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Interview with a Shepherd Boy by Sheila Deeth

Today is a very special treat. This is just one of many stops on the Bethlehem Tour so, let’s get right into things. The talented author, Sheila Deeth, is going to interview a shepherd boy and give a peek into his world.

Sheila: Thank you for the warm welcome Toi. I have a guest with me who’s been working on the hills near Bethlehem. I wondered if your readers would like to meet him.

Could you tell us your name, young man?

Boy: Eli, miss.

Sheila: And how old are you Eli?

Eli: Nearly twelve.

Sheila: And what do you do?

Eli: I’m a shepherd, miss. Like my dad. Like my dad’s dad.

Sheila: Your granddad, right? I remember you talking about him.

Eli: Yeah. Granddad’s a shepherd too, but he don’t get around too well these days. Sheep can chase him faster ‘an he chases them.

Sheila: Do you live with your granddad?

Eli: Not rightly, no. Mom and the kids live in a room over his house in Bethlehem. But me and the men, we stay out on the hills, looking after sheep.

Sheila: There are an awful lot of sheep out there. Are they all yours?

Eli: No. They’re everyone’s sheep. We all work together, looking after ‘em.

Sheila: Even when it’s cold?

Eli: Well, we’ve got tents and camp fires so we’re warm enough, unless it’s really bad. When it snows, we come down to town and put the sheep in the stables.

Sheila: Where are the stables?

Eli: Under the houses of course. We’ve nearly all got stables in the caves.

Sheila: So, I heard something rather special happened in a stable recently.

Eli: That’s right miss. That’s what you wanted me to talk about innit? ‘Course, I wasn’t there. But my Mom says it was cool.

Sheila: What happened?

Eli: Well, it was during the census thing. You heard about that?

Sheila: When people had to be registered in their home towns?

Eli: Those Roman overlords lording it over us, yeah. They had everyone travelling, roads all packed, and then the houses too. I mean, where you gonna put grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles, cousins three times removed plus their best friend’s sister in a one-room house?

Sheila: One room and a stable, right?

Eli: Yeah. So when this family arrives, a Mom and Dad, except she’s not properly a Mom yet, she has her baby in the stable.

Sheila: Was the baby all right?

Eli: He was perfect, they say, and half the town there looking at him.

Sheila: Why?

Eli: Well… shuffles awkwardly… that was our fault, sorta. ‘Cause these angels…

Sheila: Angels?

Eli: Yeah, angels—heavenly beings and all that. They were shining and singing out all over the sky. Then old Granddad—he’d been complaining all night about there being too much noise—well,  just as he’s finally starting to snore and letting the rest of us sleep, these angels start up.

Sheila: Singing?

Eli: Yeah, but not like any singing you’ve ever heard. Just, wow, like sheep and birds and stars and trees and leaves… and harps and music… I dunno. Like heaven maybe?

Sheila: They just sang?

Eli: They told us about the baby too. Told us Bible stuff, all about the Messiah as well. Folks now, they think Messiah’s gonna be a soldier or king maybe, and he’ll kick the Romans out. But we used to know the Messiah was gonna be a baby—born, not chosen, you see.

Sheila: Like that baby in the stable?

Eli: The angels said he was the Son of David, which kinda means Messiah. They said we should go see him so we did; even Granddad—I held his arm so he could run. Then we get there and this star’s shining over the house, but we go round back to the stable and find the baby there. We must have made too much noise though, just like Granddad kept saying, ‘cause then all the village comes running around to see ‘im. Place was packed out.

Sheila: So, was the baby the Messiah?

Eli: Well, I guess he is; it’s what the angels said. And these king-type people came to see him too, so he must be special.

Sheila: Kings?

Eli: Well, whatever. Foreigners, and not Romans. Rich guys with camels. We saw them just a few weeks back, riding along the road from Jerusalem. Then they just carried on after they’d seen him, out toward Decapolis.

Sheila: Can you tell us what’s the baby like?

Eli: Um, just a kid. He’ll be walking soon, so not a baby any more. But he’s kinda cute. Like a sheep with no wool. Smiles.

Sheila: Well, thinking of sheep, perhaps I should let you get back to your flocks now.

Eli: Thank you. I guess I should go. Actually… He frowns.

Sheila: Is something wrong?

Eli: Well, there’s soldiers out there on the road. Can you see them? Herod’s soldiers marching down from t’Herodium. You don’t suppose the old king’s planning to kill the Messiah kid do you? Man, this looks bad. Runs out the door.

Sheila: I guess our little interview’s over then. You take care, Eli, and thank you for talking with us. ‘Bye. And thank you, too, Toi.


image provided by author

Book Title: Bethlehem’s Baby

Series: The Five Minute Bible StoryTM Series, #6

Author: Sheila Deeth

Publisher: Cape Arago Press

Reading Level: Mid-grade

Genre: Christian fiction, children’s fiction, Bible stories

Content Rating: G

Available Formats: ebook

Purchase links: Kindle | Nook | Kobo | Smashwords

Book Blurb

Meet the Emperor Augustus’s advisors, the quiet research student helping wise men study stars, the shepherd whose granddad keeps complaining, an Egyptian fisherboy, a Roman soldier, and more in this set of 40 5-minute read-aloud stories based around the events of the Christ Child’s birth in Bethlehem.

Author Bio

Sheila Deeth is an English American, Catholic Protestant, mathematician writer, with a deep love of the Bible, faith, science, history and writing… and dogs.

Sheila Deeth links: About Me | Facebook Profile |
Facebook Author Page | Twitter: @sheiladeeth

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

Guest Posts

Burnt Promises by Brenda Perlin

Book Title: see comments below

Series: Brooklyn and Bo Chronicles

Author Name: Brenda Perlin

Publisher: Master Koda Select Publishing

Reading Level: Adult

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Content Rating: R -for adult subject matter

Available Formats: Ebook

Number of Pages: 151

Purchase Links: Consumer Review by Ea Stanmore | Home Wrecker II: The Brooklyn Chronicles is available, for a limited time only, for $0.99 at

Book Blurb

Brooklyn Rosen had high moral principles and was raised properly. Married for over fifteen years, those standards went out the window along with her fidelity when she met Bo. After becoming a self-proclaimed “Home Wrecker” Brooklyn left behind her marital home, along with the damage caused by her emotional wrecking ball. But the whispered remarks followed.

In “Brooklyn and Bo Chronicles” we learn what shaped Brooklyn, the trials of an unhappy marriage and a deep abiding love that would not be denied. We meet a troubled, spiteful wife, who does not want to become an “ex”.

Will Brooklyn and Bo survive, or will all be lost to a bitter woman?

Book Excerpt

On the day that I left for good, I remember getting into my car like I always did. While driving out of the garage I watched our dog Grace watching me drive away. I knew it would be for the last time. Fortunately, she wouldn’t remember any of it. As for me, I wouldn’t be able to get that image out of my head. As I drove away, tears filled my eyes. The guilt that I felt at that moment was insurmountable. Those tears that I cried were the only tears that I shed throughout that entire time period. Never once did I cry for my husband.

Author bio

Brenda Perlin is an independent adult contemporary fiction author.   Brenda evokes emotional responses in her readers by using a provocatively unique writing style.   Her latest book in the Brooklyn and Bo Chronicles, captures the soul-wrenching conflicts of a personal struggle for emotional fulfillment.

Ever since Brenda was a child, she has been fascinated with writing.  She draws her biggest inspiration from Judy Blume.  This sparked a passion in Brenda to pursue personal expression through writing.  Once she was old enough to go to coffee shops alone, Brenda recalls losing herself in the world of writing, all while documenting her ideas on paper napkins.

“There is really no creative process, I just write,” – Brenda Perlin

Brenda’s first book, Brooklyn and Bo Chronicles, was published with Master Koda Select Publishing. Within a short time, the book developed a strong fan base and is continuing to grow as it both entertains its readers and leaves them in a state of profound reflection.  In the near future, Brenda would like to have Brooklyn and Bo Chronicles expanded into a trilogy in order to tell the untold stories of her characters.

Author Links:





Also to learn more about this author, check out her special Facebook Interview here.

See the title and cover updates for this book, at the link, provide by the author in the comments below.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

Guest Posts

If Brains Were Dynamite by Alec Hawkes

image from

Book Title: If Brains Were Dynamite

Author Name: Alec Hawkes

Publisher: Independent

Reading Level: adult

Genre: satire

Content Rating: PG

Available Formats: ebook, paperback

Number of pages
: 116

Purchase links: Consumer Review by C.W. LovattAmazon UK | Amazon U.S.

Book Blurb from

The follow up to ‘Common Sense Would Be Good’. Expanding on the same theme, the author mocks the crooks and idiots who continue to make a mess of running government while lining their own pockets. Very funny.

Author Bio from

image from

My name is Alec Hawkes, an English chap with a rather good sense of humour. I am in my early 50’s, and have had no formal training whatsoever in how to write. That is, of course, since my school days. However, I love to read and I love to write. My writing style is all mine. My day job is a night job, for I am part of a nearly extinct species, the dear old milkman, unique – I do believe – to Britain. Please correct me if I am wrong. I have a deep affection for comedy, irony, satire, and anything that raises a chuckle or deep belly laugh, or even merely an eyebrow. My own books – two so far, with more to come – are satirical swipes at the political and banking systems in Britain. I am told that many a chuckle and raised eyebrow come from reading my books. My third, which I am working on now, will have a more international feel as I have a ‘pop’ at many more politicians. All in fun, of course, though with a serious underlying message for the buggers to TELL THE TRUTH!

To learn a bit more about Alec Hawkes, check out his special Facebook Interview here.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords