EC: Giovanni's Angel Promotion

SALE! Everything must go to support this author. #bookbundles

Seasons Greetings Everyone. As you may or may not know, my laptop crashed on Thanksgiving Day 🙁 . Fortunately I have been able to recover most of my files and obtain a “new to me” working laptop replacement. Unfortunately, I cannot recover, transfer, or obtain the majority of my software licences without purchasing new ones….

So, It’s Sale Time!
Everything must go so I can restore my software licences and get back on track. In 2015, I plan to release the sequel to Eternal Curse along with a separate stand alone romance and attend a local Comicon in May. I’m going to need all my best resources in order to pull this off.

Please enjoy the bundles I’ve put together for you and please spread the word.

Bundle 1: Eternal Curse Giovanni’s Angel  paperback with poster and two bookmarks: $10.00 -sale price + tax & 3.95 shipping


Bundle 2: Eternal Curse Giovanni’s Angel & 40 Days and Nights paperbacks with poster, pen, and two bookmarks:  $15.00 -sale price + tax & 4.95 shipping

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords
Author Insights

The Celebratory Trifecta!

The year 2025 is a long time to wait for a missed opportunity, but what else can I do? Life and circumstances had me so busy and tired that earlier this month I missed out on truly embracing two geek holidays and one vastly underrated U.S. observance that I feel needs more attention.

Saturday, May 3, 2014 was Free Comic Book Day. While I did download a free comic that day, I didn’t have a chance to get out and mingle with my  peers and help spread the word and importance of comic books in our culture, society, and literacy.

Sunday, May 4, 2014 was May the 4th Be With You. I have no idea how this day in honor of the influences of Star Wars went over. Being sick, I slept through most of it. Don’t let me paint a wrong picture for you; this is basically a commercial ploy to increase retail sales, but I still like it.


Finally, Monday, May 5, 2014 was Cinco de Mayo. Being from Texas and having a bit of Hispanic ancestry, this has always been a day of celebration for my family. This year we all had too much going on to get together for a family dinner. Sadly for most, this day is simply another opportunity to go out and over indulge on cheap alcoholic beverages (True Irish descendants can relate to this as well with the “celebration” of St. Patrick’s Day). Unfortunately, Cinco de Mayo is still not considered a U.S. national holiday, though if you ask me, without the Battle of Puebla, to which it commemorates, Texas and much of southwestern U.S. could be in the hands of the French today (but that’s a history lesson for another day).

So I guess from here, I’ll simply be waiting. I’ll be waiting for the rare opportunity to have fun times and celebrate for three days in a row and perhaps share it with the ones I love most.

This is an unofficial Author Insights post.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords