EC: Giovanni's Angel Promotion

ToiBox Blog Weekly Recap 02/08/14

weeklyrecapCheck out my Recent Posts links to see what I was up to this week.


On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 I received my 1,000th Like for my posts on this site. This is small potatoes to some, but every little bit counts to me. I only wish I could have been free and focused to acknowledge it when it happened, but I can’t complain too much.

I started out the week with Sample Sunday 32- Eternal Curse: Giovanni’s Angel, chapter 5.1

On Monday, I posted my Top 5 music genres.

On Tuesday, I added to my character files the preferences for Bletsian.

On Wednesday, I posted my monthly contribution to the Insecure Writers Support Group where I introduced, “How do you woo?”

But of course that means I forgot about my WWW Wednesday post, until later that evening.

On Thursday, I posted a Tea and Conversation about eagles.

And yesterday, I posted a very special Friday Forecast.

-Today, I spend time with family. It’s where I need to be.

I hope you’ve enjoyed yourself this week and enjoy a very pleasant weekend.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

EC: Giovanni's Angel

Friday Forecast: 02/07/14


Highlighting interviewees, guest posters, my standard weekly posts, and whatever else I can think of, going into the next week.

So, here what’s happening next week:

Eternal Curse Release Week!

I’m in the process of putting this together now. My whole format will change for 1 week to build up to the official release of my first novel, Eternal Curse: Giovanni’s Angel, on February 18th. You can pre-order your copy at Amazon and B&N.

Also, on Wednesday, I’ll be hosting my first ever blog hop, “How do you woo?” Hopefully by then, I’ll have figured out a way to tie it into my whole release week festivities…I will make this work. 😀 Please feel free to join in. All are welcomed. Click here for details.

Today, I’m planning. That’s all.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

EC: Giovanni's Angel Tea & Conversation

Tea and Conversation 08: Eagles


Today I’m sharing a picture of a teapot by Yoko Sekino-Bove.

Please do not copy this image. Click image to share on Pinterest.

Today in my meditation on the Eternal Curse, I’m writing about: Why eagles?

So here’s a little something most people don’t know about me; I don’t like birds. I had a few bad experiences with geese and seagulls and just don’t care much for them. Sure they are tasty to eat and some are pretty to look at, but I prefer to see them in controlled environments. Wild birds annoy me, but large birds of prey have my deepest respect.

I don’t believe every folk tale, tall take, and urban legend I hear, but you gotta wonder why so many people spread the same stories over and over. I understand that a condor is not going to swoop down out of the sky and take away any children, but the idea of such a thing is astounding. Those large majestic birds sitting on high looking down on the ground dwellers scraping their claws and talons against stones and rocks make me think of magical, powerful, and impossible things.

While it’s not a major theme of my Eternal Curse Series, the might, majesty, and myth of eagles does play an important part in the development of a few major characters.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords