
Isolation Interview with author Denise R. Stephenson

Greetings readers, bloggers, geeks, and authors and welcome to The ToiBox of Words. I’m your host Toi Thomas, author of Eternal Curse, and today I’m sharing a special interview with author, Denise R. Stephenson, about her fiction book entitled, Isolation. Enjoy!

Where did the idea for Isolation come from?

The germs of my novel Isolation came from 1) the fear of a swine flu epidemic in the fall of 2009, 2) changes in behavior that swept through the country, 3) my concerns about the overuse of 99% bacterial killing soaps and sanitizers, and 4) a line that stuck in my head: “laying a finger aside of his nose.” I imagined a boy who found the The Night Before Christmas in a box from his mother’s childhood. Seeing Santa touch his nose, the boy recognized the book as contraband, since face-touching was not allowed in his world. Suddenly I was thinking about a world in which face-touching was prohibited and I knew the idea was worth following.

How did the title of this book come about?

I was walking on a beach talking with a friend who asked about my working title. With hardly a thought, I blurted, Isolation. At the time, I had no idea it would stick. But as the weeks of writing wore on, I realized more and more resonances of the title in the workings of the novel.

What genre is this book and why did you choose to make it so?

Isolation is a dystopia which puts it in scifi. Dystopias have interested me as long as I can remember. Farenheit 451 was probably the first novel I ever read multiple times. Handmaid’s Tale was the novel that made me an adult reader. The Unit by Ninni Holmqvist may be my favorite dystopia, filled as it is with notions of sacrificing the old at the altar of health research, an idea not too far from Isolation. Let’s face it; the premise of not being able to touch our own faces screamed–Government overreach!–a characteristic common in dystopias. What choice did I really have?

What would you say is the overall message or the theme of this book?

While fiction generally doesn’t deliver a message, my favorite responses from readers are when they tell me that Isolation has made them conscious of what they eat and what bacterial safety means to them now. I want people to think about the choices they make in their everyday lives. It’s not that I want or expect changes in behavior. Though a recurring mantra in the novel is—Habits learned early are habits for life—I recognize that mostly we do what’s easy and cultural. I hope readers ask: Is the easy choice the healthiest choice?

Tell me about the experience of writing this book; how long did it take.

I was fortunate enough to have a sabbatical to write this novel. I wrote the first 300 pages on an island in Kapa’a, Kauai in three months. The following 120 pages I wrote at home over the subsequent four months, a much slower pace. The next two months, I reordered and revised. Then I ran a Kickstarter campaign to fund my indie publishing and a portion of my promotional budget. At that stage, I’d spent 10 months. It would take another 10 months to find a proofreader, walk through the publishing stages of print and e-book versions, provide Kickstarter rewards, and promote the book through venues such as this generous offer. From start to finish it took a year and a half, fast by most standards!

Tell me about the main storyline within this book.

In the first section, “Unsuspected Sources,” bacterial contagion arrives and decimates various individuals and areas. The story moves around covering a number of locales. In “Don’t Touch,” the government begins legislating human behaviors, especially public ones, in an effort to protect people from disease. This section also contains news articles that interrupt the narrative and provide information about the changes taking place. The narrative continues to involve locations throughout the country. In the third section, “The Dangers Within,” a quarantine is imposed and everyone must stay indoors and the narrative becomes confined to a small group of characters in San Diego.

Who is the protagonist of this story?

Like a good indie film, there isn’t a single protagonist in Isolation. Rather, there are a cast of characters whose lives we follow. Like Stephen King’s, The Stand, the action in the early part of the novel takes place in far flung, remote locations in the U.S. By the middle, there are a handful of characters whose lives come together in a single area. The three primary characters are Maggie, a mother who must raise her son in the confines of her home; Gary, a Sterilizer who spends 12 hours a day scouring the infected; and the Professor, who reveals how the dystopia took shape over the course of his lifetime.

Who is the antagonist of this story?

As a teenager, Trevor reports on every infraction his classmates make, no matter how trivial. Trevor believes in following the rules, every rule, all the time. As an adult, Trevor becomes a Chief Enforcer, running the Anti-Bacterial Center where Gary works. He manages Sterilizers, Enforcers, and Cleaners in his efforts to keep Homelanders safe from contagion. Trevor’s OCD leads him to count items incessantly; ensuring good numbers and avoiding dangerous ones. Rule following becomes challenging as new rules emerge quickly as bacteria morph into more and more deadly strains, but Trevor keeps up, even devising ways of observing more rule-breakers all at once.

What is the major conflict in this story?

Escaping contagion is the conflict. This leads to tremendous fear which immobilizes people. When the government stops individuals from touching their own faces, most participate willingly, to the best of their ability. But by the time touching others is forbidden and quarantines begin, the desire to connect grows beyond containment. Eventually, even the most accidental touch between strangers ignites passion.

Where and when is this story taking place?

The timeline is epic. It begins where we are today: contaminated spinach or cantaloupe can sicken the unsuspecting and kill the immunocompromised. As bacterial resistance grows, the government legislates behavior. Eventually the story moves three generations, or roughly 70 years, into the future—real and fictitious.

Who is your favorite character in this book?

I’m going to surprise myself and say Cathy. It certainly didn’t start out that way. In fact, I’ve been accused of not treating her very well, because her daughter Maggie often complains about her incessant talking. But there’s something I like about Cathy’s spirit. She doesn’t let life get her down. She takes things as they come and makes the best of them. That’s certainly not a quality I possess; I wish I had more of Cathy’s easy going nature. I wouldn’t want to be around her for long; don’t get me wrong. She would annoy me like she does Maggie, but I do admire her verve!

Are there elements of your personality or life experiences in this book?

One aspect that’s recognizably me is the way the Professor contemplates possible influences in how the world has come to function as it does. I ponder the culture around me constantly. Another part of me comes in the middle of the book when Maggie starts to develop a conspiracy theory about agri-business and the government working in cahoots. I don’t lie in bed at night with aluminum foil on my head to protect me from telecommunication waves, but I do see patterns in the movement of Monsanto’s top execs into a variety of government posts as less than ethical.

What is one thing from this book you wish was real or could happen to you?

I think I’d like to experience the Stir-Ball I created which provides a means of generating energy. It’s the equivalent of a hamster ball with a gyroscopic control to limit upside-down inversions as desired. I think it would be fun to drive a Stir-Ball if I had a large enough space to not hit walls often, something Pele isn’t given the luxury of in the novel.

What is something you wish wasn’t real and hope doesn’t happen to you?

I hope there are never Enforcers patrolling the streets keeping me from touching my face. I don’t want to live in a world in which government lackeys are dressed in various colors of burqa-like cover-ups hiding their features in an effort to protect them from contagion. Just the outfits provide a vision of the world falling apart in ways I hope to never see. It’s not unlike some of the street scenes in Ebola-ridden West Africa and that’s downright frightening.

Let’s say your book is being turned into a feature length film; quick- cast the main two characters and pick a theme song or score.

Isolation as a film would be a kind of the 1995 Outbreak meets Soderbergh’s 2011 Contagion.

Maggie would be played by Maggie Gyllenhaal.

Gary would be played by Billy Crudup.

Trevor would be played by Josh Malina.

Philip Glass would write the score. It would be in the vein of Koyaanisqatsi.

Do you have any special plans for this book in the near or far future?

My plans for Isolation involve finding more ways of promoting it. One of those may be my plans for writing, not a sequel exactly, but rather a variety of possible “next stages.” I want to pen several follow-ups that create different possible outcomes for readers to enjoy their visions of what could happen. In fact, if readers want to share ideas with me, I’d be thrilled to hear about their ideas on Isolation’s Facebook page:

Okay readers, bloggers, geeks, and authors, that’s all for today. Be sure to follow this blog to see who will be visiting next time. To obtain your copy of Isolation, please visit the links provided.

Electronic copies can be purchased directly at:
Denise Stephenson

Soft cover print versions can be purchased at the following links:
Amazon | Barnes and Nobel

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Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

Fiction Author

Juliann Troi Interview – Fiction Author

Greetings readers, bloggers, geeks, and authors and welcome to The ToiBox of Words. I’m your host Toi Thomas, author of Eternal Curse, and today I have a treat to share.A while back, I had the pleasure to interview a wonderful author named, Juliann Troi. A good time was truly had by all, and here’s how it went down.


Toi Thomas: Hi there Juliann! It’s so awesome to have you here at the ToiBox Blog. I’m excited to learn more about you and your work.

Juliann Troi: Hi Toi, I’m thrilled to be in the ToiBox!

Toi Thomas: So tell me, who is Juliann Troi?

Juliann Troi: Born and raised in Oklahoma, I’m a former teacher with a passion for learning and history.  In the seventeen years I’ve been writing, I’ve penned everything from prayer guides and blog posts to newsletters, Bible studies and several internationally published novels.

While the crafting business I started in 2005 allows me to express creativity in a variety of mediums, it is writing that truly gives wings to my dreams.  My favorite thing in the whole world is taking a pile of beads, paper, yarn or even words and turning it into something beautiful.

Toi Thomas: I loved that last statement. I like people who overflow with creativity. I can tell this is going to be a great interview.

Toi Thomas: Well before we dive into your special message today, let’s get to know you, the person inside the author.

Toi Thomas: Who is so you and why?


Juliann Troi: I’ve actually been compared to James Mitchner as a writer but since it was in relation to the length of one of my early books (having 726 pages), I’m not sure it was a compliment. In truth, my role model is Jane Austen.  I love that she was told by the society of her day that she couldn’t be what she dreamed of being, but she did it anyway and did it well. She was a mold breaker and in the process changed her world.  That’s what I want to be and do as well.

Toi Thomas: Ya know, I do get an Austen-esque feeling about you, but I have a feeling this is only the beginning of a something much stronger like: artistry, grace, and mastery.

Toi Thomas: So, what makes you geek out?

Juliann Troi: I’m a fanatic crafter.  I LOVE making stuff.  Unfortunately, I’m A.D.D. as well so I usually have at least a dozen projects going at once.  Right now, I’m working on three books, four dolls, Christmas cards, jewelry, a quilt, a couple of afghans, and three cross stitch projects.

Toi Thomas: I thought I took on a lot, but you are something else…I mean that in the best possible way. I’m truly impressed. Writing, blogging, and creating video content seems minor in comparison to what you’re doing, but I do what works for me and you do what works for you.

Toi Thomas: Well now, what was your favorite book or story, pre-teen years?


Juliann Troi: My favorite books were Ann McCaffrey’s The Dragonriders of Pern series.  Today, as a professional author, I greatly admire McCaffrey’s talent for crafting a realistic setting and relatable characters, but as a kid I only knew she made Pern feel real and believable and set my imagination on fire.

Toi Thomas: You have a way with words, but as a writer, how could I expect less. You are so right about authors creating realistic worlds and people. I think that’s why I love fiction so much. I like the idea that something that’s not real can feel just the opposite. It can feel natural, real, and tangible.

Toi Thomas: In terms of interviews, whose brain are you just itching to scratch?


Juliann Troi: I would like to interview Mark Twain.  Having been born little more than a generation after the Revolutionary War and growing up in the South, Twain experienced the best and worst of young America. He saw her grow and fulfill some of her vast potential, then saw her mauled and broken by Civil War and, eventually, saw the tattered remains mended and stitched into a new, stronger nation that surged ahead during the Industrial Revolution. I would love to hear his thoughts and insights on all that he witnessed over the course of his life.

Toi Thomas: I must admit I have a love-hate relationship with Twain’s work. I think if I hadn’t been forced to read his work in high school I would have a greater appreciation for him, but in spite of that, it’s clear that he possessed a great talent and powerful insight into his times. I do actually quite enjoy the story of Huckleberry Fin now, but it has had to grow on me.

Toi Thomas: Now that we know a little more about you, the person, let’s learn about you, the author, and dive into your special message.

Juliann Troi: Okie doke.

Toi Thomas: So whacha got for me today?

Juliann Troi: I’ve got my latest release: Green Pearl, book 2 of The Dragonfly Saga.

Unaware that they’ve been betrayed, Ty and Kathryn enjoy a blissful honeymoon in Shaoguan. All at once, their peace is shattered by bitter jealousy and attempts on Kathryn’s life. The couple is forced to flee in a desperate attempt to stay a step ahead of General Cheng and the would-be assassins. After being discovered and fearing that Ty has been captured, or worse, Kathryn goes on without him. Alone and hunted, she must somehow find a way to get off the mainland alive and in time to stop her father from starting a war.

Toi Thomas: Wow, this synopsis screams drama and suspense and I like it.

Toi Thomas: So who’s starring is this 2 dimensional script read of The Dragonfly Saga?

Juliann Troi: Kathryn Hopewell is the pampered, Harvard educated daughter of a powerful American trade lord raised in China.  She is strong and smart but hindered by a society that forbids her to inherit her family’s trading company.  After being taken prisoner by the ruthless warlord, Cheng Jiong, Kathryn is broken and transformed as she faces and overcomes adversity.

Ty Wang, who saves Kathryn from Cheng Jiong at great cost, was being groomed to rule China when revolution toppled the empire. An American educated doctor, he risks everything to prevent his beloved homeland from being destroyed by warlords and foreign invaders.

Toi Thomas: I get the sense that this is a love story surrounded by a much bigger message; perhaps there are lessons to be learned concerning international trade and the makings of wars.

Toi Thomas: Tell me, what’s so special about this story that’s going to reel in the readers?

Juliann Troi: Attracted to the exotic mystery of Imperial China?  Relish forbidden love in the midst of revolution? Adore political intrigue and heroes/heroines overcoming impossible odds to survive only to be betrayed by someone close and trusted? Then you’ll love The Dragonfly Saga!

Toi Thomas: What a plug! If someone can answer yes to any, let alone, all of these questions, I do believe they are in for a treat.

Toi Thomas: Now back to you; past, present, future, is there a rhyme or reason to your writing?

Juliann Troi: I always have stories in progress, usually working on several at once. When one story isn’t flowing, I move on to another that is.  I guess I have a very fertile imagination because I don’t have to try very hard to generate a storyline and rarely suffer from writer’s block. Stories play like movies in my head and plot threads just seem to grow and develop as I research and work them.  If I need to capture mood or need an emotional nudge I’ll turn on a certain period/topic-related movie or listen to the soundtrack.

Toi Thomas: OH MY GOSH!…Are you inside my head? I’m seriously not playing around when I say this is exactly how my writing process works. I don’t even want to ask about outing and character development. I’ll save that conversation for another day.

Toi Thomas: Now I’m intrigued; what author(s) has most influenced your writing? Why or how?

Juliann Troi: I can’t say that any one author has influenced me more than another.  I feel like I get something from every book I read, whether it be something I would like to emulate or something I wish to avoid. I’m always growing and changing as an author, always evolving.

Toi Thomas: I like this answer and also share this sentiment. I can name specific ways I’ve been influenced by others in my writing, but I don’t know that just one writer has left an impression on me other that the one who got be interested in writing, but that is something for another day  as well.

Toi Thomas: Now this is where the questions get a little kooky; are you ready?

Juliann Troi: Yep.

Toi Thomas: If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?


Juliann Troi: That’s a hard one.  I love movies and to watch only one from now on would be like having only one window in the room and seeing the same view day after day.  If I could only choose one, I think I would choose Galaxy Quest to keep me smiling.

Toi Thomas: Nice! That’s definitely a good choice to keep the laughs coming.

Toi Thomas: When the soundtrack of your life is playing in your head, what songs express your glee and what songs bring out your rage?

Juliann Troi: I enjoy many different kinds of music from swing, to rock, to pop, to movie/game soundtracks.  Just about anything by Earth, Wind & Fire, Elton John or Hans Zimmer works. I’m NOT a fan of Elvis Presley’s ‘Blue Christmas’.  Like fingernails on a chalkboard, it makes me cringe.

Toi Thomas: I must say that I’m partial to Brenda Lee’s ‘Blue Christmas’ myself. I like that your musical interests are so varied. I like meeting music fans, whatever their preferred musical genre(s) may be.

Toi Thomas: Let’s play zombie urban survivor. What 3 things do you need to survive a black-out in Central Park the day zombies attack?

Juliann Troi: At the top of my ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ wish list would be a flashlight, plenty of fresh water and someone who knows how to kill zombies.

Toi Thomas: I hear that. I think I could do pretty well with survival skills, but killing Zombies may require a learning curve I might not be able to reach depending on whether they are the slow moving brain eater type or the super-fast eat any flesh that gets in their way type. 

Toi Thomas: Now, can you think; what’s the most fun experience you’ve ever had, to date?

Juliann Troi: Just about any time I get to spend with my young adult children is a fun experience for me.  They always make me laugh.

Toi Thomas: Classic answer. I don’t think enough people truly value the precious times they are able to spend with loved ones.

Toi Thomas: Now this is where the questions get a little philosophical and start to wind down. You ready?

Juliann Troi: Okie doke.

Toi Thomas: Not that you can see into the future, but in your opinion, what does the future hold?

Juliann Troi: Frankly, I have no idea what the future holds.  Today has more than enough to keep me busy and if I look too far ahead I start fretting and worrying, which is a waste of what could be productive time and is detrimental to my health. My plan is to continue writing books and enjoying success as an author. Maybe in five years I’ll have “internationally acclaimed, best-selling author” as part of my moniker.  Go big or go home, right?

Toi Thomas: You said it. I like your thinking. Keep it moving or get out of the way. 🙂

Toi Thomas: Before I conclude, is there a question you would like to ask me?

Juliann Troi: Q: What is your favorite part about being an author?  Your least favorite part?

Toi Thomas: A: I think I’m a lot like most authors when I say finishing that first draft is magically wonderful. Coming up with an idea is good, but being able to complete that and develop it into a story is great. It’s no secret, at least is shouldn’t be, but I do not like editing. It’s so hard to go back over my work force myself to add and remove things…oh and then there’s the grammar. Not my cup of tea, but part of the process.

Toi Thomas: Thank you so much Julian for spending time with me today.

Juliann Troi: Thanks for having me.  It’s been fun!

Okay readers, bloggers, geeks, and authors, that’s all for today. Be sure to follow this blog to see who will be visiting next time. For more fromJuliann Troi, check out these great links:

Website:Author Juliann


Purchase links for The Dragonfly Saga: Tate Publishing

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Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords


The Book of The Way Interview with author Tony W. Weaver

Greetings readers, bloggers, geeks, and authors and welcome to The ToiBox of Words. I’m your host Toi Thomas, author of Eternal Curse, and today I’m sharing a special interview with author, Tony W. Weaver, about his fiction book entitled, The Book of The Way. Enjoy!

image provided by author

Where did the idea for The Book of The Way come from?

In the song Counting Blue Cars, a child asks to “Tell me all you know about God, cause I’m on my way to see HER.” I began to think how things would or should have gone if the deity was female. How would things have been different, the relationships between male and female, and more specifically how the angels would have acted, along with the role of the devil?

How did the title of this book come about?

The Book of The Way is an artifact created by THE GODDESS as a kind of instruction manual and key to enormous power that was to be preserved by the angels until the arrival of a Redeemer. The Redeemer is to use The Book of The Way to reunite the different species (mortals, angels, Nephilim, and kindred) with THE GODDESS at the opening of HER heavenly city. Thus the title. The cover of the novel depicts the statue Psyche and Cupid, a male with wings embracing a mortal female in a passionate kiss.

What genre is this book and why did you choose to make it so?

I’m not sure if you would call it Religious Fiction, or perhaps just Fiction. The Book of The Way kind of falls into its own niche.

What would you say is the overall message or the theme of this book?

Life and death, good and evil, and the true meaning of love, along with those of power, corruption, and redemption. First and foremost I want those who read it to enjoy the story and to think about how the world should be in relation to how the world is.

Tell me about the experience of writing this book; how long did it take.

About five years of background research and two and a half years writing. During the research phase I visited and experienced many different religious practices and styles, all of this was combined with science and reasoning to create what I consider would be the perfect form of religion. In other words, I tried to tie up many loose ends that religious texts and stories tended to overlook throughout history.

Tell me about the main storyline within this book.

THE GODDESS creates our universe after entering the void, Angels are created to assist in various tasks, and to act as HER companions. Some revolt and are sent to the world to steward HER special project (mortals). These Angels fail at their assignment, and a Redeemer must arise to reconcile all living beings with THE GODDESS, and reopen the Heavenly City.

Who is the protagonist of this story?

The main characters of the story are Stephen Tower, and his pairbond (wife) Faith Tower. Stephen and Faith are still novices in their belief, but outside forces will propel them into a higher purpose than they could have ever dreamed of.

Who is the antagonist of this story?

The antagonist of the story is Vicar, a Nephilim, who steals The Book of The Way, discovers the secret to immortality and sees himself as the foretold Redeemer. Is he the Redeemer? All the signs point to it. Or is he merely deluded by his long life.

What is the major conflict in this story?

The Book of The Way has fallen into the Nephilim Vicar’s hands. Stephen Tower and his pairbond Faith must recover The Book before it is placed beyond the reach of mortals. Without retrieving The Book, THE GODDESS’ great plan of redemption will fail, and the universe will eventually fail and fade to darkness.

Where and when is this story taking place?

The story is set in the here and now, but it visits many locations throughout time. The Heavenly City, the Garden of Eden, a hidden island known as Thera (5000 years ago), modern Thera, and Las Vegas are just a few of the locales in the storyline.

Who is your favorite character in this book?

The cast of characters is large, and it’s hard to pick just one as a favorite, but Vicar is one of the most interesting, while he is a dark character, he also has much that is good about him.

Are there elements of your personality or life experiences in this book?

I think that finding answers to many unclear questions revolving around belief has been a personal goal I’ve had for a long time. The answers were out there, but they needed to be fused into a comprehensive story.

What is one thing from this book you wish was real or could happen to you?

What happens in The Church of The Way, stays in the Church of The Way. The Church of The Way has its own system of unique ceremonies and rituals, but I couldn’t tell you any detail without spoiling the story.

What is something you wish wasn’t real and hope doesn’t happen to you?

What happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas. Near the conclusion of the book, much of the action takes place in Las Vegas. I can’t explain further as it would spoil the plot twists.

Let’s say your book is being turned into a feature length film; quick- cast the main two characters and pick a theme song or score.

As Vicar, I would like to see Tom Hiddleston (he played Loki in Thor). He has the exact look and demeanor for the character of Vicar.

I think that Angelina Jolie would work as Faith Tower, but I developed the character of the Angel Tatiana after watching her in the first Tomb Raider film.

For Stephen Tower, I’m not sure whom I would cast.

The song She Moves in Mysterious Ways by U2 would be a nice overall theme.

Do you have any special plans for this book in the near or far future?

The sequel, Heavenly Beings (working title: Leviathan) has recently been finished, and is now in final editing. The story concerns what takes place after the conclusion of The Book of The Way.

Other plans for The Book of The Way is a revised version with a shorter prologue. Some readers have remarked that while the original prologue was too long, it was essential to the payoff at the end of the story. A few asked about condensing it, after some work I did shorten it, but I really don’t know if I should change the original form.


Okay readers, bloggers, geeks, and authors, that’s all for today. Be sure to follow this blog to see who will be visiting next time. To obtain your copy of The Book of The Way, please visit the link provided.

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Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords