Fiction Author

Richard Taylor Interview


The Eternal Curse Series Blog Presents an interview with author: Richard Taylor.

So tell me, who is Richard Taylor?


I’m retired from the army and from business; always loved writing but never had time until working on the road, living remote, reaching into that inner self.  I started my Vietnam memoir in evenings while I was away from home. Prodigals: A Vietnam Story, became a prize winner at the Pikes Peak Writers Conference and featured selection of the Military Book Club. Homeward Bound: American Veterans Return from War was a featured selection of the Association of the U. S. Army. All my novels reflect the human condition in war–specifically love and war.  I write what I know about.

So whacha got for me today?


Eden Lost, published by Tate Publishing is a historical romance set in 1898-1901 in the Philippines, when Commodore Dewey steamed into Manila Bay and sank the Spanish fleet. Josh Armand is interested in commercial interests but is entranced by the enigmatic Isabella Germain, a mysterious mestizo. He needs her to organize his rescue from Chinese kidnappers. But her covert activities in support of Filipino rebels clashes with his loyalties and moral values. Their love is sharply tested by cultural divisions, divided allegiances and dangerous circumstances of war. They strive to overcome incalculable dangers and difficulties to find enduring love while Eden lies in peril.

So who’s starring is this 2 dimensional script read of Eden Lost?

There are many historical characters who contribute to the story, including: Commodore Dewey, Arthur MacArthur, Frederick Funston, and Emilio Aguinaldo. The two main characters are Joshua Armand, a steam engineer and entrepreneur, drummed into service supporting Dewey on his journey to destiny in Manila Bay. When Josh goes ashore he’s almost run down by a carriage with a beautiful Eurasian woman, Isabella Germain. However, she has been supporting the revolution against Spain and runs a “Gentleman’s Club” to gather intelligence. Her business is contrary to Josh’s prudent Boston upbringing. As the war becomes a conflict between Americans and Filipinos, it squeezes their relationship, increasing pressures of their cultural differences. The big question is whether they can overcome those differences and find happiness or is the chasm too wide? A minor character who plays an important role is Hans Jourdans, a reporter who provides color and context to events as they unfold. This story grew from my service in the Philippines and is filled with Filipino myths as well as historical circumstance.

Past, present, future, is there a rhyme or reason to your writing?

I’ve always wanted to write fiction, but I’m handicapped by my past. I couldn’t start a novel until I got some things out of my system. I had found a stack of letters I’d written my wife from Vietnam–didn’t know she’d saved them–but I re-lived things I’d shoved to the back of my psyche. Until I wrote Prodigals, I couldn’t clear that. An opportunity came out of the blue to write Homeward Bound, a history of veterans from the Revolution to the present and I did that, finishing it while I was working in Iraq. Having wasted lots of paper on failed novels, I finally learned to write what I knew–war, veterans, and the human condition relative to that.

My first novel was about the Cold War, the Berlin Wall. Berlin Connection takes the sweep of history from the construction of the wall until it came down. The major characters–Kennedy, Reagan, Bush, Khrushchev, and Gorbachev are there, but the real story is about three of the little people working tirelessly under the radar to bring down the wall.

My second novel, The Raptor and the Mourning Dove, began to take shape during my first year in Iraq. It tackles problems of physical and psychological wounds from that war. Both of these were self-published as e-books and print-on-demand. Raptor may get a shot from a traditional publisher.

Of course, Eden Lost, by a traditional publisher, is set during the Philippine-American War. I’ve started on a sequel to Eden Lost set in World War II Philippines, working title, “Return to Eden.” This is interesting because I’m transferring a paranormal aspect from Eden Lost. I’m spending some time now on poetry from fields of conflict–Vietnam, Cold War, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

What author(s) has most influenced your writing? Why or how?

That’s a tough one to answer. I suppose Hemingway as a person because of his life and writings, although I’m not a huge Hemingway fan. I was more influenced, or encouraged, by my high school English teacher, Mrs. Lady Booth Garner, and Mr. Booth, my college English professor (no relation). And again by the editor of my first book who is also a military affairs writer, Eric Hammel. Since I’m getting into poetry, I liked the old guys–Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Edgar Allen Poe, Robert Service because they tell compelling stories in their poetry; and from World War I–Rupert Brooke and Wilfred Owen because they show the deep scars. I suppose I’m mostly influenced by that “inner self.”

Whose brain are you just itching to scratch?

No doubt one would be Hemmingway. And I’d ask about his wars and his wives. I’d just like to hang out with him a while over more than a few beers.

Another, if I can cheat, would be Civil War General Lew Wallace, who wrote Ben Hur.

And as long as I’ve gone over the mark, the third would be T.E. Lawrence for Seven Pillars of Wisdom.

Who is so you and why?

I’m an old fashioned person and have often thought I was born in the wrong century. I can’t compare myself to Frederick Funston, but I admire his short life which he lived so fully. He was completely into himself, an excellent writer and soldier and adventurer. I was inspired by everything in his heroic life. If I’d lived in the post-Civil War period, I would have wanted to know Funston, but doubt if I could have kept up with him.

What’s your ideal reading spot for your next highly anticipated read?

Right now I’m sitting in my little office space on the terrace level of our townhouse, overlooking the 7th hole of a golf course. The fairway is narrow and just on the other side is the active railroad bed of the former Western & Atlantic Railroad. Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign was fought along those tracks from Chattanooga to Atlanta. Sherman said those tracks should “be the pride of every American” and “every foot should be sacred ground.”  I’m constantly inspired by the sound of trains going through Big Shanty Station.

I’ve just read Nathan Philbrick’s paperback Mayflower because I was seeking information on my 8th great grandfather, Richard Warren and my wife’s 11th great grandfather, Edward Fuller–both were aboard. They didn’t merit much mention, but the book was a compelling read anyway. I’m just finished Krauthammer’s Things that Matter and started Bob Gate’s Duty. Oh, and for my book club this month, Necessary Lies.

What was your favorite book or story, pre-teen years?

That’s not too hard. I remember Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island and Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe very well, in addition to the Hardy Boys mystery series. Also one I just re-read was Henry Stanley’s How I found Livingstone. My favorite quote from that is: “The unencumbered mind recalls all that it has read, all that pleased the eye, and delighted the ear; and reflecting on every idea which either observation, or experience, or discourse has produced, gains new information by every reflection. The intellect contemplates all the former scenes of life; views by anticipation those that are yet to come; and blends all ideas of past and future in the actual enjoyment of the present moment.” Amen…

There is more fun and insights to this interview, visit the Eternal Curse Series Blog for the full experience. For more information about this author, Richard Taylor, please visit the links below.


Twitter: @VietnamProdigal

Purchase links for Eden Lost: Tate Publishing

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords



Review: Childhood’s End

Childhood’s End by Author C. Clarke

I give this book a 5.


This is a wonderful book I wish I’d read sooner. Everything I’ve always known and loved about alien invasion plots seems to have been influenced by this book in one way or another.

The book starts out by describing the harmless but startling invasion of the Overlords. Within very little time, the soft-spoken, and at that point, never seen Overlords have rid the world of war and violence and made it subtly clear that they plan to stick around for a very long while. Of course, people being people constantly wonder and question the motives of the Overlords, but since no lives are being taken, peace abounds around the land.

Generations go by before the Overlords present themselves to the public, for good reasons that are clearly explained in the book. After that, the earth begins to reach its almost utopian pinnacle.  The one and only thing that really seems to be lacking in this new perfect world is the desire and or opportunity to explore new things. So of course, there is one man who decides to tackle this deficiency, with unexpected results.

More and more generations come and go until such a time that man has begun to evolve. Finally, the Overlords are ready to reveal their true purpose, but by that time, it doesn’t really matter anymore. There’s something more in store for the fate of the earth.

Wow, is the first thing that comes to mind each and every time I think of this book. The most riveting notion throughout this book is the sense of the unknown. Every time one thing is explained and all is well, there’s something else to keep you guessing. The story comes to a very clear and compelling end, but even then you are left wondering, and not because the author didn’t feel like filling the reader in. There are some things in this world that we just cannot understand. We can either accept them and move on with our lives, or we can let our desire to know destroy us.

While children and even some teens may not understand all the themes and scope of this story, I would recommend it to anyone. Sci-fi fans are sure to love this story, but anyone who’s ever been plagued by wanting to know more will appreciate this book.

This review has been posted to GoodReads.

If you’d like to obtain a copy of this book, try this link.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords


Review: Embrace

Embrace (The Gryphon Series, book 2) by Stacey Rourke

I give this book a 5.


This second installment of the Gryphon Series was so good; I’m still kicking myself for taking so long to finish it and even longer to review it. I had to go back and refresh myself on the story because so much time had passed, but life happens and things don’t always work out the way you want, something the heroine of this story knows all too well.

Celeste is busy going to school, working a job, training and fighting demons, and being a loving family member. So why would romance even be on her mind? Maybe because she purred at a guy, yea. The underworld has a new leader and a new battle is starting. In the midst of this, apparently, romance is in the air and not just with her…Oh and she has a whole new set of powers that are driving her crazy as well as new “friends” to help or hurt her cause.

I like that this book started right where the other ended and didn’t waste a lot of time trying to catch the reader up on what happened in the first book. I get the feeling, however, that even if I hadn’t read the first book, I would still have been entertained by this one.  I like the Garret family more and more. Even with all their powers, they are still just an average family doing the best they can, but the battle with evil is beginning to take its toll in this tight-knit group. The punches, the laughs, and the tears keep on rolling in this series. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

See my review of book 1 in this series: The Conduit.

This review has been posted to GoodReads.

If you’d like to obtain a copy of this book, try this link.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords