Author Insights

Author Insights 04

authorinsightWell is been a while since I’ve just made a statement, but I feel that now is the time.

I love to write, I enjoying posting to my blogs, and I like social networking, but these things are quite difficult to do when you’re sick all the time. Even though I fight to get over my ailments, sometimes they get the better of me. I will make every effort I can to be as consistent as possible with this blog, but don’t be too surprised if I go M.I.A. again.

I promise, I will always come back and start just where I left off.

Author Insights

Author Insights 03

authorinsightSo I’ve been thinking a lot about the whole idea of writing something every day. Am I less of a writer if I don’t? If I don’t, does that mean I’m in a rut or have a block? I go to work five days a week, but I don’t feel like less of a teacher when I’m not teaching. As a writer I should also read, but what’s more important, reading so many pages a day or writing so many pages a day. When did being a writer become so complicated?…Then I really begin to question myself and wonder if I’m just making up excuses for being unproductive and or lazy.

Writing, to me, is supposed to be fun.

When I ignore the rest of the world, it is.

I enjoy writing for many reasons and as with anything one enjoys I try to improve upon it, but I like having on own since of voice and style, even if others aren’t crazy about it. I don’t want to sound and write just like someone else. I want my voice to be heard. With that being said, I wish I was a better writer than I am.

To me, storytelling is magical and I really mean that. Not everyone can tell a good story and come up with ideas that others want to hear. I happen to think that’s the one thing I am really good at. I have a very creative mind, but turning that into a story that people want to read is very hard to do. Since I started writing by accident, I never knew just how difficult it would be please people when it came to writing a book. I never set out to be a writer, but I feel like it’s just who I am now.

Whether anything ever comes of it or not, I’ll keep writing my stories and sharing them with anyone who cares to try them out. I’d like to think that if I’m able to find so much pleasure and joy in the writings of others, surely someone can find the same in mine. So maybe I’ll never write the next great American novel, but few truly entertaining stories is pretty good to me.

For any writers in doubt out there, write for yourself. You’ll enjoy writing a lot more.

Author Insights

Author Insights 02

authorinsightI’ve never been a phobic kind of person, but I’m afraid of sickness right now.  I just got over a very terrifying illness and people all around me are getting sick. My nephew has the flu and is healing well, but I’m fearful for him. I don’t like that he’s sick like that.

My job terrifies me. I work with children and have for five years, but this year has been unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. I feel like my skin is crawling, itching, and just trying to get away from my school building every time I walk in there. I have a job to do, but I just don’t know if it’s worth it. Things have just gotten so bad.

Sometimes when I come home I’m so exhausted, I literally pass out. Sometimes I feel so grimy and infested that I can’t do anything until every stich of my clothing has been removed and is hidden in the hamper, and I’ve had a hot shower. I’ve used more moisturizer this school year, so far, than I think I used in the last two years because I wash my hands so much and am trying to keep my skin from drying out.

Sometimes I think this new preoccupation with not getting sick makes it hard for me write. I used to have no problem finding my creative comfort zone at home, but now I sometimes find that I have to clean an area two or three times before I feel safe.

I’m aware of what’s happening to me and am doing my best not to let the fear get to me. I’m making a conscious effort not to obsess about my fear, but I don’t want to ignore it. After what I’ve been through, I will do whatever humanly possible to not go through that again. I want to be able to write and I want to be healthy, but I wonder if I am able to do both. All I want to do is writing my stories, but I guess you just can’t have what you want all the time, no matter how simple it may seem…but I’ll keep trying.