Well, here I am posting late to a challenge that really isn’t a challenge. This month’s W.E.P. challenge is very laid back. Post if you want anytime you want. No prizes, just fun, and fellowship, and the joy of stories. To say it’s been a rough year seems unnecessary and yet it’s the reason my entries have been very different. Still, I’m happy for the chance to share. I look forward to seeing everyone for a fresh start in 2021.
It’s Been So Long

It’s been so long, so long since I’ve worn this mask.
It’s been so long since I’ve heard my own truth- it was simply too taboo.
I’ve worn this mask to survive and to get by, but now…
They say it’s important for me to unmask.
They say it’s important to talk about the brutality and rape that shaped my lineage.
They say it’s important to talk about the miles of struggles and years of pain still seeking equality.
It’s been so long, so long since I’ve worn this mask.
It’s been so long since I’ve seen my own truth- it simply wasn’t safe.
I’ve worn this mask to survive and to get by, but now…
They say it’s safe for me to unmask.
They say it’s safe for me to speak languages that now feel foreign on my own tongue.
They say it’s safe for me to tell stories from the Mother country and remember gods I don’t even worship anymore.
It’s been so long, so long since I’ve worn this mask.
It’s been so long since I’ve seen my own truth- it simply wasn’t acceptable.
I’ve worn this mask to survive and to get by, but now…
They say it’s okay for me to unmask.
They say it’s okay to take off the wig of straight hair and let my thick locs breathe.
They say it’s okay for me to wear bright colors and short skirts despite how dark my skin is and curvy my hips are.
It’s been so long, so long since I’ve worn this mask.
It’s been so long since I’ve seen my own truth- it simply wasn’t desirable.
I’ve worn this mask to survive and to get by, but now…
They say it’s good for me to unmask.
They say it’s good for me to smile and inhale no matter how big my lips are or how much my nostrils flare.
They say it’s good for me to sing soulfully even if they can’t relate to what I’m saying.
It hasn’t been that long, that long since I didn’t have to change or hide everything about myself just to get by.
It hasn’t been that long- my mask feels safe and I’m afraid to be me.
Perhaps the mask is still serving its purpose.
380 words- NCCO- It’s Been So Long 2020 Copyright © Toinette J. Thomas
If you want to see other stories for the December prompt, be sure to click the image above to check out the comments of the W.E.P. December 1st post throughout the month.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords #blacklivesmatter