Mira's Closet

Mira’s Closet: 3/24/14: Perception

MClosetMira’s no fashionista, but she definitely has her own sense of style…
And now here’s an update on just that.

First an observation: Well, I guess I dropped the ball a bit here. I was late to posting this update because I set my clock wrong. 🙁 In any case, here’s what I have to share. Perception: the very meaning of this word leaves open many possible interpretations. People don’t always see things, or observe things, mostly they perceive them. They see things the way they want to see them. Usually, when it comes to fashion, what you see is what you get, but not always. However, with writing and most other art forms, you can be as clear as you want to, but others may still perceive your work in their own special way.

Now here are some style tips/clips from


my own personal fashion guru, trainer, and my physical inspiration for Mira.

Daily Dish: Supporting Trinity (black & white)

I hope you enjoyed this. Also check out Tori’s new EBoutique: December 10.

For more on style and fashion check out:

Celebrity Trends at WhoWhatWear:

Fashion Medley: (content advisory)

A Beautiful Mess:

My Style Pinboard:

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

Mira's Closet

Mira’s Closet: 2/24/14: Versatility

MClosetMira’s no fashionista, but she definitely has her own sense of style…
And now here’s an update on just that.

First an observation: I’m constantly working to make myself a versatile writer, but I sometimes wonder if that means I need to be a versatile person. I like to think that I have many varied interests, but do I really…and when it comes to fashion do I play it safe or am I more daring? One thing I can say is that I’m not driven by labels. Labels are nice if they just happen to appear on something I like, but I wonder; if clothes really do make the person, then what does my wardrobe say about me? Who knows? That’s why I’m a writer not a fashionista. However, when I do want to look extra special, I at least know where I can go to receive guidance.

Now here are some style tips/clips from


my own personal fashion guru, trainer, and my physical inspiration for Mira.

(two ways to wear it)

I hope you enjoyed this. Also check out Tori’s new EBoutique: December 10.

For more on style and fashion check out:

Celebrity Trends at WhoWhatWear:

Fashion Medley: (content advisory)

A Beautiful Mess:

My Style Pinboard:

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords

EC: Giovanni's Angel Promotion

ToiBox Blog Weekly Recap 02/08/14

weeklyrecapCheck out my Recent Posts links to see what I was up to this week.


On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 I received my 1,000th Like for my posts on this site. This is small potatoes to some, but every little bit counts to me. I only wish I could have been free and focused to acknowledge it when it happened, but I can’t complain too much.

I started out the week with Sample Sunday 32- Eternal Curse: Giovanni’s Angel, chapter 5.1

On Monday, I posted my Top 5 music genres.

On Tuesday, I added to my character files the preferences for Bletsian.

On Wednesday, I posted my monthly contribution to the Insecure Writers Support Group where I introduced, “How do you woo?”

But of course that means I forgot about my WWW Wednesday post, until later that evening.

On Thursday, I posted a Tea and Conversation about eagles.

And yesterday, I posted a very special Friday Forecast.

-Today, I spend time with family. It’s where I need to be.

I hope you’ve enjoyed yourself this week and enjoy a very pleasant weekend.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like it let me know and share it with others. See you next time, Toi Thomas. #thetoiboxofwords