
Review: Cloud Atlas

Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell

I give this book a 5.


This is a really good book that still has me a little confused a month after listening to the audio presentation of it. I can’t image how Hollywood was able to pull this story off, but maybe one day I’ll bring myself to the point of watching the movie.

I’m not going to make any attempts to sound super profound here: I like this book because it was magical in a completely magic-free way. Themes that come to mind in this story of stories are: reincarnation, propaganda, racism, the power of knowledge and or education, and so much more…and of course there is a sense of love, but not really romance.  There is sex, violence, music, art, philosophy, and more all cosmically mingling from one story to another in this odd anthology.

I’ve probably already confused a few people, but that’s ok because I’m still a little confused myself. I mean, I get it. I understand what I heard and how it all works together, but just don’t know if I get the meaning of it all. What I do get is a warning about the human condition and the many great and scary things we are capable of. When advancements in technology, communication, and politics come together it’s powerful, but that’s only one part of it. Time and change is a variable humanity has no control over and it seems to be the ultimate mastermind of fate.

I seriously do not have the words to describe exactly what it is about this story I loved, I just know I was intrigued and compelled to complete it from the very start. I’m a lover a well told stories and this book tells amazing stories and in a very creative way. This book makes you think about things you never knew you neglected, at least I did. I can clearly see that this book would be too intense for a great majority of my friends, which is why most of them have seen the movie, and based on their responses to that, it’s a good thing they stayed away from the book.

In any case, I think this is a great adult read. Something to get your mind going to places you never thought to go. The pace fluctuates, the themes and stories can be confusing, but reaching the end is totally worth it.

This review has been posted to GoodReads. If you’d like to obtain a copy of this book, try this link.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords


Review: Martian Chronicles

Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury

I give this book a 4.


When reading this book for the first time, one has to take into consideration the period in which it was written. Bradbury’s creativity and ingenuity for space travel politics, cultural qualms, and concerns of human adaptation to space travel more than make up for the lack of technical terms and factual depictions of Mars.

These are individual accounts of trips to Mars all pulled together and retold as one chronicle of the human experience on Mars. We are giving a chance to view the human effect on Mars from multiple points of views including: disgruntled Martians, welcoming Martians, eager exploratory humans, refugees, and so much more.

This isn’t just another fast paced invasion story. The Martian Chronicles deals with of the philosophical concerns of visiting other planets and the effects of encountering an alien race. As much as I adore this story and enjoy the kooky spin the Martians and their world bring to theses matters, this story could have been told using any number of indigenous tribes right here on earth, but then there wouldn’t be as grand a feeling of exploration or adventure.

Reading story after story of how the human and Martian worlds have collided, reminded me of how it felt to watch The Twilight Zone when I was a kid. Some of it is a bit scary, but mostly it’s mysterious and thought-provoking. This is one I’d definitely recommend to any sci-fi fan and maybe even a few fantasy readers.

While there is truly something here for everyone, I don’t know that everyone would be up for it. In any case, I’d say this is a family-friendly read that dad would thoroughly enjoy.

This review has been posted to GoodReads.

If you’d like to obtain a copy of this book, try these link.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

Fun Hops

Wormfest 2014 Finale! – The Island of Dr. Moreau Quote

2014 National Wormhole Week and Blog Hop! 3/10-16/2014

Click to learn more.

This blog hop and blog tour are brought to you by: Alex Cavanaugh, L. Diane Wolfe, and Stephen Tremp– the author of Escalation.

For 2014, the theme is to name one thing where science advances mankind, and one where technology with unforeseen consequences will go too far and set mankind back. Example: De-Extinction, or bringing back extinction species through back breeding, genetic engineering, and cloning. With all the breakthrough discoveries mankind is on the cusp of, are we playing God?

Feel free to reference movies and books too. These provide no shortage if inspiration. Speaking of de-extinction, the book and movie Jurassic Park comes to mind where science takes a huge leap forward, but also backfires. I’m looking forward to all the amazing responses everyone will have.


Each day this week I’ll be sharing quotes from sci-fi movies or books along with my thoughts on how far technologies still needs to go and where I think it will go too far.


Today I’m focusing on what not to do in terms of scientific advancements.

The book I’ve picked for today is The Island of Dr. Moreau by H.G. Wells (the movie(s) are not worth mentioning, but I guess I just did).

From the book, The Island of Dr. Moreau I give you…

“I must confess that I lost faith in the sanity of the world” ~not sure of the character ― H.G. Wells, The Island of Dr. Moreau (from Goodreads)

Ok so this story is good, but oh so wrong. Jurassic Park has nothing on this story of genetic foul play. I sincerely hope people haven’t lost their minds enough to start trying to create new species- oh wait, they have!

You can call it a designer breed all you want, but a yorky-coker-poo is still a mutt. And what’s with these crazy people breeding Ligers and Tigons?

I’m ending my self-imposed week of Wormfest posting with a note of caution. Let’s not make new species and leave that up to nature, because it’s going to be REALLY BAD! 🙁


If you haven’t already, be sure to check out all the other ideas and theories about where technology is heading and going wrong.

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Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords