About Toi

It’s launch day and blooming time!

Happy New Year!

This is the last day I’m going to drag out the flower blooming metaphor. Today is my Patreon launch-day and I’m blooming on the inside.

The last and ultimate tier I have to share is my Tribe. This is for all the writers who are fans and all the fans who are also writers. The last two days, I explained how I didn’t want to pigeonhole would-be supporters into engaging in things they simply weren’t interested in. But, today I want to spotlight those who want it all.

I am a reader and writer and I want to connect with others like me. The main things that make this package stand out from the others, because all previously mentioned perks are included, is the option to participate in story collaboration and a live, themed, chat-party.

I’m so elated with the prospect of creating a story from beginning to end with a whole tribe rooting me on along the way, giving prompts and feedback at every turn. Oh, and I can’t wait to host virtual parties for this special group of people.

All this will be made available to anyone who chooses to become part of the TRIBE on my page for $4 a month.


Please go visit my Patreon page today to participate. Be sure to check out my goals. I’m offering a special snail mail perk to anyone who supports this effort, at any level, within the first 30 days.

Below, you’ll find a short video explaining just how to navigate my Patreon page (it was made during the setup process and changes have been made). I look forward to seeing you there.


Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords #blacklivesmatter


About Toi Holiday

2020 Means Clear Vision

Happy New Years Around the World

Every time I hear someone say 2020, instead of two thousand twenty, I think of eyesight. I haven’t had 20:20 vision for quite a while, but I do feel like I have a pretty clear vision of what I want in the coming year.

First, let’s look back a bit. Yesterday (still going today) I spent most of the day catching up on the last WEP challenge entries. I went out of town for the holiday and wasn’t able to get good Internet service. I was able to access a few things on my iPad, but even that had limitations. So, the rest of this week is catch-up time and next week my New Year will truly begin.

In 2019, I really started to make strides in my efforts to host a book fair by getting my name and idea out there. I attended 3 author/vendor events and narrowed down my ideal venue to two locations. I will spend all of 2020 fundraising so that the 2021 event will be all that I hope.

Below is a breakdown of all that I read in 2019. Click here to see the Goodreads page that displays all the lovely book images and links.

  • Novel length books = 28
    • Adult Fiction = 11
    • YA Fiction = 3
    • Middle grade = 8
    • Novella/Short Stories = 2
    • Nonfiction = 5
    • Anthology/Collections = 3
  • Graphic Novels = 18
    • Fiction = 15
    • Nonfiction = 3
    • Anthology/Collections = 2
  • Children’s/Picture Books = 25
    • Fiction = 23
    • Nonfiction = 2

In 2019, I also watched a lot a TV and Movies that I should have shared on my YouTube channel. In 2020, I’m going to do better about sharing things and not letting my lack of production value keep me from doing so.

Writing goals for 2020 include publishing a picture book about my dog, at least one short story collection, and hopefully a collaboration. I plan to keep submitting to anthologies and collecting rejection messages. I hope to complete the rewrite of my original paranormal series, though I seem to have hit a wall with it. Even if I complete the rewrite in 2020, the publication will still be a ways off.

Reading goals for 2020, 75 titles (includes nonfiction and fiction: novels, picture books, and graphic novels). I plan to share more of my book reviews than ever before. I also plan to read books written by authors from my local area as well as books by bloggers I’ve followed for some time. I will be sharing much of that experience over at my Lit Carnivale blog.

The last thing I plan to do in 2020, starting today, is going back to revive an old blog series called, Count My Blessings.

I don’t have the new graphic ready yet, but it’s coming. Today I am blessed to see a brand new year filled with new possibilities.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords


#IWSG January 2019: Dreaded Questions


Created and hosted by the Ninja himself, Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writers Support Group posts the 1st Wednesday of every month. Click the image to learn more or sign up.

Optional Monthly Question: What are your favorite and least favorite questions people ask you about your writing?

I once had someone tell me they didn’t want to read my book because it wasn’t available in hardcover, but that was just the once. I don’t think that guy even reads. I think he felt he needed an excuse not to read my book, though I never told him I wrote one. My mother told him… Oh well.

I guess for me, the most annoying two questions I get is, “Is it really that hard to write a book?” or “Why don’t you get a publisher?” I don’t think I’ve actually tried to answer either of these questions in at least seven years. Now, when someone asks me one of those questions I tell them, “You’re not ready to talk to me about my writing.” Sure, I get strange looks, but at least I don’t have to provide a long explanation to someone who barely reads anyway.

On the flip side, my two favorite questions are, “Where did you get the idea to write that?” and “What made you decide to start writing?” Both of these questions seem to express a genuine interest in the subject of the question.


December’s IWSG Newsletter member spotlight was Raimey Gallant. Be sure to stop by and check her out, if you have a chance.

The IWSG Book Club book for December/January is: Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

The discussion for this starts January 23rd and I’m ready. I finished the book a while back but still haven’t posted my review. Hope to get that done this weekend.

Be sure to stop by the IWSG blog today to see the announcement of the anthology winners. I submitted a story, along with a bunch of other people. If I make the cut great. If not, I can add the story I submitted to the collection I’ve been working to release later this year. Either way, it’s a win for me.

Now, on to the personal updates.

My 2018 ended a lot nicer than I expected and I am very blessed coming into the new year. I got caught up on all my unposted book reviews and managed to decorate for the season with plenty of time to actually enjoy the decorations. I even got to do a little baking.

I have several WIPs going but I figured I’d wait til next month to get into all that when I discuss my reading challenge as well. One thing I do want to mention is that I’d like to feature more authors on this blog this year. I used to feature authors all the time but stopped for some reason. If you think you might be interested in being featured on this blog, check out my sign-up form here. Also, check out this form if you are interested in a video interview.


What questions do you often get about your writing?

I wish everyone a happy and fulfilling New Year!


After hanging out with Alex, be sure to stop by and visit this month’s co-hosts:
Patricia Lynne,
Lisa Buie-Collard,
Kim Lajevardi, and
Fundy Blue!


Click here to visit other IWSG blogs and sites to receive and share more inspiration and support. (This month, I’m #50).

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords