Books Fun Hops Holiday

#IntAuthorsDay is coming! Review: Defined by Others & a #giveaway. Hosted by @b00kr3vi3ws.


The idea behind International Authors Day began with book blogger Debdatta. Last year she realized that there was no day set aside to praise all the authors (traditional or self-published) who have provided us with years of entertainment. Debdatta has declared July 18th as International Authors Day and for that, we all love her. From July 14th thru July 18th book bloggers and authors will be sharing posts about their favorite books and or authors- oh and there will be lots of giveaways! Check out mine at the end of this post. Be sure to check back with this hop on July 18th – International Authors Day, see if you’ve won a prize.

Today I’ll be mentioning a few authors I enjoy and then I will feature the author of a wonderful book I’ve just reviewed.

Mini Alex 2Alex J. Cavanaugh has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and works in web design, graphics, and technical editing. A fan of all things science fiction, his interests range from books and movies to music and games. Online he is the Ninja Captain and founder of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group and co-host of the A-Z Challenge. His awarding winning Cassa Series is now an affordable boxed set and his Dragon of the Stars continues to increase in popularity. What are the Kargrandes?

Stacey Rourke is the awarding author of the Gryphon Series and The Legends Saga, for which I had the pleasure of revealing the latest cover for here. She writes with a quick wit and isn’t afraid to go beyond the norm. My review for book 1 in The Legends Saga, Crane, coming soon.

Ian Mathie is an awarding winning memoirist with a life story worth writing about. He has an incredible outlook on life and is definitely an author worth getting to know. He’s also written some fiction. I’ve just finished Chinese Take-Out and will post my review soon.

And last, but definitely not least, is M.C.V. Egan.  This author writes in genres that I’m just not all that interested in, at least that’s what I thought. She changed all that with her Historical-Metaphysical novel The Bridge of Deaths. She’s at it again with her latest release, a Contemporary (Women’s Fiction), entitled Defined by Others. See my review below.

 Defined by Others (Defining Ways Series Book 1) by M.C.V. Egan

I give this book a 5


This author has a way of intriguing me that always manages to entice me into reading outside my preferred genres.

Defined by Others, on the surface, is the tale of a mid-life crisis gone terribly wrong, but it’s actually much more than that. It tells the bounce back journey of Anne, a woman who likes to define moments in a single word, only now she’s a little speechless and unknowingly open to pursue other actions. She is after all trying to bounce back from learning that her husband is leaving her for a man, her father has just been hospitalized, and an old frenemy has just died- but not without leaving Anne a parting gift.

‘Manipulation’ is the single word that would define this book. It’s very dark, but glossed over with pretty wealthy people and little white lies, that turn black in the blink of an eye. That’s how the end comes at you. You see it coming the whole time, but when the “stuff” hits the fan, it catches you off guard- even with the metaphysical aspects in the story.

People often complain about the dangers of social media much in the same as they do the use of firearms. I’m not going argue either case here, but as many would agree, it’s not the “weapon” it’s the user. Anne and her friend Connie take their old frenemy’s gift and turn Facebook into a weapon of mass emotional destruction. When they say misery loves company, they must be thinking of Anne and Connie- but is Anne really looking to destroy lives or is she simply hurting, lost, and confused?

I didn’t fall in love with any of these characters, but I did become enthralled in this story. The whole time I read it, I kept thinking, “There are crazy people out in the world just like this, for real. I’m so glad I don’t have this kind of drama in my life.” This book made me appreciate the small number of close friends I have and made me appreciate how wonderful my husband and family really are. One word to define my feeling for this book would be ‘grateful’, plus is was quite entertaining.

I’d recommend this book to anyone who likes to read Women’s Fiction or Contemporary fiction with a hard edge. This is purely an adult read, though it does not contain erotic material. It deals with mature concepts that young children will not understand and that hopefully teenagers aren’t currently dealing with (but consider the times we live in).

This review has been posted to GoodReads. If you’d like to obtain a copy of this book, try this link.

And then there’s me, Toi Thomas. I write to entertain and read to be entertained. I’m very proud of my Eternal Curse Series, and am currently working on a contemporary romance, It’s Like the Full Moon, which I plan to release in late 2015 or early 2016. If you want to know more about me and my writing, just take a look around this site…And now for the giveaway.

Please visit the button below to hop around and celebrate with all those participating.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords


The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Sorry I’m a little late to the party, but hopefully I’m making a good entrance. I am so thrilled and honored to be nominated for The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award by Tricia Drammeh, a blogger and genuine person I admire. Thank you Tricia so much for this nomination. Please take some time to visit Tricia and see all the wonderful things she does to help promote and support others, while also being a blogger and author of high standards…Now it’s time to commence with the ceremony.

So here’s how it all works:
Thank the giver and link their blog to your post.
Answer the 10 questions given to you.
Pass the award on to 7 other bloggers of your choice and let them know that they have been nominated.
Include the logo of the award in a post or on your blog.

When did you begin writing?

I begin writing when I was very young, but I never realized it was part of who I am until I stopped writing in college. After almost ten years of neglecting a part of me, words started flowing from me. In 2009 I completed the first draft of my first novel, Eternal Curse: Giovanni’s Angel.

What writing project are you most proud of?

If feel like I should say my first novel, but the truth is something else entirely. I self-published a collection of short stories, some ideas I played around with to which some are more developed than others. That collection, In the Window, was my first real understanding of the desire I had to write stories in many genres and a realization of just how much I need to continue honing my skills.

What are you working on right now?

I’m trying to drive myself crazy writing the third installment in my Eternal Curse Series, rewrite a standalone contemporary (my first attempt at romance), and complete outlines for two other stories I’ve been nibbling at for the past two years.

What is your ideal writing retreat?

A quiet ranch out in the Midwest during spring. You get up each morning and do yoga or go jogging before gathering in a grand hall for breakfast with other writers. Then we all break out into classes and or critique sessions before gathering again for lunch. After lunch, everyone goes back to their small yet comfortable rooms to writer or not write (doodle, brainstorm, sleep, etc…). Everyone gathers for a big meal and then either plays trivia games, charades, or watches movies based on books.

What is your favorite dessert?

It used to be any kind of ice cream, which that’s still high up there, but lately I’ve been drawn to very rich tiramisu.

What is your favorite animal?

I adore animals, but admit that unwanted rodents in my home my not feel that love. If I had to pick one animal to keep as a pet for all time, I’d say a dog…I hope my pet turtle isn’t reading this.

Favorite song?

These arms of mine by Otis Redding…Next.

Favorite color?

Most hues of blue will do.

Favorite beverage?

This is tough for me; I get really attached to beverages at different periods in my life. For now I’d have to say organic apple juice.

If you could make any law you wanted, what would it be?

I’d make rape a capital offense. Sorry if that’s too dark and uncomfortable to some.

So I was late to the party and now I’m dropping the ball on my nominees. I should have spent more time considering them, but I didn’t want to put this off any longer. As for the bloggers I am nominating, I understand that not everyone participates in these kinds of awards (so no pressure there), but for me, this is a way to show that I appreciate what these people are doing and want to encourage others to see that they are putting out there. Here is my list of nominees (only 5, sorry):

M.C.V. Egan

Puney Bones

Sally Cronin

Tori J. Jones

Krystol Diggs

Please check out these bloggers and leave them a comment if you see something you like.

And, finally, here are ten questions for my nominees to answer on their own blogs:

  1. If resources were unlimited, would you rather have every book ever written, or every movie, or every song?
  2. What’s something fictional that you wish was real or could be real someday?
  3. If you had to change identities and start over: would you be someone completely different or about the same. (I’d love to see some examples.)
  4. When watching a good movie at home, what do you eat and or drink?
  5. When reading a good book, what do you eat or drink?
  6. What’s your favorite slang term (explain it please)?
  7. What’s currently your favorite hashtag?
  8. If your life story was going to be told would you want to: publish a diary or journal, write your autobiography, or hand-pick someone to write your biography for you?
  9. What do you seek long-term: fame and or influence, wealth, or happiness?
  10. What’s one topic you don’t like to discuss with the public (you’d rather just keep it private or intimate)?

Thanks bunches, Tricia, again for nominating me.

Thank you to all my nominees for being wonderful bloggers who inspire and motivate me!

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

Fiction Author Videos

Long Time No Talk with M.C.V. Egan #author #fiction


Greetings humans, half-breeds, and everything in between. Today I’m sharing a very special update from one of my dearest author friends, a trend I hope to develop more. It’s been a while since I’ve hosted this special author or reviewed something of hers, but that’s just me being disorganized and frazzled as usual. Not only is Catalina, a.k.a. M.C.V. Egan a wonderful author and friend, she just a neat person to know. 

So here’s an update on what she’s been doing.

Toi: Can you believe it is 2015? Did you make any great resolutions that you know you can keep?

M.C.V. Egan: I did set a few goals/resolutions and at this stage I like to be very fluid. If I stumble, I can pick my self up and remember the set course. 2014 was full of many good moments, sprinkled with a dose of some health issues and teen drama, but it was overall a good year. I am very much looking forward to 2015, one such resolution is keeping more in touch with my friends, so be warned Toi, you will see much more of me! Another sadly is to watch my intake of caffeine….

Toi: Is there anything new happening on your blog?

M.C.V. Egan: I run three blogs in 2015 and I have fun plans for all three.
On Tumblr @ The Bridge of Deaths, I plan to interview more bloggers. I did that a few years ago, and although some bloggers are also authors, I really enjoy that exchange.
I am welcoming more diverse guests @ Is History The Agreed Upon Lie? I am also not leaving the guests on for the full two weeks. The theme is still discrepancies in history and the guests are amazing. I have a fantastic one now about The Pilgrims.
I have agreed to host for many more on-line book tours and other promotions. I feel this is a great way to learn how to best promote myself, while helping others. I have connected with many fantastic people this way. I really recommend hosting other authors.

Toi: Any books news?

M.C.V. Egan: YES, MANY BOOK NEWS ! I am working hard on a series, YES A SERIES, it is The Defining Ways series and the first book is now available on AMAZON . I will release the printed version of DEFINED by OTHERS soon.
The series book two is Climbing Up The Family Tree; Defined by Pedigree is going to be diverse, not all of the books will be considered contemporary nor will they have the same format (Surprises ahead) , they will all have the common thread of all that defines us; which is great because there is so much out there that shapes and molds us!

Toi: So, how’s the future looking? Any cool plans?

M.C.V. Egan: I am working hard on marketing strategies, both locally and in our great cyber world. As a part of that I have started using as many tools as I can find such as and Animoto. With this as well as with my blogs, I feel that sharing and helping others is key to success, so I am making trailers and promo videos for my artists, poets,  and author friends.
Enjoy my latest promotional and a bit about my new venture…Oh yes if you get a chance swing by AMAZON and FOLLOW ME Please?????
☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★☆


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See why I love this lady so much. She’s so positive and kindhearted, it’s hard not to like her; plus she writes some really good stories. So please, take some time to visit her blogs, follow her on Amazon, and check out her books. You’ll be glad you did. Head over to 4covert2overt to see an update from me. 
If you like this update of my dear friend Catalina and are wondering about some of my other past guests, don’t worry; their updates are in the works. So, humans, half-breeds, and everything in between, that’s all I have for today. 
Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords