
Review: Chasing the Avatar

Chasing the Avatar by Jovan Jones

Sadly, I give this book a 2.



Maya is an educated and highly successful black woman who is somewhat lost in her life. In search of meaning and higher purpose, Maya latches on to Cha Ma, a believed avatar for the Hindu goddess Kali. The story that follows is a recount of any and everything Maya is willing to do to reach enlightenment, but then there’s also the presence of Maya’s Christian praying parents.

Initially the idea of this story had me more than intrigued. I read a few pages in the bookstore just to get a feel of what the narrative would be like, and what I sampled, pulled me in. Unfortunately, trying to read the whole story wasn’t so exciting.

So, here’s the good. The descriptions in the book are amazing and full of life and emotion. Seeing the difference and, oddly enough, the seminaries of worship and praise rituals between the Hindu faith and the Christian faith were astounding. If someone were completely foreign the ideas of Hinduism and Christianity, they may have trouble deciding which they’d prefer, given that both are depicted in such a powerful way in the beginning of this book.

My favorite parts of the story quickly became the passages describing Maya’s day to day encounters while staying in India, but they didn’t remain my favorites for long.

Also, the contrast of Maya’s adventures in India and her parent’s struggle back home started out as this epic spiritual battle that was entertaining to see unfold, but alas it didn’t end that way.

The bad came on so slowly, I almost didn’t see it until I realized that reading the story was starting to make me angry. Everything in the beginning of this story was so powerful, and vibrant, and new, but after a while everything became repetitive. The back and forth spiritual struggle, while entertaining at first, became monotonous. Maya didn’t start off the story being an especially likable character, but she was an interesting character with a spiritual dilemma that many could possibly relate to, but after a while, she just became annoying.

I could go on debating the many aspects of this story that I truly appreciated in hopes not to turn others away, but in the end, I just didn’t enjoy this reading experience. For anyone who’s read any of my other reviews, it shouldn’t come as too much of a shock that I was also annoyed that this book had no conclusion. It leaves you hanging on for the next book, but it doesn’t exactly leave you with a cliffhanger. I also have to be completely honest and admit that I’d already started skipping around through the book when I discovered the ending was lacking.

I have a feeling that my tendency to read a lot of fantasy and sci-fi may have had something to do with why this reading experience was so unpleasant, but I’m not putting all the blame on that. I’ve been expanding my reading horizons lately and this book just didn’t keep my attention, even though it had so much potential.

I wouldn’t necessarily recommend this book unless you happened to be interested in religious mash-ups and spiritual warfare, but I do have a few people in mind that I’m going to share this with.

This review has been posted to GoodReads. If you’d like to obtain a copy of this book, try this link.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

Mira's Closet

Mira’s Closet: 11/24/14: Behind the Baubles

MClosetMira’s no fashionista, but she definitely has her own sense of style…
And now here’s an update on just that.

First an observation: I’ve been thinking lately about jewelry and baubles. I no longer think these are pretty useless items that exist solely to make pretty women look prettier; they also make not-so-pretty women look prettier. I kid, but seriously there is so much more to small, pretty, shiny accessories than meets the eye…Like my comic/nerd reference there? 😉

Anyway, here’s what I’ve concluded. These accessories and baubles don’t always have to be expensive and pure, but they can at best be significant. When a man wears and old watch that’s in good condition, it usually means that someone he cares about gave it to him. When a man break out his fraternity pin to wear on his lapel or on his tie and get choked up in the process, you know it’s not all about how it looks.

Then there are the more obvious female examples. A girl wears the earing she inherited from her mother, a woman pins a bright red and gaudy broach to her lapel because it represents a cause that means more than just a lot her. A grandmother wears a sparkling charm bracelet where each charm signifies one of her children and grandchildren. Not that I think there is anything wrong with wearing jewelry for the heck of it and wanting it to be pretty and stylish, but it’s nice knowing that sometimes there more to it than that.

Now here are some style tips/clips from
Torimy own personal fashion guru, trainer, and my physical inspiration for Mira.

I hope you enjoyed this. Also check out Tori’s jewelry eBoutique: December 10.

For more on lifestyle and fashion check out:

Celebrity Trends at WhoWhatWear:

Fashion Medley: (content advisory)

A Beautiful Mess:

My Style Pinboard:

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords