Today I’m sharing some of my food journey. I released it a few days early to the paid members of my Patreon community along with some exclusive content regarding the future publication, “I Wish I Could Eat That.” Now, the video below is public for the world to see. I hope you enjoy it.
Will you help me grow my community to 100 FREE subscribers on Patreon? You get monthly updates and exclusive content. I tell you the truth, it’s better than a newsletter!
This post contains affiliate links. If you click through to make a purchase, I may make a small commission at no additional cost to you. Any amount I make goes towards my dream to host a book fair in Hampton Roads, VA. Please see my About page for more details. Thank you for your support.
Here are a few items featured in the video (these are affiliate links).
If you’re interested in the featured item or other clothing, click to visit Sell My Tees.
The stickers and other accessories can be found at Redbubble.
Thank you for making it this far down the virtual page. Kudos to you! I’d love to know what you thought of this post in the comments below. Stay safe and be blessed.
Today I’m sharing some of my reading journey. I released it a few days early to the members of my Patreon community, whether free or paid, along with some exclusive content in the form of my series, Yay, Stuff 2.0. Now, the video below is public for the world to see. I hope you enjoy it.
This post contains affiliate links. If you click through to make a purchase, I may make a small commission at no additional cost to you. Any amount I make goes towards my dream to host a book fair in Hampton Roads, VA. Please see my About page for more details. Thank you for your support.
Here are links to the books featured in the video.
Girl of Flesh and Metal Amazon | Bookshop
If you’re interested in the featured item, the apparel, stickers, and other accessories can be found at Redbubble.
Will you help me grow my community to 100 FREE subscribers over atPatreonto receive a monthly update on the creative projects I’m working on? I tell you the truth, it’s better than a newsletter!
Thank you for making it this far down the virtual page. Kudos to you! I’d love to know what you thought of this post in the comments below. Stay safe and be blessed.
Created and hosted by the Ninja himself, Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writers Support Group posts the 1st Wednesday of every month. Click hereto learn more or sign up.
Optional Monthly Question:If for one day you could be anyone or *thing* in the world, what would it be? Describe, tell why, and any themes, goals, or values they/it inspire in you.
My answer is available as a YouTube Short that I’ve shared on social media.
Today, I’m so happy to present Smoke on the Water by Ronel Janse van Vuuren of Ronel the Mythmaker. Be sure to check her out. For now, let’s get into the interview.
Ronel, tell me about the main storyline within this book.
Without giving away too much, immortals from various pantheons are bored. They live in various inter-pantheon rest homes when not fading away in the seats of power they’re known for. Then something changes and they become restless. Some go on vacation, some get into weird wagers involving humans, and some lose their minds completely and send the realms hurtling towards the Apocalypse. It has to be stopped, of course.
Of course, and I bet there are some interesting attempts that will be made. Before we get to that, tell me, where did the idea for this book come from?
Climate Change has been something that’s affected my life personally the last couple of years with more heatwaves, floods and scary lightning storms without rain. I’ve also seen people acting really weird because of social situations, alcohol or the pandemic. And I wondered: What if several *someones* were behind all of this and what if it could be crazier?
Whoa, not a “what if”. I can’t imagine things being even crazier, but I’m excited to learn more.
How did the title of this book come about?
“Smoke on the Water” came from what can be seen when everything is said and done in this series. And, of course, the song by Deep Purple. I was listening to a lot of rock while writing this series… Each book is named after a song that inspired me 🙂
I love that the story titles are inspired by songs. I’ve always felt that there was a strong connection between creative writing and music.
Ronel, did you have any say in the cover design? Do you know how the cover art came about?
Toi, for “Smoke on the Water”, I was looking for something about opposing forces and a female protagonist holding it back with sheer force of will (and magic, of course). The water/ice and fire with the woman in a dress and cloak works well. Though there are male protagonists, I think the females did more to bring back balance. The rest of the series kept with the flower/nature theme and something about the protagonists on the cover.
That’s pretty cool. So, let’s get back into this world of pantheons you’ve created. What do you feel is the major conflict in this story?
Something ancient has woken and is driving the immortals to act out on their crazier instincts. At first, it’s small things like toying with humans. Then Poseidon and Pan create the Warp, trapping humans in their cities to be tormented by other immortals. This leads the realms to the brink of the Apocalypse. And the unlikely pairing of Loki and Ra have to end it (after a couple of other immortals have done their best to do so).
I think I’m beginning to see this coming together. I like the idea of cross-pantheon partnerships, even if they don’t all bring great results for humans.
Where and when is this story taking place?
Image sourced from
In a slightly alternate version of our reality, immortals from various pantheons play around on Earth when not in the Other World. Mab sets out for a vacation in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. Odin decides to go live in a retirement home. Love gods have a conference in a hotel situated between realms – and then decide to go to a human nightclub. Isis hops from the Other World to museums and ancient tombs to resurrect Osiris. Staying as true to folklore as possible, these immortals and others change the way the various realms interact.
I like how you’ve blended recognizable real-world places with otherworldly locations and themes.
Given that this is a series of stories, who would you say are the main protagonists?
Kitsune image sourced from Wikipedia – The moon on Musashi Plain (fox) by Yoshitoshi.
Each story has its own main character… Odin starts things off by leaving Asgard to live in a retirement home in Midgard (Earth). He is the first to notice that things aren’t as they should be. Then Anubis takes a vacation among humans, only to have to use his incredible powers to stop the end of the world. Mab thinks going to New Orleans is a good idea – until those under her rule decide to revolt. Yue-Lao and Cupid exchange roles to show that it’s easy to make humans fall in love. A Kitsune has to keep Bast from killing everyone at a human kegger after Apollo pushes her too far in a game of pranks. Pan and Poseidon clean their respective territories, trapping humans in their own garbage in their cities. A human asks Baba Yaga to come out of retirement and do what she does best… and she overdoes it. Morrígan, finally reunited with her powers, decides to save animals from humans in terrifying ways. Isis uses the chaos around her to finally reunite with Osiris, no matter the cost. And then Hel, Aphrodite, Set, Loki and Ra (and a couple of others) have to clean up the mess the others have made, even if it means their own lives are forfeit.
Wow, if those are the protagonists, I can’t wait to learn about the antagonist(s). So, who are they?
For the most part, the antagonist is the immortal’s nature warring against itself. E.g. Yue-Lao giving in and acting like Cupid, despite knowing that shooting love darts at random people isn’t the way to create lasting relationships. All of this is driven by magic from an ancient enemy who woke from a long slumber… This bad guy is only identified and dealt with once Hel and the others start to fix things. Let’s just say that the antagonist is rooted more in the psyche of each character than in an actual person.
I love the idea of the “big bad” being this force rooted within the characters. That kind of stuff makes for a compelling read.
Since I’m not talking about flesh and blood children, I’d love to know if you have a favorite character; and if so, who is it?
My favourite is Bast. She’s seen from so many different perspectives throughout the series, showing different sides of herself depending on the situation.
Nice. I know it can be hard to pick a favorite sometimes, so I appreciate you sharing that. Ronel, I’d like to switch gears a bit and learn about your experience of writing this series. How long did it take?
The first story, “Breaking the Habit” came out in 2020. It sparked the idea for this series and the experimental style. “A Way Back Into Love” was supposed to be the end with everyone on the precipice of the Apocalypse… But it bothered me that there was no resolution. So after a lot of research (which will be pared down for my podcast), I figured out how the series should end. As I prefer writing longhand, I went through a lot of pens to finish this series. LOL.
Oh snap! I don’t know why, but I still get shocked every time a writer tells me they write longhand. I think it’s a wonderful habit if you can manage it, but I’m pretty much all digital now, except for notes.
Would you mind sharing, what was your greatest challenge in creating this book?
Well, Toi, as it’s in the form of several short pieces, each with its own protagonist, instead of a novel, it took a bit of juggling to make sure the voice, theme and tone stayed consistent. A playlist helped.
I can totally see that being a challenge, and again, love that you incorporated music to help you stay in the zone.
Are there elements of your personality or life experiences in this book?
When I wrote “Queen of Nightmares”, I was feeling overwhelmed with my responsibilities across the board, so Mab needing a vacation was actually me crying out for a break. Morrígan going out of her way to save animals, especially dogs, is so me. If I could afford it (especially emotionally), I’d rescue more dogs from shelters.
See, that’s why I enjoy these kinds of interviews. I love learning how writers embed themselves into their stories. I could totally see you rescuing all the dogs. In keeping with a personal connection, is there one thing from this book you wish was real or could happen?
Though the Warp is a terrible thing – basically all forms of pollution is pushed towards cities on land, through air and water, trapping all of humanity in its borders – it gives the Earth a fresh start. With all the pollution going on, despite many doing their best to reduce their carbon footprint, humans are destroying the only home we have. Cleaning the planet and punishing those responsible sounds like a good thing…
Yeah, I can relate. Sometimes, radical fictional solutions to real-life issues can be appealing, even if not truly desired. What is something from this book you’re glad isn’t real or hope doesn’t happen?
Isis, with her considerable magic, brings the Underworld to the realm of the living so she can be reunited with Osiris who was murdered millennia ago. For reasons only the men from the Egyptian pantheon understand, she was kept from her true love all this time. Having to deal with revenants, zombies, ghosts and more, isn’t something I feel like dealing with right now. Or ever.
No argument here. I’m actively praying, wishing, and hoping that a zombie apocalypse isn’t in my future and remains a thing of fiction.
What are you hoping readers will get from exploring this series?
Life is precious. No matter how long you live, you should cherish each day. And it wouldn’t hurt if you took care of the planet and its creatures while you’re at it.
Here here, I like that message. Before I say goodbye for now, here’s one more fun question.
Ronel, if this book was being turned into a feature-length film franchise or a streaming series; who would be cast as the main two characters? Any thoughts on a soundtrack or score?
Toi, I actually have a playlist on YouTube. As for two main characters: Ryan Reynolds as Apollo and Alan Ritchson as Thor. I think they’d be perfect as these two characters bring comic relief to the series while still able to fight bad guys.
Man, I love a good story playlist. Thanks for sharing that.
Do you have any special plans for this book in the near or far future?
I’m currently recording the audiobook and doing the translation to Afrikaans (my native language). The ebook is currently available through this Universal Book Link(buy at your favourite store or lend from a library). Oh, and I’m participating in READ AN EBOOK WEEK. Click the image below to try the first book in the series for FREE.
Click image to visit
That’s very exciting. I’m so impressed with the way you diversify your work!
Ronel, thanks so much for hanging at The ToiBox of Words today. I wish you all the best with your Smoke on the Water release and sales.
Personal Updates…
1) Here are the vlogs I posted last month, in case you missed them. There’s not a lot as I was sick a lot.
2) I’ve moved my personal updates over to Patreon. Click this public postif you want to check it out.
My Patreon community was able to watch my Counting My Blessings video three days early, but now its public if you’d like to see it and don’t want to go to Patreon. There’s also a short for it, in case the full video is too long for you.
3) I’m also participating in READ AN EBOOK WEEK. Click the image to see what I’m offering. I have picture books, short stories, and even a novel, up to 50% off. Plus, you can download these ebooks anywhere you want. Even if you aren’t interested in my titles, spend some time on the site. I’m sure you’ll find a deal that suits you.
On a slightly different note, people often ask me about the different materials and fabrics that I use to pull up my hair in my videos. Well, news flash- most of the time they are neck gaiters. Seriously, I’m not joking. 🤗
My latest set comes from UNCO. When offered a chance to spread the word and receive a commission, I jumped on it. So, I hope you’ll check them out. I’d love to see you wearing them around your neck or in your hair. I’m also here if you need tips for your hair. 😉
🧣 UNCO Neck Gaiters – 50% Commission for Creators! 🧣
Commerce update…
Source Material t-shirt featured.
If you’re interested in the featured item or other clothing, click to visit Sell My Tees.
The stickers and other accessories can be found at Redbubble.
Who or what would you be?
Are you excited about Smoke on the Water too?
It may take some time, but I promise I will eventually stop by your blog.
Click here to visit other IWSG blogs and sites to receive and share more inspiration and support. (This month, I’m #23).
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Thank you for making it this far down the virtual page. Kudos to you! I’d love to know what you thought of this post in the comments below. Stay safe and be blessed.
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