EC: Battleground Sample Sundays

6 Sentence Sunday 03: ECB

This is a weekly meme hosted and originated by 6 Sentence Sunday.

Eternal Curse: Battleground-6 sentences from the prolog (a work in progress).

“Do you know why I haven’t killed you? Well, do you?” roared the mindless figure hanging over him like a shadow. He hunched over in a congealing pool of his own blood refusing to answer the pseudo-being before him. The pain he felt was immeasurable, but he was still a mighty warrior and righteously proud. He’d been robbed of his sight by the unsteady hand of a possessed minion welding a dull curved blade, and yet, Fred would not give is captor the satisfaction of degrading his honor by interrogating him in a false form.

Finally, Ivor approached and knelt before the now broken body of Fredrick, the visionary, and subsided as his shadowy host revealed the very edge of his being to great warrior.

To participate, pick six (6) sentences from anything you like (it can be from a Work in Progress (WiP), something you recently sold, something you hope to sell or even something already under contract and available for purchase – and don’t worry, Six Sentence Sunday is for published AND unpublished writers). Then post them on your blog on Sunday. That’s all there is to it!

Posts are for bloggers only, but comments are open to all. Please post a link back to Six Sunday, the “anchor” site, to let people know where you heard about the idea. You are not required to list the week’s posters on your post…And don’t be afraid to share the love by adding the hashtag #sixsunday to your tweets about Six Sentence Sunday. You can follow the official Six Sentence Sunday twitter at:

*The informative content listed above was taken directly from the 6 Sentence Sunday website with a few paraphrases for ease of viewing and reading. Please review their FAQs for more details.

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By Toi Thomas

Author and illustrator of children's books, as well as clean adult fiction and nonfiction. Toi is a geek-girl blogger, vlogger, reviewer, and advocate for a healthy reading lifestyle. She finds comfort in faith, family, and creative expression. Toi believes in the dream of world harmony and hopes all your dreams come true.