Genre: Epic Fantasy, Mythology

Pages: Audio Download (199)

Reading Level: Teen

Content: PG-13 (violence, adult situations and content, oppression)

It doesn’t take long for the action of this story to pick up, none the less, I had trouble getting into it. I received a free audio version of this book from a summer reading program I signed up for and was determined the give the book a fair shot. I’m glad I did. The overall story and lasting impression was good. It’s a different spin on an ageless tale and I’m glad I finished the first installment.

After the fires of the Trojan War have burned out, Alexi, a 15-year-old Trojan is taken as a slave by the Greeks and sent abroad to serve them on their journey because he just happens to speak Greek. The typical tale of the Odyssey is there in the background of this story, but all the vantage points are skewed. The great Grecian heroes are perceived as dirty barbaric oppressors and poor Alexi is caught between doing what must be done to survive or deciding whether or not there’s any point to trying to escape.   With dangers lurking around every corner, path, and even wave, being a slave to the Greek armada might just be the safest place for him, if they don’t kill him first.

For me, this story is interesting enough to warrant me reading the next book, but then I do have a thing for finishing what I’ve started. I think this adventure will greatly appeal to the younger readers it’s targeted to, especially since many of them may not be as familiar with the original story as I am.

I’d recommend this to pre-teen and teen readers as well as anyone who likes new takes on old myths.

I give this book a 3.

This review has been posted to GoodReads.

If you’d like to obtain a copy of this book, try this link: Amazon

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

About Toi Videos

#Books to #Film in 2017; Have you read’em?

Hi there, just wanted to share this impromptu video. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Tomorrow’s monthly movie review will go up on Wednesday. I totally put this off too long and only just figured out what I want to review. It’s coming. Until then, please enjoy this short video.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords


3 clues to guess my Aug ‘15 movie: A Mock Squid Soup Teaser #cinephiles #film #review

movieclueAhh, the forgetful bliss of the vacating mind. Despite the fact that Squid totally sent out a reminder for this, I simply forgot to do it. Sooooo, let’s do it now.

Clue #1– According to the rumor mill of some entertainment news sources that I can’t remember at the moment, when this movie originally finished production and was tested with small audiences, it did so bad that the release date was pushed back almost a year to reshoot the ending and a few other critical scenes.

Clue #2– The main character of this movie went through grueling hours of  costuming to assume the persona of this title character and felt that perfection was achieved when children were frightened by her.

Clue #3– This movie is not an original idea, but is perhaps an original take on the classic tale retold over centuries and in many cultures and other movies. There is actually a small part of the narration in this modern telling that was included “word-for-word” from the original U.S. film it was based on, and since the same movie house released both films it wasn’t a problem.

Do you think you know what my movie is? I am I still making this way too hard?

I can’t wait to see everyone else’s clues. I hope I guess some right. I’m so looking forward to the actual reviews that will be posted next week. I’m glad we decided to do this again.

Mock Squid Soup – Film Society


MOCK! and The Armchair Squid are proud to introduce Mock Squid Soup: A Film Society. Each month, on the second Friday, we shall host a bloghop devoted to movie reviews. We invite others to participate and post their reviews…Don’t be shy; come join the fun! 😀

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords