EC: Giovanni's Angel Tea & Conversation

Tea and Conversation 17: Nephilim


Today I’m sharing a picture of a black flora tea cup from my own collection I posted on my tea pin board.

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Today in my meditation I’m thinking about Eternal Curse and I’m writing about: Why Nephilim?

This is not a new idea and with the success of such series as the Mortal Instruments, I feel a little overwhelmed to live up to the hype. Tales of angels, demons, and the humans who love them have become a little cliché as of late, but I can honestly say that my story is a little different from the popular norm, at the moment.

In my ECS, I refer to the Nephilim as half-breeds for two basic reasons. 1. I have actually come up with a back story that clearly separates the Nephilim from the ones I call half-breeds while still connecting them. 2. My story isn’t really about angels and demons with human lovers; it starts out with the offspring of these groups, the half-breeds, and builds from there. This story is about beings who existence, uncertainly, somewhere in between the worlds of angels and humans.

As with all things mythological, theological, and mystical, there is so much possibility and creativity to explore when dealing with the idea of “Nephilim”. If people can write stories about Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, Dragons, Demigods, Mermaids, and more, then why not half human-half angels.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

EC: Giovanni's Angel Full Moon Tea & Conversation

Tea and Conversation 16: Cancer


Today I’m sharing a picture of some tea drinking tips and benefits I posted on my tea pin board.

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Today in my meditation I’m thinking about Eternal Curse and Full Moon, and I’m writing about: Why cancer?

I’m sure, for those of you who’ve been around for a while, you’ve heard about Abraham’s story and know that I’ve recently been involved in raising funds for the American Cancer Society. Well, I’m at it again, even though I’ve toned it down quite a bit. In my new story, It’s Like the Full Moon, another character is laid to rest by the hands of cancer.

When I originally wrote Eternal Curse and decided to inflict one of the characters with cancer, I did so because I knew that it was an affliction most readers would immediately be able to identify with. It wasn’t until much later that I realized just how much my life had actually been impacted by the disease. Then just after the release of Eternal Curse, I lost someone to cancer and my whole world was turned inside out. It hit me hard.

I didn’t realize before then that I had managed to push aside feelings of sadness and grief for others and had been able to look away and hid away the hurt. I didn’t realize just how much I had been influenced by all the instances of loss until I experienced it for myself. I understood then that cancer had, and would probably again, find its way into my writing.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

EC: Giovanni's Angel Tea & Conversation

Tea and Conversation 15: Prayer


Today I’m sharing a picture of “Morning Coffee” art print by mindymcpeak I posted on my tea pin board.

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Today in my meditation I’m thinking about Eternal Curse and I’m writing about: Why prayer?

In case you didn’t know, my ECS is about the intermingling of humans with angels and demons. Maybe I’m just not cool enough for the “in” crowd, but it irritates me when people complain about the one prayer that appears in my story. All religions aside, unless I’m missing something, how else would someone who believes in a god communicate with it, if not through prayer?

Yes, this is a highly spiritual story and most of the ideas are based on Christian theology, but I’m not writing a parable. This isn’t a bible story and no one is being converted. Why is this so difficult for people to grasp?

Let’s take into consideration characters like Marvel’s Nightcrawler. This character is a Roman Catholic and isn’t quiet about it, yet he still has a huge following. Then there are other character that are associated with Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and other gods, to which prayer is needed in order to bring forth their powers. Oh and what about that show, Supernatural? Those Winchester boys aren’t exactly saints, but every time they get into a bind, they pray to Castiel and he comes running to their aid.

Maybe it’s not prayer that people have a problem with; perhaps it’s the idea of being associated with a particular religion. In any case, the prayer fits into this story; it belongs there and I’m holding firm to my decision to include it. Also, I won’t back down from including others down the road if they too fit into the story.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords