My prayer for this year and every one to follow is that people learn to love humanity. I want people to be allowed to be human, to have differences without having to be enemies, and to agree to disagree. I want to experience World Harmony…maybe peace is too hard, but harmony can be achieved if people just give it a chance. I’m tired of judgment and double standards. I want to live in a world where it is okay to be different, uncool, traditional, liberal, conservative, taboo, devout, and even weird. God bless us all.
Please, if you have any time at all, stop by some of the other stops on this blog hop; share, leave comments, and help spread some love, cheer, and hope. Thank you Mark Koopmans for putting this hop together.
This is an unofficial Author Insights post.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords