Day in a Life

A Day In My Life: September ‘14: Summer’s End


You may or may not find this surprising, but as a writer I’ve never been much of a journaler (I like making up words). I’ve always kept writing, sketching, and poetry notebooks, but I’ve never really liked writing about myself. This monthly post is my attempt at rectifying that and is an opportunity for me to get a little personal, as I share a single event from my life.

Summer’s End

For me, summer is officially over despite the lack of an Equinox. Once the kids go back to school, and us teachers, it’s all over. Don’t let me paint you a bad picture though. While the end of Summer can be sad, the coming of Fall has its perks to. I’m ready for sweater and scarf weather, but am glad the snow is many months off.

Just as last year, here I am at the Love Jones Luau with my Family. Time with family is more precious than gold.


Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

Day in a Life

A Day in My Life: May ’14: Rubber Ducky


You may or may not find this surprising, but as a writer I’ve never been much of a journaler (I like making up words). I’ve always kept writing, sketching, and poetry notebooks, but I’ve never really liked writing about myself. This monthly post is my attempt at rectifying that and is an opportunity for me to get a little personal, as I share a single event from my life.


May 2014 – Rubber Ducky You’re the One…

So the month of May has been a little stressful, but I can’t complain too much. It’s not like it’s Birthday month or anything like that (that’s what I call June). Anyway, I haven’t done a whole lot simply because I’ve been tired and taking advantage of the fact that I’m no longer working extra odd/long hours at my day job. One cool thing did occur recently even though I was slightly traumatized by it in the beginning.

I went to the Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, VA to see a giant rubber ducky (that’s right people, don’t be afraid to sing along). On my way to see Florentijn Hofman’s Rubber Duck, I experienced my usual apprehension…I don’t like crowds. They make me cry, and sweat, and shake all over, but I barreled through with the help of my devoted husband.

Even after making it out among the crowd and taking my picture with the duck, I was still fidgety, but my husband would have none of it. He rushed me into the museum building (in case you didn’t know- crowds in a confined space is worse than the ones out in the open) to see the new glass exhibit. It really was an astonishingly beautiful exhibit, but I don’t think I truly appreciated it until after we left the crowd and I could reflect on everything I saw.

All in all, it was a very nice day and I managed not to cry, even though I wanted to a few times. I actually had fun. However, it will be awhile before I go to another fee exhibit viewing (Didn’t I mention it was free that day? That’s why the placed was swamped more than usual.)

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

Author Insights

The Celebratory Trifecta!

The year 2025 is a long time to wait for a missed opportunity, but what else can I do? Life and circumstances had me so busy and tired that earlier this month I missed out on truly embracing two geek holidays and one vastly underrated U.S. observance that I feel needs more attention.

Saturday, May 3, 2014 was Free Comic Book Day. While I did download a free comic that day, I didn’t have a chance to get out and mingle with my  peers and help spread the word and importance of comic books in our culture, society, and literacy.

Sunday, May 4, 2014 was May the 4th Be With You. I have no idea how this day in honor of the influences of Star Wars went over. Being sick, I slept through most of it. Don’t let me paint a wrong picture for you; this is basically a commercial ploy to increase retail sales, but I still like it.


Finally, Monday, May 5, 2014 was Cinco de Mayo. Being from Texas and having a bit of Hispanic ancestry, this has always been a day of celebration for my family. This year we all had too much going on to get together for a family dinner. Sadly for most, this day is simply another opportunity to go out and over indulge on cheap alcoholic beverages (True Irish descendants can relate to this as well with the “celebration” of St. Patrick’s Day). Unfortunately, Cinco de Mayo is still not considered a U.S. national holiday, though if you ask me, without the Battle of Puebla, to which it commemorates, Texas and much of southwestern U.S. could be in the hands of the French today (but that’s a history lesson for another day).

So I guess from here, I’ll simply be waiting. I’ll be waiting for the rare opportunity to have fun times and celebrate for three days in a row and perhaps share it with the ones I love most.

This is an unofficial Author Insights post.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords