
#IWSG January 2021: Reading As A Writer


Created and hosted by the Ninja himself, Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writers Support Group posts the 1st Wednesday of every month. Click the image to learn more or sign up.

Optional Monthly Question: Being a writer, when you’re reading someone else’s work, what stops you from finishing a book/throws you out of the story/frustrates you the most about other people’s books?

I’ve talked to many writers who don’t believe it’s important to read, and to that I say, WHAT! To each his own, I guess. I get the idea of not reading a lot while you are actively working on a story so that you aren’t overly influenced by what you read, but for me, a writer should also be a reader- no quota or nothing, just read something at some point that you didn’t write.

But, to answer the question being asked, I feel like I’m a more flexible reader than many other writers. I think sometimes we writers can be too harsh. Still, that’s not to say that writers shouldn’t be a little critical of their peers. For me, every reading experience is a learning one. I can learn what I’d like to be better at and what I hope I’m not doing or plan to stop doing immediately. With that said, the few reading pet peeves that make me want to put a book down are as follows:

-Too much profanity.
-Really bad grammar, not a few typos or misplaced commas, but grammar so bad I can’t figure out what’s happening.
-Gratuitous sex. I like a little steam as much as the average adult, but I do also need a reasonable plot.
-Too much snark. I like a laugh but again, plot. I need this to all be going somewhere not just endless jokes.
-Too many unnecessary descriptions.



Our book club is changing things up!
We will have quarterly book selections now, giving us more time to read. We will also have one fiction book selection and one writing craft book selection. Members can read both or choose between them. Finally, we won’t be offering 5 optional discussion questions anymore. Instead, we will be utilizing the polls that our members enjoy, so there will be one poll question for the fiction book and one for the non-fiction book on Discussion Day.

Our December/January/February reads are…

Ghost Light by Joseph O’Connor, a book written in second person. Since many readers haven’t read a book in second person, and many writers haven’t written in second person, we figured this is a great chance to explore something new.

Preparing to Write Settings that Feel Like Characters by J Lenni Dorner. This will be our writing craft book, with a focus on settings.

Discussion Day for both books will be February 24, 2021!


Now, on to the personal updates.

So, my husband and I just bought a house. The whole experience was horrible, stressful, and painful, but at least it’s over. I’m so happy on so many levels.

I just launched a Patreon page because I have a few people who expressed an interest in the idea but then none of them supported it when I launched it on the first. Still, I love the idea and will continue to work at convincing those people that using Patreon is no different from shopping at Amazon. We’ll see how it goes.


Is reading as a writer more or less fun for you?
What are your reading pet peeves?
It may take some time, but I promise, I will stop by your blog.


After hanging out with Alex, be sure to stop by and visit this month’s co-hosts:
Ronel Janse van Vuuren,
J Lenni Dorner,
Gwen Gardner,
Sandra Cox, and
Louise – Fundy Blue!


Click here to visit other IWSG blogs and sites to receive and share more inspiration and support. (This month, I’m #37).

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords #blacklivesmatter

About Toi

It’s launch day and blooming time!

Happy New Year!

This is the last day I’m going to drag out the flower blooming metaphor. Today is my Patreon launch-day and I’m blooming on the inside.

The last and ultimate tier I have to share is my Tribe. This is for all the writers who are fans and all the fans who are also writers. The last two days, I explained how I didn’t want to pigeonhole would-be supporters into engaging in things they simply weren’t interested in. But, today I want to spotlight those who want it all.

I am a reader and writer and I want to connect with others like me. The main things that make this package stand out from the others, because all previously mentioned perks are included, is the option to participate in story collaboration and a live, themed, chat-party.

I’m so elated with the prospect of creating a story from beginning to end with a whole tribe rooting me on along the way, giving prompts and feedback at every turn. Oh, and I can’t wait to host virtual parties for this special group of people.

All this will be made available to anyone who chooses to become part of the TRIBE on my page for $4 a month.


Please go visit my Patreon page today to participate. Be sure to check out my goals. I’m offering a special snail mail perk to anyone who supports this effort, at any level, within the first 30 days.

Below, you’ll find a short video explaining just how to navigate my Patreon page (it was made during the setup process and changes have been made). I look forward to seeing you there.


Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords #blacklivesmatter


About Toi

It’s time to bloom! part 4

This is where the perks start getting real good…

So, with my last post, I explained how I wanted to cater to writers without obligating them to indulge in my creativity. In keeping with that same theme, I put this tier together to cater to people who do want to indulge in my creativity without binding them to engage in writer stuff they’re really not interested in.

As with the other packages, recognition is included, but then there’s all the extra fun stuff that I’m super excited about. This group of supporters will be receiving my previous and new ebooks when applicable, as well as have opportunities to receive print ARC copies. I will create original short stories and original image downloads based on patron specifications.

Going back to patron recognition, since it can take a while to publish something worth publishing, I thought it would be a good idea to find a way to acknowledge my Fans sooner rather than later.

So, that’s why I’ll be listing the names of my Fans in the credits of my future videos. Plus, (this isn’t even listed on the Pateron page 😉 ) I’ll be picking random patrons to shout-out by name in each video.

This tier is where I get to cater to those who embrace my creativity. This is where I get to create for my fans and treat them along the way.

All this will be made available to anyone who chooses to become a FAN of my page for $3 a month.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords #blacklivesmatter