Book Club Books

What I #read in Feb. ’23 & what I #amreading!

Today the IWSG Book Club launches our March discussion about what we are reading. It doesn’t have to be a book club selection just something you are excited about. Let’s all share what we are reading, and perhaps, we’ll find something to add to our own TBR lists. Click this link to go straight to the discussion. I’m currently reading Spiral of Hooves & In Darkness: The Vampire.

This post contains affiliate links. If you click through to make a purchase, I may make a small commission at no additional cost to you. Any amount I make goes towards my dream to host a book fair in Hampton Roads, VA. Please see my About page for more details. Thank you for your support.

In February 2023, I completed 5 titles. My goal was 3. Two of the publications I read were novelettes in a series and one book I previously DNFed. I read through the first part very quickly to get caught up to where I originally left off. So far, I’m going well with my Goodreads Challenge.

2023 Reading Challenge

2023 Reading Challenge
Toi has
read 2 books toward
her goal of
36 books.

Below you’ll find my star ratings and review tags for each title I completed in the indicated month. You can also click the images to see the thorough reviews. There may even be a video for you to watch below, but I make no promises.

Rating: 4.0 – Review | Amazon

Rating: 5.0 – Review | Amazon | Bookshop

Rating: 4.0 – Review | Amazon | Bookshop

Rating: 4.0 – Review | Amazon

Rating 3.0 – Review | Amazon

Check out my Goodreads Wrap-Up video or watch my Book Review video below (I elaborate on the public reviews I’ve posted).




This a voluntary monthly challenge, just for fun. Click this image to try the challenge.


So tell me, what are you currently reading?
Did you read anything interesting in February?
Are you going to try the March theme challenge?

Thank you for making it this far down the virtual page. Kudos to you! I’d love to know what you thought of this post in the comments below. Stay safe and be blessed.


#IWSG Feb. 2023- Cover Design Control

Created and hosted by the Ninja himself, Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writers Support Group posts the 1st Wednesday of every month. Click here to learn more or sign up.

This post contains affiliate links. If you click through to make a purchase, I may make a small commission at no additional cost to you. Any amount I make goes towards my dream to host a book fair in Hampton Roads, VA. Please see my About page for more details. Thank you for your support.

Optional Monthly Question: If you are an Indie author, do you make your own covers or purchase them? If you publish trad, how much input do you have about what goes on your cover?

I’ve designed all my book covers since going exclusively indie, outside of anthology covers I’ve contributed to. I like the control and the creative challenge. I also like polling readers throughout the process to see what does and doesn’t work, but sometimes I just do what I want anyway. That’s the beauty of self-publishing. Still, if I plan to actually make money with a publication, I do put effort into finding out what’s going to work for the genre and get reader feedback before letting my ego take over.




Member Spotlight

Summer of L.U.C.K.- Goodreads, Amazon, Bookshop

Craft Book

Nail Your Novel- Goodreads, Amazon, Bookshop

We have some changes coming to the book club. More details will be provided in March, but here’s a sneak peek.

In January 2023, I completed 2 books, but my goal was three. I have a short book I plan to read to hopefully fit in with my February reads. 

2023 Reading Challenge

2023 Reading Challenge
Toi has
read 2 books toward
her goal of
36 books.

Below you’ll find my star ratings and review tags for each title I completed in the indicated month. You can also click the images to see the thorough reviews.
4-stars, no review posted yet. Amazon
5-stars, no review posted yet. Amazon | Bookshop

Now, on to the personal updates.

I created a BuzzFeed quiz and would love for you to check it out.

What Kind of Whodunit Can You Handle?

I’ve been busy in a lot of ways, but the most challenging at the moment has been as a developmental editor to an aspiring writer. The great thing about this is that the writer has some natural talent. I’m just there to guide and hone. I’ve found that I’m better at helping people develop their stories than I am at writing my own, but I still love to write, and I’ve been able to do a little of that lately.


Do book covers really matter to you?
Are you excited about some changes with the book club?
It may take some time, but I promise, I will eventually stop by your blog.
My response time has gotten slower but I’m still making my rounds.


After hanging out with Alex, be sure to stop by and visit this month’s co-hosts:
Jacqui Murray, 
Ronel Janse van Vuuren, 
Pat Garcia, and
Gwen Gardner!


Click here to visit other IWSG blogs and sites to receive and share more inspiration and support. (This month, I’m #28).

Thank you for making it this far down the virtual page. Kudos to you! I’d love to know what you thought of this post in the comments below. Stay safe and be blessed.

About Toi Videos

01/23 New Content on Other Platforms #contentcreator

I shared my first PUBLIC/FREE Monthly update of the year on my Patreon page and would love for you to check it out.

Monthly Update 01/23

I finally got around to posting a kind of year in review. It’s a “What I Read in 2022 and More.” Due to technical difficulties mentioned in my Patreon post, this video is basically a slide show with some narration. I really hope to be back in front of the camera for my next video.

Thank you for making it this far down the virtual page. Kudos to you! I’d love to know what you thought of this post in the comments below. Stay safe and be blessed.