Movies Videos

ToiBox Blog Weekly Recap: 10/18/14


Check out my Recent Posts links or visit the ToiBox Topics to see what I was up to this week, but first try…

Burn After Reading – ToiBox Movie Reviews-MSS

The Newsletter Alternative

Last Saturday I posted a Weekly recap, another day of 31 Days, and over at You Tube I posted an episode of, Vinyl on My Mind: Dusty Springfield’s Golden Hits.

I started out this week with Sample Sunday 54- Giovanni’s Angel.

On Monday, I posted my Top 5 D.C. heroes and observed Columbus Day.

On Tuesday, I added to my Character files Lilly’s opinion on the Eternal Curse.

On Wednesday, I shared a Post from the Past about places in my book.

On Thursday, I posted a Tea and Conversation about journals.

And yesterday, I posted a Friday Forecast followed by my review of Mr. Churchill’s Secretary.

Thanks for hanging out with me this week. I hope to see you again next week.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

EC: Giovanni's Angel Tea & Conversation

Tea and Conversation 13: Journals


Today I’m sharing a picture of a blue and white floral tea-cup and journal I posted on my tea pin board.

Please do not copy this image. Click image to share on Pinterest.

Today in my meditation I’m thinking about the Eternal Curse Series, and I’m writing about: Why journals?

The idea and the process of writing a journal quickly becomes an important theme in my Eternal Curse Series, but it’s a bit ironic because in my whole life, I’ve never consistently kept a journal or diary of my own. After reading the first book in this series (the second is still pending release) readers are able to figure out that at some point, someone reads of Giovanni’s life story through the journals he’s left behind. This becomes very important in the second book and will then be elaborated on in the third. Originally I used the idea of journaling as an easy way to explain where all this information came from, but that idea soon evolved into something else.

The idea of keeping a journal, of being able to tell a story from your own point of view, has always interested me, but I’ve never wanted to tell my own story. It’s not very interesting. I guess that’s why the only journal I’ve ever been able to keep is a writing journal, filled with ideas, notes, and short stories.

If I think of myself as a character in a story, maybe I could write my own story, but again, I’m just not that interesting. In any case, I do think that keeping a journal is important. Even my writing journal can surely tell you a lot about me. From reading it, I imagine that people could see just how disturbed I am about so many things in this world. People could get a glimpse of my odd sense of humor and see just how much rage I have inside me all the time. People would also be able to see the compassion within me and see that I cling to a belief system that they may not clearly understand, but will realize that it’s a part of who I am.

I think a good journal can tell you more about a person than their own DNA, and I try to capture that in my writing.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

Books Videos

ToiBox Blog Weekly Recap: 10/11/14


Check out my Recent Posts links or visit the ToiBox Topics to see what I was up to this week, but first try…

The Conduit & Divergent – Book Reviews & Rants

Last Saturday I missed the Weekly recap because I was too focused on my 31 Days posts. Every day this month I have posted and will continue to post for this 31 Days challenge.

I started out this week with Sample Sunday 53- EC: Battleground.

On Monday, I posted My Geekdom: Storm.

On Tuesday, I added to my Character files Jack’s opinion on the Eternal Curse

On Wednesday, I posted my monthly contribution to WWW Wednesday.

On Thursday, I missed a WIP Update, but there wasn’t too much to share, but I did post a 31 Days.

And yesterday, I posted a special Friday Forecast which featured my 3rd Mock Squid Soup Review: Unbreakable.

Thanks for hanging out with me this week. I hope to see you again next week.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords